Chapter 8: Expansion of The Foundation - Security & Researchers
(A/N: I'm not dead! Just had to write some midterms and a paper for my university course. Still pretty busy, so uploads will probably be 1-2 a week, instead of 2-3 that I had been doing... This chapter is over 2700+ words, so I hope you enjoy it!)
{Day 4 - January 17th, 2010 - Foundation Field Agents}
Walking the streets of Lunenburg, the two Foundation Field Agents scoured the city for opportunities. The break of dawn brought the town to life, as residents began their errands. The subtle scraping of wheels against asphalt creating rhythmic heartbeat of the day.
This revival of the town gave the Field Agents an abundance of information. Like ghosts, they slipped in and out of various crowds in the town, observing the different activities. Security guards at local malls, graduates studying in various shops, and the occasional beggar on the corner.
All of this gave them enough knowledge of the community to begin selections for recruitment. Splitting up, the two Field Agents began to make their way to various parts of the community to offer positions- disguised as mundane occupations.
One such Field Agent strolled to a nearby RV park on the east side of town. Observing the small RV park, a few families could be seen going about their days; hanging clothes, talking to neighbors, and a few relaxing in the shade of their vehicles.
Spotting one man in particular, the Field Agent would walk up to them. "Good morning!," he greets. "I'm looking for individuals who may be in need of work, and am wondering if you would be interested?"
The man, who was sitting in a worn-down lawn chair, slowly stands up and scans the Field Agents' apparel. "What kinda' work?"
"Well," the Field Agent adjusts his posture. "Most work would be custodial at a company that does biological and chemical research... Medicine, various treatments, and a few other things. Of course, you may need to sign an NDA, but the pay more than makes up for it."
"Sounds like a fine job... NDA would be no issue, but what's the catch?" The man asks, a skeptical look visible across his face. "Going around and recruiting in-person... Awfully strange at a glance."
The Field Agent sighs lightly, "Yes, there is a small catch. You need to stay inside the building for thirty days at a time, then you can choose to renew the contract, or leave. Protocols for security, you see."
The man remains silent for a few moments, before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it."
"Wonderful!" The Field Agent exclaims, a broad smile on their face. Taking out a card from their pocket, they hand it to the man. "My number is on the card. When you're ready for work, just give it a call and we'll set up the paperwork and come pick you up."
[ ]
{ Day 5 - January 8th, 2010 - Foundation, The Administrator }
Clacking away on a keyboard, The Administrator was sitting behind the desk of his office, looking at various documents and reports of progress across the Site. Development of more powerful S.R.A.'s were ongoing, and expected to be completed by the end of the month. Recruitment remained steady as the Field Agents continued to scour the community for ideal candidates as personnel.
A sudden popup flashed on the central monitor, painting the desk in a dim crimson glow. Glancing at the central screen, a document labelled as Redacted was present, boxes for a username and password taking up the centre of the popup.
Inputting his clearance codes, the document would briefly fade as a new popup replaced it. The crimson glow replaced by a dull white page in black text, the logo of The Foundation in the top corner.
"Project Mímir ..." he mumbles aloud, reading the title.
Scouring the pages in the document, he would begin tapping his fingers rhythmically as he pondered the information. "Development of artificial amnestics... Reduced efficiency of the original Class-A Amnestics, but higher production.... Personnel testing..."
Reaching the end of the document, The Administrator would begin to clack away at the keyboard, before the document disappeared in a momentary flash of green from a text reading 'Granted'. Finishing this, The Administrator would continue reviewing the various reports from the previous week.
As the Administrator was reviewing the last of the reports, the door to the office would creak open. One of the Security Officers entering with papers in hand.
"Administrator, the Field Agents have returned. A few new candidates for personnel are with them... What do you want us to do?" The Security Officer would ask, revealing the papers consisting of background checks and photos of the candidates.
"Let them in, have Senior Researcher Ramirez interview the research candidates... Give the Security Recruits clearance-level zero, leave them to the charge of the other Security Officers." The Administrator says, handing out the orders.
"As for the Class-D candidates... Send them to the humanoid containment for now."
"Yes, Administrator". With a brief salute, the Security Officer would exit the office, moving to carry out the task.
Returning behind the desk, the Administrator would sit down to continue reviewing the final document. 'Finally, the Foundation is expanding.' He thinks to himself, as a light smile stretches across his face.
[ ]
{ Day 5 - January 8th, 2010 - Foundation Personnel }
Various footsteps echo through the corridors, a flurry of activity as the new personnel enter the facility, with two Security Officers guiding the group through the Site, waving personnel out of the path for the group.
Stopping before the entry into the Light Containment Zone, one of the Security Officers turns to face the group, as the second walks towards the keycard scanner beside the gate.
"Welcome, personnel candidates," The Security Officer announces over the group. "As you all know, you met a few of our recruiters for a job opportunity at our research labs- and although it was odd getting in here, through the warehouse and hatch, it is all for security."
He nods towards the second Security Officer, who then slides a keycard through the scanner. The gate behind him slowly groans open, the usual strain of hydraulics pulling and pushing the gate open echoing through the corridor.
"This group will split into three sections: Security, Research, and Janitorial slash Maintenance. Those of you with Security will continue to follow me. Janitorial will follow my colleague over there," He points towards the second Security Officer standing near the keycard scanner. "And the Research candidates will-"
"- Be coming with me." A new voice announces itself behind the Security Officer. An older man from his gradually receding hairline, and greying hairs steps through the opened gate. "I am Doctor Ramirez. You may call me Doctor, or Senior Researcher."
He walks to the front of the candidate group, giving a warm smile to ease the tension. "I understand it may be stressful being here, but rest assured, there will be just a few examinations and an interview before getting a position here."
"Now, we will begin splitting into the sections. Those of you who are here for Research positions, please follow me." Doctor Ramirez announces, before turning away in a brisk pace into the LCZ.
For a few moments, no one in the candidate group made a move. Watching Doctor Ramirez slowly putting distance with the group sparked some action, five of the candidates began to follow behind.
"Now then," The Security Officer says, catching the attention of the remaining group. "Those who are janitorial, follow my colleague. Those who are here for positions in Security, come along."
With the final announcement, the remaining candidates begin to split off into their sections. Three follow behind the first Security Officer for their candidacy in Security, as the rest begin to follow the Second Security Officer for "Janitorial" duties.
[ ]
{ Day 5 - January 8th, 2010 - Foundation Personnel - Research }
Doctor Ramirez continued to stroll through the Light Containment Zone, before abruptly turning to enter a storage room. 'Storage Room' was putting it lightly, as various Researchers moved about, placing chairs for the candidates, and filing away documents on SCP-002.
Turning around, he would observe the candidates as they took in the atmosphere of the room, before announcing to the group. "Please take a seat, this will be a group interview. Background checks came back clear, and further review will be on the job."
With the announcement from Doctor Ramirez, the five candidates begin to choose their seats, and face towards a blackboard with various documents stuck to its surface.
"Welcome, everyone." Doctor Ramirez says to the now-crowded seats. "I imagine it has been a confusing and difficult journey to find yourself here."
The candidates would nod along, silent murmurs among them.
"Being scouted by people you don't know, for a position that was only vaguely described... I can imagine you have quite a number of questions: why you're here, where this is, why you were specifically chosen to be here. I can only answer a few of those questions." Doctor Ramirez speaks to the five candidates, glancing at each of them as he continues.
"You are here as candidates for The Foundation," An emphasis on the name makes the candidates nervous, as Doctor Ramirez walks to a nearby cabinet, taking out a file. "We operate worldwide and under clandestine conditions, existing outside the jurisdiction of any conventional government, and tasked with the containment of anomalous entities, items, and phenomenon."
"I can imagine this sounds crazy to some of you... And if so, that means we're succeeding at remaining clandestine," Doctor Ramirez says with a light chuckle. "for this mission we have of containing anomalies, we maintain an extensive database of information to perform our duties through Special Containment Procedures, commonly referred to as 'SCPs'."
"Our 'mission' as I've called it, is three parts;" Doctor Ramirez hands out a single file, the logo of The Foundation plastered on the top of the page, and the bolded words 'Clearance Level 0' below it. "Secure; We secure anomalies to prevent a disruption of normalcy, or falling into the hands of civilian and rival organisations through observation, and acting to intercept anomalies as soon as they are discovered."
"Contain; We contain the anomalies to ensure that its influence on the environment and society are minimal. Either through dismantling, suppressing of information, or relocation to a secured facility." Doctor Ramirez looks through the crowd of candidates, searching for the ones that are paying attention with sincerity.
"And lastly, Protect; we protect humanity and the anomalies until they are understood or new avenues of science can be produced surrounding their behaviour and unique properties." Doctor Ramirez returns to the front of the candidates, nodding towards a nearby Researcher who exits the room.
"Additional information will be provided should you choose to join our ranks in The Foundation. If not, you can leave now... It will not be held against you, and you will follow the Researcher outside to sign various NDAs before leaving the facility." He gives the five candidates the options, and waits.
Two of the five candidates stand up and exit the room, scoffing with murmurs of 'insanity' under their breaths. A few minutes go by, until Doctor Ramirez speaks up again, a smile on his face as he does so.
"Welcome to The Foundation, Junior Researchers." He says to the three remaining candidates. "Come with me, and we can begin the rest of your assessment, and providing you with your initial clearance levels... You will start at Clearance Level One, but I'm sure you will go above that in due time."
[ ]
{ Day 5 - January 8th, 2010 - Foundation Personnel - Security }
Passing Doctor Ramirez as he leads five of the candidates into the makeshift 'examination room', the Security Officer takes three of the candidates further into the Light Containment Zone. Passing the Inanimate Sector, the group goes around a corner at the end of the corridor, coming to face a bulkhead, two meters in width of a copper-tinted metal.
Stopping in front of it, the Security Officer turns to face the group.
"Behind this bulkhead is the Light Security Sector. Here we will test your athleticism, attention span, and your introduction into The Foundation." The Security Officer says to the group, before opening the bulkhead with his keycard.
Entering into the Light Security Sector, the group looks around at the various training equipment, a distant enclosed firing range, and a small meeting room visible through a thick plane of glass. Four individuals in the corner were lifting weights and jabbing at a punching-bag, their gasmasks obscuring their features and giving their grunts and murmurs a muffled feature. The letters "MTF" etched onto their uniforms sparks some curiousity from the candidates.
"Here," The Security Officer begins, bringing the candidates' focus back. "Is where your evaluation will be held.... Each of you get on a treadmill and start running."
Standing in brief confusion, the three candidates walk to a number of the treadmills, getting on and begin to run. The Security Officer watches from the sideline, correcting their forms as they continue. "Straighten your back- lean forward a bit- look forward- relax your shoulders-."
Each correction made the candidates run faster, and steady their breathing. The previous overextension in their poor forms being corrected by the patient but stern Security Officer.
Ten minutes of running, the Security Officer ends their cardio assessment with gradually turning down the speed and power on the treadmills. The exhausted trio of candidates step off, and try to sit down.
"Don't sit." The Security Officer barks. "Hands behind your heads, take deep breaths and walk. Regain your breath."
The trio follow the instructions, and begin pacing around the Security Officer.
"Why-" One of the candidates begins, still out of breath. "-Why are we doing this? We're becoming Security Guards!"
"Understandable why you might be confused for this sort of evaluation," The Security Officer says, acknowledging the candidate's concern. "It's because everyone at this site needs to have a minimum standard of physique. Unique situations occur from time to time, and you need to be capable of responding to it."
"Now!" The Security Officer claps his hands together, grounding the candidates to his words. "We'll move on to attention span. Follow me into the meeting room, and we'll continue the evaluation from here."
Crossing the room and passing the MTF, the Security Officer leads them into the meeting room, waving for them to grab a seat. Upon the candidates being seated, the Security Officer hands out sheets of paper with blank spaces, and a short ballpoint pen attached to the paper.
"On the screen we will have a number of images that will last no longer than ten seconds. You will then write down in each of the blank spaces on what you noticed... Once completed, leave them in front of you. I will collect and review them." He says, as a large screen on the wall ahead of them turns on, illuminating the room in a dull white glow.
The images begin to flash across the screen. The first of a corridor, the vague shape of a head turning a corner to face the POV, and deep clawed marks across an adjacent wall. Two figures in orange jumpsuits with 'Class-D' embedded on the backs face away from the POV.
The image disappears, and is replaced by an open street in a suburban community. Cars remain parked along the sides, with a figure in a nearby window. A street-light in the distance with a vaguely warped shape.
The third and final image replaces the previous, an image of a book encased in a glass container, scorch marks across the floor, and a dull copper-colour staining the grey concrete floor.
The screen flickers off, as the Security Officer strolls to the front of the room. "You can now begin to fill in the paper. You have five minutes to write as much as you can recall."
Exiting the room, the Security Officer waits.
Five minutes pass, and the Security Officer enters back into the room. Glancing at the candidates, each of them notices his entry, and finish their answers. Collecting them, he briefly reads the answers of the candidates, nodding alone as he does so.
"Well, it all checks out... Answers were acceptable, very good."
Walking towards the door, he opens it to reveal one of the MTF operatives carrying a small box. "This box contains your uniforms. A general size for someone who is 183 centimetres tall. If you need it larger or smaller, corrections will be made at your first shift... Your duty briefing will be tomorrow at 06:00."
With the box open in the room, he looks back and nods. "Welcome to The Foundation, Security Officers."