Chapter 7: Beauty or Beast
Just as Ray was about to leave the girl suddenly moved her head towards him and said in a ethereal tone
"Who's there?"
'Is this nightmare based on a horor story? Why every turn I take is so scary' Ray cursed inwardly
"It's me didn't you see me " said Ray in an intimidating voice
"lord!" Servant girl exclaimed
Instead of an answer Ray replied with a question
"What are u doing here in the dark without a source of light "
"Light, My lord you may not know this but light is something I don't have all I have is darkness"
"What do u mean?" asked Ray curiously
"My lord I'm blind"
"Still why are you cleaning the yard at this time of the night"
"I thought it was early morning and I didn't want to disturb other servants so I came early to do work since I was given rest due to your grace" explained the blind girl
"Go to your quaters being out at this time makes you suspicious but I'll ignore it because of yesterday" said Ray in a authoritative tone
The girl went to her quaters like a sheep following order by the shepherd
After making sure the girl was gone Ray sighed with relief he felt erie and on edge in her presence
'It was not like this in our previous meeting'
Ray thought to himself even her ethereal voice seemed scary in the darkness
'Why was so mesmerized by moonlight though ' thinking this Ray looked up and was amazed and intrigued by the moon and it's beauty.
Remembering why he was here ray came back to his senses and made his way to store room and came back
Waking up to a lot of noise Ray looked beside himself a machete, knife ,wood was kept then he looked towards the door from where the noise was coming
'A man can't even sleep huh!' making his way towards the commotion with a knife in his hand he arrived there the sight infront him left him sick to his stomach
Infront of him was a corpse of a lifeless man half eaten it was none other than Raizen
Looking at his lightless eyes Ray sat down and closed Raizen's eyes. Getting up Ray looked around seeing all the scared and weeping servants looking at him with a suprise and sense of hope
he ordered everyone
"Get yourself together, burn his corpse quietly make sure all the rituals are done"
Even if it was possible everyone here was not alive Ray's conscience wouldn't allow it
He wanted to do something good before dying even if it was futile
"Tell everyone in the village it was a accident not a murder, increase the security around the village walls and ready 5 horses and 4 men no not men 4 warriors"
Everyone looked at Ray with suprise did their master change after getting some responsibility
Looking at their suprised and confused faces ray asked "Any questions? "
A young servant asked hesitantly
"why the knife my lord"
"Self defense " Ray replied with a sarcastic smile
After making sure their was no breach in wall Ray went to survey the path that his brother took and what he met was something expected the road was blocked by a landslide
"Is there any other way to contact other villages"Ray asked his men
Just as Ray expected he was met with
"No my lord"
"Let's go back"
Making his way back into the village Ray could practically smell the tension in the air
Well what could they do their dependable leader were gone , a person of their village died, they had shortage of water and most of all there was no way of contacting outside world it was not their fault that they were scared
In such a tense atmosphere while everyone was on edge fight was deemed to start and it did there was a conflict on water since the well had no pulley it was really hard to pull out water and make the matter worse water was situated really deep
Just as the situation was going to worsen ray arrived to stop the fight everyone was shocked by his appearance all except but the one fighting it was a large man holding collar of a boy hardly in his teen
He growled at Ray " so what does our majesty want? More water to waste.?
"Leave the boy" ray replied calmly
"Why he stole my turn his turn was supposed to be Tommorow" the man growled
"My mother's my mother she's not well she hasn't drank water for 4 days she'll die I begged everyone to trade their turn with mine but none did so I resorted to theft please u may kill me but save her I beg you my lord I beg you " the young boy explained his situation while sobbing
With a cold indifference Ray said
"let him go"
The large man let the child go
" I'm leaving him but I still won't give my wate you royals won't understand our commonfolks problems"
Moving past them Ray went towards the well and took out a wooden circle with a hole at centre and a uniform rigde at its circumference it was a wooden pulley which ray had spent the whole night making
Ray fixed the pulley above the well and called the boy and asked him to take out water
To everyone's suprise where it took a man around 10-15 mins to pull out water bucket
The boy did it in under 5min
"Your problem wasn't shortage of water it was not getting enough time to take it out I hope now you'll be able to have more time"
Ray said to the villagers
Everyone's face was lit up with a smile and a genuine happiness just as they were about celebrate a voice came from afar
"he's the murder"
It was none other than blind girl .
The large man asked "what do you mean"
"He's the one responsible for murders happening here he's the one because whom misfortune has befallen us all "
"He has fallen to the temptation of curse how else would someone like him would be able to make something like that more than that I think he's trying to call the underground creature by the sound the wooden circle makes he even killed mister raizen because he scolded him yesterday "
Just as Ray was about to respond he was caught from behind it was none other than the young boy ray looked around for help but he was met with cold ruthless eyes
Ray was tied up and was to be executed infront of while Village
Seeing this hopeless situation Ray started to laugh
"it's you isn't you I know now what you have been trying to do to me"
None responded to him the executioner readied his axe
Ray closed his eyes and shouted
"You want to break my will"
Ray opened his eyes everyone was still infront of him standing like lifeless corpses
Then the blind girl came out of the crowd clapping her hands and said in her ethereal
"So you figured out this is a first"
"That I did but tell me just like all of them you lied about your eyes as well right I know u knew my action" Ray asked
"Oh I knew what you were upto but not by eyes I have other ways and yeah I am blind so what.?"
Saying this she opened here eyelids
What Ray saw made his heart shudder because their was nothing there no eyeballs not even a eye socket all Ray could see was darkness
''So you really are a beast huh'' ray said dejectedly