Shifting Moon

Chapter 49: First Time at the Beach And Second Meeting.


(Thomas POV)


 The next morning, I woke up much later than usual to a surprising brightness at my window. It being my off day from working out, I usually let myself sleep until I woke naturally. For the most part, I was still up before the sun, but today was a rare exception, it seemed. I wondered if I needed more sleep due to my shifting or if it was my conversation with Edythe.


 I got dressed and went downstairs to find Bella awake and apparently in a very good mood.


 "Morning Thomas. Did you see that the sun is actually out? It was so bright it woke me up, so I decided to make breakfast early. I can't wait to get to the beach today. I hope the clouds stay away until we get home."


 This was a rare side of Bella, she was talking in rapid fire short sentences and couldn't keep her eyes away from the window. I had only seen her like this the first couple of days after school was out for the summer. I decided it had to be because she missed the sun so much since moving here to Forks.


 In no time, we were driving to the parking lot of Newton Outfitters to meet up with the group and head to First Beach. As Bella pulled in, we saw Mike standing next to his car and parked nearby was Lee in what I soon found out was his mother's minivan. After everyone gathered together, the seating separation was 4 into Mike's car, not counting him (Jessica was quick to declare shotgun). 6 plus Lee in his mother's minivan and that left one out to sit between me and Bella. Lauren was about to call dibs, when Bella asked Angela directly if she wanted to ride with us. I wasn't too sure if Bella caught the look of daggers Lauren was sending her and Angela or not, but didn't bother pointing it out either.


 Mike assured Bella he wouldn't go too fast so her truck could keep up. Bella in turn thanked him but told him not to waste time and get to the beach so everyone could soak in as much sun as possible. Not like she would get lost driving a few miles on her own. I was sure I saw some happy looks from his passengers, especially Jesica. We took the risk of rolling down the ancient windows in the truck and enjoyed the slow drive on a sunny day. About the time La Push Road turned into Ocean Drive, I caught the first glimpse of the sea, and it was more than I expected. The salt in the air made my nose wrinkle at first, but I soon got used to it and actually started to enjoy the smell.


 I had tuned Bella and Angela out when they started to discuss the pros and cons of the boys in school. I knew bringing up Ben would be a bad idea just yet, so I just took in the surroundings. As we got closer, I could make out the crescent shape of the beach, the water was a dark grey and went on as far as I could see. The terrain was very rocky, with more than a few cliffs. It looked impressive. 


 When Bella pulled up next to Lee's minivan, I got out and started to look around like a tourist. The group was on the beach, someone had even managed to bring a surfboard. Jessica was walking back from a small building in a wetsuit. I wasn't surprised it was her that wanted to go surfing, she was a very sport-oriented girl and very competitive to boot. As we walked up, I heard Mike talking about people going to collect firewood so they could build a big bonfire to hold off the chill. I volunteered for that, as I wanted to explore anyway.


 Lauren quickly offered to join me to point out what wood was usable and what wasn't, because everyone knew I had never been to the beach before. I would have been more enthusiastic if she hadn't spoken in such an insulting tone, but I still didn't stop her from going with me.


 After walking for a while, Lauren pointed and spoke, "We could look over there, no one from the group can see us. So... We could wait there and do whatever, until the others find enough wood for the fire. That way we could enjoy ourselves and not have to work at picking up wood. Unless you want to show me some anyway."


 {This girl is about as subtle as Bella's truck.} I had zero interest in any alone time with this teen pregnancy, just looking for a person to land on. {Time to play dumb}


 "I doubt there would be much wood in that area, let's look over here. If we collect too much, we can just leave it for the next people. I am sure it's better to get the wood above the shoreline to dry out anyway."


 Then I intentionally dragged her through the roughest patch of rocky terrain I could so she couldn't walk next to me too often. She kept accidentally bumping her hand into mine as we walked. Soon I didn't have to worry about it as my arms were full of firewood, Lauren was even carrying a piece in one of her hands as we headed back to the group. 


 When we got to where the fire pit was, I placed my armful off to the side and separated out the dry and wet wood. I figured if we left the wet wood close to the fire it would get dry enough to be used if we were there long enough to need it. After I finished, I moved next to Bella who was sitting on a large bit of driftwood that looked like it had been placed here on purpose for seating, just close enough to the fire to be comfortable but not burnt. 


Mike was telling Bella about the salt in the wood making the flames of the campfire different colors. So far as I could remember, this was the first time Bella had actually seen a campfire in person, so the subtlety was probably lost on her. It didn't take much effort to tune them out.


 I sat there and just looked at the sky and the Ocean taking it all in. The Pelicans floating on the short waves, with the seagulls and an eagle floating overhead. After a few minutes of inane chatter from the group, I was feeling restless, so I stood up and walked to the edge of the water and just focused my eyes and thoughts forward. Looking at just how big the Ocean actually was and letting the crashing waves block the voices from the group.


 After a while, I had turned my gaze on a small island that was just north of where I was and thought to myself, {It would be easy to swim to it and look around one day if I wanted to.} Not much time after that thought, I as much felt, as heard someone walking up beside me. The lack of overwhelming perfume stench told me it wasn't Lauren. That alone made me smile a bit, her voice was starting to grate on me.


 "We called that Island A-ka-lat, in the old language. It means 'Top of The Rock'." The short laugh that followed had a tinge of ridicule in it.


 I turned to look at who had spoken, and my eyes widened. She stood about 5ft 10 and had long sleek black hair and the most perfect copper skin tone. Her almond-shaped eyes were a soft mix of brown with specks of grey, framed by eyelashes the girls in Phoenix paid to get glued on. I recognized her from the day on the cliffs in the forest. Though at that time I didn't get close enough to take note of her beauty. 


 "Well, it's... Descriptive at least. What do you call it now?"


 She pulled her face into a sneer, "James Island. And that small one next to it is called Little James Island on American maps."


 "Hmm, think I prefer A-Ka-Lot."


 "A-ka-lat." She corrected.


 "My name is Thomas," I said as I offered my hand to her.


 She shook my hand with no hesitation, her grip firmer than I expected. "I'm Leah. Leah Clearwater."


 The name was familiar, "Clearwater? As in Harry Clearwater?"


 "You know my father?"


 "Well, know of at least. I know he makes the best fish fry batter I have ever tasted. He gave some to my uncle and it was great. Thank him for me if you think of it."


 "I will. So, why are you standing out here instead of sitting with the group?"


 "Well, I don't much like crowds. They make me uncomfortable. So, I wanted to get closer to the Ocean, it makes me feel small. Or like there is more room around me, I guess. It just feels peaceful." I was having trouble explaining the way it felt to myself, much less to someone else.


 I glanced over my shoulder at the group I came with and saw a smaller group walking up to them. This group had some familiar faces in it, Jacob, Sam and a couple of other boys I didn't know.


 "FUCK, I can't even escape him here. I can't wait to leave this shit hole town and its shit people. Nice meeting you again, Thomas, sorry I was a bitch last time we met. Bye." Leah walked away quickly, her back ramrod straight and making an obvious effort to not look at the incoming group of Quileute's.


 I returned my eyes to the small island, thinking about Leah. I had a pretty good idea she was Sam's ex, it would explain the anger that radiated off her like heat. A few moments later I heard the heavy tread that was easily recognized as Sam.


 "Hey Thomas."


 "Hey Sam. How's it going?"


 "Jared shifted last night, so I am no longer a pack of one. It was a bit weird though. I heard and saw him as soon as we were both wolves. Talking wasn't nearly as hard as it is with you."


 I just nodded at what he said, still looking at the small island.


 "The village used to be on that island. It was out far enough for protection and still close enough to make hunting possible. Now it is a place we spread the ashes of our chiefs and elders. We consider it a place of great spiritual power to this day."


 I nodded my head, "A-ka-lat, according to Leah."


 Sam sighed sadly, "Yeah, I saw her over here. She is still angry, and I can't blame her."


 We both lapsed into silence and just looked out over the Ocean. 





 This beach trip is the reason I had to take a week to re-write this chapter and a significant portion of what comes after. I initially had a fight happen between Paul Lahote and Thomas that was instigated by Lauren. This would create a break between Thomas and the Tribe. I didn't like the corner this put me in, so I decided to just have a slight separation between Thomas and the Tribe instead of a total breakdown for now. Hope you understand and enjoy the new (To me) route taken.

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