Chapter 5: Episode 4: meeting of usurpers and the last resort! The Order of the fang induces the great sleep...but history repeats itself
"When evil tried to take over, sometimes the good must make sacrifices, yet history has a cruel way of repeating itself"
In the Chamber of Flames, in the Temple of Fire, Pharaoh Ignatius Flame heart was in his throne room. He invited the two other pharaohs, Cedric Emberbloom of the Pyramid of Life and Cyrus Stormweaver of the Sphinx of Storms. They were sitting in the respected throne, discussing matters of their domains.
"My fellow fellow pharaohs, im glade your here." Said, Ignatius. "As you know out rule has be prosperous, however there has been a certain throne in our side. The Order of the Fang is back at their meddling, the silent wind was able to free my kroks and get them to safety. I say we crush them once and for all, so do we all agree?" Cedric was the first to respond.
"Relax Ignatius, we will handle them in do time." Replied, Cedric. "We need not worry about that pathetic fools in the order of the fang, they are weaker now that those blasted weakling rulers are out the way. Besides let us focus on expanding our reach, do you know the many worlds that are beyond Krokotopia? Imagine, we restoring the world of dragonspyre in our image." Cyrus looked up.
"You are indeed right, Cedric." Said, Cyrus. "Were in control now, nothing can stop us. The Order of the Fang are weak now, they dont have the magic to stop us. However we should be cautious, for those blasted kroks can be tricky when it comes to plans...I should know, for i feel that someone has been watching us this whole time." Ignatius looked up.
"Guards, scout the area now!" Shouted, Ignatius. "Bring the intruder back to me alive, now go!" the Sekhmet Crown Defenders left the area.
Meanwhile back at the hideout of the order of the fang, Krokam a young krok reported to the members. Shalek the wise knew that it was time as he looked a Julia Icestone.
"Julia, I'm afraid we must use the Krokonomicon...we have no other choice." Said, Shalek.
"I guess this is it then, Shalek." Replied, Julia. "The Krokonomicon will put most of our members to sleep, including the manders...however the freed kroks will be unaffected." Tracy Frostcaller looked at Julia.
"We have no other choice, Julia." Said, Tracy. "Although i dont like the prospect of using the magic in that book, we cant allow the three usurpers to leave this place." General Khaba, Khai Amahte, and Alhazred were in agreement.
"Julia if you would be so kind, get the krokonomicon." Said, Alhazered.
"I have the book here, Alhazered." Replied, Julia. "Plus, the usurpers are back in their respected domains, maybe...this will give the suffering kroks the freedom they deserve." the ritual began.
A whirlwind of magic swept through krokotopia as the great sleep took hold, from the Pyramid of Life to the Chamber of Flames and to the Sphinx of Storms...the magic was powerful. the usurpers armies were put into a great sleep, as well as the usurpers themselves as well as their supporters. the night was quiet as the winds blew gently across the sands.
The next morning, the kroks that were in bondage were free. For the first time in their lives, the kroks realized how awful they treated the manders. They looked around feeling lost, humbled, and afraid.
"Is this how we treated the manders?" Asked, a Krok.
"Yes, we did...and we were so horrible." Replied, another krok. "We finally see the error of our ways...the order of the fang was trying to tell us this. How could we be this foolish." the bitter taste of truth was very hard to swallow.
As the new morning rises, peace and order has finally returned to Krokotopia. However as all things life, they never stay the same. History has a cruel way of repeating itself, and it all started with Marylebone.
-few months later-
Several Marlyeboneian archeologist went to Krokotopia to explore, but what they didnt realize that this was their biggest mistake. Dr. Thorne or Thorne G. Retriever a well renowned researcher of the wizard pharaohs, was inside the pyramid of life. They were in the tomb of the pharaoh they believed, Throne was with his men.
"This is remarkable, my friends." Said, Thorne. "Come lets get some rubbings on this tomb everyone, we might uncover secrets of the Pyramid of Life." one of the kroks look horrified.
"No, dont do'll awaken the Pharaohs and curse us all!" Shouted, the krok.
But it was too late, Throne touched the tomb and the life magic lifted into the air. From the Pyramid of Life, the Sphinx of Storms, and the Chamber of Flames. the usuerpers were awaken again, and this time they were furious.
"Ugh, who dares enter my throne room?!" Shouted, Cedric. "Guards, get rid of these intruders at once!" Cedric Emberbloom men the Ankhtef Shepsu went into action.
"The kroks dare to relax?!" Question, Cyrus. "Guards, pummel those blasted kroks into submission. Bring me the order of the fang alive!" The Ra'atash Tempestors followed orders without question.
"That blasted order of the fang!" Shouted, Ignatius. "The kroks will pay for siding with them, guards crush those who did and bring me the kroconomicon now!" The Sekhment Enforcers were about to unleash devestating punishment.
Meanwhile hidden from the shadows, the order of the fang watch. To say Julia Icestone was furious was an understatment.
"THOSE BLASTED MARLEYBONEIANS!" Shouted, Julia. "All that work we did to make sure the kroks-" Shalek the wise calmed her down.
"At ease, Julia." Said, Shalek. "Anger will not solve are problems, we must be cautious now. The three usurpers will most likely will be searching for us now. Although we are secretive, we do need allies in this hour of need." Julia was still angry, but for once she cooled down knowing he was right.
Like history cruel hand, it repeats itself so well. This time around the stakes are much higher for both sides, however even when darkness comes the light follows. What will become of the kroks of Krokotopia...perhaps the sands of time will show us more soon.