Sands of Fate: a Krokotopia Fanfiction

Chapter 3: Episode 2: Storms of darkest fury! inside the Sphinx of Storms

"The Storms can bring rain but also bring destruction, for the usurper he brings misery instead of relief"

Within the Sphinx of Storms, things were anything but peaceful for the kroks. the kroks here tried to fight back against the usurper Cyrus Stormweaver to honor their true pharaoh Ha'Ram Thundersong and it was disastrous for them. Crus show no mercy to the and to the leaders of the rebellion...he made the kroks watch as he gave the harshest punishment of all, death. From that day forth they didnt try to rebel anymore to avoid the wraith of Cyrus.

Within the Sphinx of Storms a new area was created for the human wizards and manders alike, it was called the Tempest Corridor. This place was a market for the wizards and manders to sell their goods, relax, and be entertained well. Kroks were forbidden to enter this area, even if they were curious they would be punished just looking hat direction.

However that wasnt the only place they were forbidden to enter, inside the grand arena where battle were held there which allowed human wizards and manders to watch. Kroks were strictly forbidden to enter the grand arena except for the ones fanning Cyrus. Although not all the manders supported the usurper, one mander did and his name was Tuto Ma. Tuto Ma despite the disagreement of his mander brothers was loyal to the pharaoh Cyrus Stormweaver.

Inside the Grand Arena, Tuto Ma was heading to the arena to prepare for his battles ahead. Tuto Ma saw Ako looked at him with disgust. Tuto Ma wanted to see why his fellow mander wasnt happy.

"Ako, why are you so hostile?" Ask, Tuto Ma. "Cyrus Stormweaver as brought us prosperity that we havent imagined, isnt that worth happiness?" Ako was disgusted for the thought of even saying that.

"I'm disgusted for you are doing the exact thing what the kroks did to us." Replied, Ako. "Yes what the kroks did to us was cruel, but i would never wish the amount of suffering they face under that usurper Cyrus Stormweaver has put them through. Ha'Ram Thundersong was the true pharaoh of the Sphinx of Storms, if he was here he would punish you heavily. For he would never treat the kroks with such cruelty." Tuto Ma Laughed.

"Don't be so foolish, Ako." Said, Tuto Ma. "The Kroks are getting their dose of karma that is justly coming to them, Ha'Ram Thundersong was too kind hearted to the kroks. After what the kroks done to us, you still think we should treat them with respect?" Ako looked him dead in the eye.

"Yes, for its the right thing to do." Replied, Ako. "Unlike you Tuto Ma, i have morals that see when someone is doing something wrong it should be challenged. Pity a traitor like you would gleefully watch the kroks suffer, but i guess your just like Cyrus have a heart that's cold as stone." Tuto Ma hiss as he went into the arena, he had no time for weak hearts like Ako.

Meanwhile in the Sphinx of Storms, one of the most feared men of Cyrus was the Ra'atash Tempestors. These warriors were ruthless when it came to punishment, if a krok disobeyed an order from a mander or wizard they would crush the krok without question and they would make the kroks watch. Things were quieter in the emperors stormy abode, Cyrus Stormweaver was relaxing in his chambers as he got the news from his advisers.

"So, how is the work coming along?" Asked, Cyrus.

"The building is coming along my pharaoh, however its going slow." Replied the Adviser. "We are almost done with the entertainment area in the Grand Arena, the kroks are-" a crack of lightning as Cyrus was furious.


"My pharaoh, the kroks are weak and tired and they havent had rest." Replied, the Adviser. "If they keep working like this they will perish, we have already lost four kroks so far." Cyrus laughed with a wicked and devilish grin.

"Do you honestly think i care about that, Abraxas?" Asked, Cyrus. "Do you realize how the manders suffered under the kroks rule, the kroks should be thankful i dont destroy them where they stand. Ignatius Flameheart handles the kroks in the Chamber of Flames with ease, they respected him greatly." Abraxas shivered heavily, for it was rumored out of all the three usurpers, Ignatius Flameheart had the worst temper and treatment of the kroks.

"I'll inform the Ra'atash Chain Masters to keep the pressure on the kroks." Said, Adviser Abraxas. "But my pharaoh they will need rest, the kroks are exhausted." one of Cyrus warriors came into the room. he was Iak'ma Ra'akhet.

"My Pharaoh, the building is complete as you wanted." Said Iak'ma. "It was easy thanks to the beautiful 'education' the kroks got from Ra'atash Voltari Chain Masters did the trick." Cyrus let out the most devilish laugh.

"Well done, Iak'ma" Said, Cyrus. "Once the kroks learn resistance is futile they will earn rest, give them their rations and be done with them...they should be thankful they are getting anything at all." the kroks fate were getting darker and darker each day.

Meanwhile in the kroks quarters, the mander Ako handed food to the kroks, he got this from another human wizards and a member of the order of the fang Tracy Frostdancer...he was the pain in the tail for Cyrus Stormweaver. The kroks were so thankful, they shared the food well, the kroks were able to feed their wives and children. Ako secretly did this so he didnt get caught. Outside the Sphinx of Storms, Ako met with Tracy Frostdancer.

"I was able to deliever the food as you requested, Tracy." Said, Ako. "The kroks ate well, their families are sleeping soundly." Tracy smiled but he wasnt satisfied.

"Good work, Ako." Replied, Tracy. "But our work is far from done, these usurpers must be dealt with before the kroks can get their freedom." Ako looked around.

"Where is Julia Icestone?" Asked, Ako.

"She's in her secret chambers in the Pyramid of Life." Replied, Tracy. "She took Shalek the Wise there to discuss their next move. dont worry, only julia knows of this area and the usurpers cant enter" Ako looked up at the sky as the sun was setting.

Meanwhile in the secret chamber in the Pyramid of Life, Julia icestone was speaking with Shalek the Wise, the magic kept the area sound proof. Julia being hot headed was an understatement.

"Are you serious, Shalek?!" Shouted, Julia. "Using the Krokonomicon to cause the great sleep, it will put us in slumber as well." Shalek looked up.

"I understand julia, but its for a last resort." Replied, Shalek. "We will still monitor things within the Sphinx of Storms and the Pyramid of Life...if things dont improve, i fear we may have no other choice." Julia sighed heavily. although she didnt want to admit that shalek was right.

As night descended on the sands of krokotopia the feeling was becoming more real, history was repeating it was the kroks suffering under th

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