Chapter 50: Cracks
I know, I'm running late. Put the pitchforks down. Work is kicking me around at the worst possible time. Enjoy todays release.
Sam and I stood in silence for a good 5 minutes, each lost in our own thoughts. Sam spoke, breaking the silence.
"The council is still deliberating on your situation. They were shocked that you are not a Wolf warrior but a Bengal Tiger instead. Something like this has never been known or even thought possible."
I sighed at the tone of his voice, "How many want to brand me a danger? Or am I to be labeled as a mutation of the true blood?"
"How did you... Did someone tell you?"
I looked at Sam, "No, it was a guess from the caution in your tone. Old people like things that are the same, new is not comfortable to them. Only the known is safe, if they don't know me, there is a large chance they will fear me."
"No one thinks of you as a danger to the tribe. But, well, you are right that we... they are cautious. There are also the rumors that you are close with the Cullens. Some elders find it strange that one of our blood can stand to be so near them. Even in this form their smell is... Unpleasant to me."
I looked at Sam a little closer, he was acting a bit different. His friendly face from before was looking a bit forced. Like he was trying to be open and friendly instead of being that way naturally.
"You are acting weird, Sam. I know I haven't known you very long, but you seem off today. What's up?"
Sam looked away from my searching gaze, back out to the Ocean. "I feel the settling of responsibility lately Thomas. I am now a Pack Leader with Emily and my tribe to protect. I will not shrink away from my responsibilities as my father did. I will protect those that rely on me. Right now, the Cullens are the closest danger to the tribe, and you are close with them from what I hear. I must know where you would stand if it came to a fight between the two groups."
With little thought I answered him, "I would stand on the wronged party's side, if I even took a side at all. The Cullens have been here for over two years, from what I understand, and have done nothing to break the treaty. Why the sudden concern with them?"
"When you have no chance of fighting back, it's best to endure. But now the tribe has me and Jared. If they try and attack, then we need to be ready. I need to know that I can count on you as well."
"I think you are wasting time on a non-existent problem. Definitely protect your borders from any trespass but don't go looking for trouble. Your only danger would be from wandering Vampires. From the little bit that Edythe has told me, covens of the size the Cullens have are unnatural for their kind. Vampires that hunt humans tend to stick out, and sticking out in large groups is a bad thing for them. I can act as a bridge between the Cullens and the tribe. With their permission, I can tell you about the Vampire's habits and practices."
Sam took in a deep breath, "You think they would do that? Betray their own kind?"
"I don't know. But I don't think they have much love for the Vampires that feed on humans. I definitely believe they wouldn't stop us from defending ourselves. I plan to meet with them later today, I can bring up the idea then and see from there."
"A part of me hates them. The Cullens. But I also realize that the part that does is only there because they are here. This… Change in me has brought personal strength and a love I cannot express with words alone. But that gain has come at a loss as well. Leah deserves better than what I am doing to her, but I cannot deny my feelings for Emily."
Sam just sighed. I decided to change the subject.
"What does Jared think of his new shape so far?"
Sam smiled, "He loves the freedom of the Wolf shape, he seems to want to spend more time in it than in his human form. If he wasn't worried about his mother missing him, he would stay that way as long as he could."
"I am sure a big part of that is because he didn't wake alone. I am still not sure how I kept from panicking when I realized I had changed shape. Though I do agree that the new form gives a sense of strength and freedom I didn't know existed. I have a meeting with the Cullens tonight, if you would like me to talk to them. I could offer an olive branch from the tribe."
"No. I would need to speak with the Elders before anything like that can take place. I think for now, we will rely on the treaty and build our strength. More will awaken soon, I can feel it." Sam turned his gaze to the 3 teens he arrived with.
I could see Jacob and Bella returning from their walk along the beach. Bella looked a bit cold the way she was rubbing her arms.
"I am going to head back to the fire, something tells me these calm days won't last long."
The rest of the afternoon was spent in normal teenage fashion, Lauren turned her attention to a boy Sam had brought with him, named Paul. He was loud and a bit obnoxious, so they got along well. Jessica managed to get her surfboard on the water, but there just weren't really any waves above 3ft. It looked nothing like the surfing competitions and movies I had seen, but as that was the extent of my knowledge about surfing, I couldn't say anything.
Eventually, as always happens in this area, the weather turned from sunny and cold to cloudy and cold. Leaving the Quileute's to tend the waning fire, us city kids packed up and headed for home. By mass agreement, the driver would take everyone in their vehicle home instead of everyone going to the parking lot where we met and making their way from there.
The drive back with Angela was where Bella and I started suggesting to her that she ask Ben to the dance. We were both rather shameless in pointing out how obvious their attraction to each other was to those who looked. Angela put us off with a "I'll think about it." answer and we knew better than to push. Well, okay, Bella signaled to me that my pushing wasn't helping, so I turned my attention to the window as she and Angela talked about girl stuff.
I was looking forward to my time with Edythe later this evening and once we dropped Angela off, I texted Edythe and told her I would be home as soon. I figured I would have time to shower and change clothes, but I guess I wasn't the only one excited to meet. As soon as Bella pulled into her parking spot and turned her truck off, the sound of Edythe's Roadrunner reached our ears.
Watching the yellow classic car pull into the driveway, it was hard not to just stare at Edythe in the driver's seat. A sort of peace settled over me looking at her. The usual tightness that kept my muscles stiff, finally relaxed a little. A smile on my face, I walked over and opened her door for her. Holding out my hand to help her out of the car. It was a useless gesture, but it still felt right. The idea that she would stumble or need any help to stand was laughable, but it was still the polite thing to do in my opinion.
"Hey Sunshine. How was your day?"
Edythe took my hand after a short pause, "It's better now. How was the beach?"
"It was very eye opening. The vastness was humbling to be honest. I would have liked to share the moment with you, but I feel that way about everything new lately."
I am sure that anyone watching would say I was laying it on a bit thick and cringe, but this being a totally new experience for me, I didn't know how to hold back. I didn't want to hold back my thoughts. I wanted to be as free with her as I could be. No worries that she found my words corny or holding back just in case she didn't return my feelings. I decided to be true to myself and hoped that she would do the same.
When Edythe stood from the driver's seat, she let go of my hand and leaned her head into my chest. Then she wrapped her arms around me in a hug that got slowly tighter.
"I can smell the salt air on you. Also, a bit of girl's perfume. Usually you don't have a scent, it's like smells fall off you after a time."
"That's probably Angela, she rode in the truck with me and Bella. We are trying to get her to see that she and Ben are perfect for each other."
Bella gave a greeting to Edythe as she walked to the door, "Hi Edythe, are you guys coming in?"