Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 31: Patchy Promise

Mikasa sat in her medical bed, continuing to hear Connie and Sasha shouting, 'We did it!' in the room a few doors down the hall. As much as she wanted to tell them to be quiet, she felt like they deserved to celebrate their victory.

Her room wasn't anything special. The blanket was thin and white as well as the bed sheets. There was a metal stool in front of a white side table on the right side of her room with white cabinets on the wall and a window next to them, giving her a glimpse of the vast forest. A few feet away, on the left side of her room was a chair with the legs and arms being white and the cushions being sky blue. Next to the chair was a white door leading to the bathroom.

She heard the doorknob turn, opening to see the nurse named Madison with a white lab coat over her dark grey turtleneck sweater, black skirt and tights with dark grey 3-inch heels clicking against the grey tile floor. Her dark teal hair was slightly wavy with a mole near the left side of her nose with her fair skin and blue eyes.

"Wow, they are loud," She sighed as she sat on the stool.

"Yeah," Mikasa said with a small smile.

"They're your friends or something?" Madison asked before looking at her tablet.

"Yes. We met at junior high."

The teal-haired nurse hummed before looking up from her tablet and glancing at Mikasa "Not much of a talker, huh?"

Mikasa looked away from her. "Sorry."

"You don't need to say sorry," Madison said. "I'm not the most talkative person myself, to be honest. Talking is more of my sister's thing."

"Sister? Is she here?"

"No, she's at Liberio, doing the same thing as me."

"Younger or older?"

"Younger…by 5 minutes."

Mikasa softly smiled again. "Twins?"

"Yup, We're identical. Well, not completely. I mean, no pair of twins look genetically the same. There's always a small difference," The nurse chuckled awkwardly before clearing her throat. "Anyways, time for your check-up."

Madison looked at Mikasa's legs and took a blunt-ended needle-like tool out of her coat, before asking, "Are your legs okay? Can you feel them?"

Mikasa curled her toes. "Yeah. They feel fine."

"Let's make sure."

She lowered the end of the needle near the soles of Mikasa's feet.

"What is that?"

"Is an Electrode needle. It sends a small shock to test your nerves," She explained.

"I'd rather not," Mikasa moved her legs away from the nurse.

"Sorry, you don't have a choice."

Mikasa reluctantly extended her feet as the nurse jabbed at her feet, shocking her soles and making her pull back her legs towards her.

"Good, there's a reaction," She puts the electrode back in her coat. " Well, you seem fine based on our internal report so I just needed to check about your nerves. You will return to the hotel tonight."

"I'm not going back to the waiting room?"

"No, since you went through your test, there's no need for you to stay there," She said.

"What about the others?" Mikasa asked.

"Well, with my mixture on their wounds they should be fine by the evening," She answered.

"Mixture?What mixture?" Mikasa asked curiously.

The nurse leaned on the wall. "A recent family mixture. Me, my mother and my sister created our own little family healing mixture."

Mikasa sat straight in her bed. "What's the ingredients?"

The cheeks of the teal-haired woman grew pink as she cleared her throat. "I don't think you would want to know."

"I do," She said a bit assertively. "I'm learning to be a proper medic and I want as much knowledge in that field."

The nurse chuckled. "If I tell you how I make it, you won't like it."

"I will take that risk, but am I going to stay in this hospital gown the whole time?"Mikasa gently tugged her pale blue gown.

"As for your clothes, unsurprisingly, they reeked of blood. We washed them, but your shirt has a massive hole in it. So what do you want to do with it? Send it to the sewing machine or…?"

"Can I sew it myself?" Mikasa asked.

The nurse crossed her arms and gave her a puzzled look. "You want to sew it yourself? I mean, we have an automatic sewing machine ready to go."

"I would like to pass the time doing something," Mikasa said. " There's no TV in here so I can't watch how the other teams are doing."

"Yeah, sorry for the lack of a television in this room. The TV stopped working so we had to take it down for repair, but okay I'll get your clothes and a sewing kit." The nurse headed to the door but stopped midway. "Oh yeah, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"When you were coming here, a lot of steam was coming off your body and I noticed your wounds were already healing. Is that another part of your ability or something?"

"Another part of my ability?"

The nurse looked at her tablet before she softly said, "Yeah, your info says you can copy other people's abilities, right?"


"Hmm…I need to review your info later. Anyways, I'll get your things."

 Mikasa then remembered a small promise she made.

"Hey, miss."

"Hmm? Need something?"

"A teammate of mine also has a hole in his sweater. He used it to stop my blood loss and I promised him to fix his jacket. Can you pass me his jacket as well?"


"Also, can I have my-"

"No sword."

She groaned as she leaned back in her bed. When she first woke up, she asked for the sword to be next to her but the nurse gave the same answer. She yawned before deciding to do push-ups to keep her awake.

She got off her bed and went down on her hands and toes before starting.

'1,2,3,4,5!' Mikasa counted in her head as she did her push-ups.

"What a great view!" Connie said lightly chuckling.

"I know, right? What a behind!" She heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Sasha and Connie in their blue hospital gowns as well. Mikasa quickly got up and frantically tapped the back of her gown and noticed that the buttons were closed. The two other teens laughed as her face grew red.

"So funny…" Mikasa cracked her knuckles, making the two teens take a couple of steps back.

"It was Sasha's idea!" Connie pointed at the brunette.

"You still agreed to it!" Sasha pointed back.

The gowns have white snap buttons on the back, to not expose the behind of the wearer as well as to easily open the gown in case of emergencies.

Mikasa sighed."I heard you two celebrating the room across from me. I thought the injuries would keep you two quiet for a little bit. " 

She stood up and wiped the palms of her hand against her gown.

"Wow, Mikasa. So cold," Connie said, exaggerating his sadness, putting his hand over his mouth.

Sasha jumped and landed on Mikasa's bed, bouncing on her bed a couple of times before she turned on her side, facing towards Mikasa. "I thought you would be more excited about this."

Mikasa crossed her arms. "I knew we would pass."

Connie and Sasha briefly looked at each other with a puzzled look before looking back at Mikasa and asking in unison. "you did?"

"Yes. Before I left, I lit a Chakra Lotus-scented stick to support our spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health."

"Was that the key to our success?" Connie chuckled nervously.

"No, I would say it was most likely a very small factor," Mikasa said. 

"If you say so," Connie shrugged. "Did you know that Team 10 failed?"

"What?10?! We were Team 4!" Mikasa said, a bit shocked. In. 

"Yeah, I was surprised myself. It seemed that Teams 6-10 got messed up by the same monster," Connie said. "Hardly anyone was able to put a dent in it."

'Must've been a brute wyvern.'

Mikasa hummed before she sat down on the steel stool, the seat was still a bit warm.

"Yeah, it was Ossiboros," Sasha adjusted herself to sit cross-legged on the bed. "It's a very durable wyvern with most of its body covered in cartilage and bone."

"That could be problematic for Armin," Mikasa said with a bit of worriedness in her tone.

"Armin's group is next. Besides Reiner, they don't have a hard hitter," Sasha rocked back and forth. 

"But they have Floch, right? So, wouldn't they have an aerial advantage?" Connie said.

The nurse opened the door with Mikasa's clothes and Jean's jacket lying on her left forearm while holding a sewing kit with her right hand.

"Here you go," Madison placed a dark brown leather kit and the clothing on her bed.

"Thanks, Madison, " Mikasa bowed down slightly as the nurse waved goodbye. She sat on the stool before she dragged the kit to her and opened it, showing a variety of thread rolls of multiple colours, a small black container of needles, a pair of metal scissors and a pink measuring tape.

"What is his jacket doing here?" Sasha lifted the garment.

"I told the nurse to bring it," Mikasa picks up the container of needles. "I made a promise to fix it and I'm fulfilling it."

"Ugh, don't know why you made that promise to that jerk," Connie said, miserably. "He doesn't deserve it."

"But he has earned it," Mikasa said plainly as she opened the needle container and took out one of them.

She looked at the thread rolls, took out the purple ones and put the rolls next to her shirt making sure that the colour of the thread matched the colour of her shirt. The first roll she compared was too light of a purple, the second one was also too light. She dug in the kit and found another purple thread roll, she compared the colour to her shirt and nodded with a smile. It wasn't a complete one-to-one match but it was the closest.

"I didn't even know that you can even sew, Mikasa," Sasha said as she grabbed the measuring tape. 

"Yeah, it's something I picked up as a hobby. Saves money as well." Mikasa said.

Sasha unrolled the measuring tape and then chuckled. "Hey Connie, how tall are you?"

"My height? Uh, I'm five-five," Connie said.

The two girls looked at each other before looking at the male teen. 

"You're five-five?" The girls said in unison. 

Connie's cheeks turned light pink before he crossed his arms. "Y-y-yeah, what's the issue?"

"The issue is that you're lying," Mikasa said as she moved the thread through the eye of the sewing needle.

"I'm five foot six and an inch is hardly noticeable so let's prove it," Sasha got up from the bed. "Back to back."

Connie took a few steps back. " You know, I should ask the nurse for my clothes, too."

Sasha chuckled grimly. "Come on, Connie boy, it'll only take a couple of seconds."

" Yes and within those few seconds, I could ask someone for my clothes," Connie said before he glanced at the door and ran out of the room.

"Don't deny your short stature, Connie!" Sasha shouted before she ran off to chase Connie.

After a few seconds, Mikasa heard one of the doctors telling them to stop running in the hallway.

'Let's hope I won't need that,' Mikasa thought as she flipped her shirt inside out and looked at the big hole on its side.

'It's bigger than I thought. I'm going to need to patch it.'

She looked into the sewing kit to see any extra cloth took out the tomato-looking pincushion and tied a knot with the thread before stabbing the pincushion with it.

She found a couple of patches of purple cotton and white leather at the bottom of the kit.

She thanked the nurse in her thoughts before she got to work. She took the scissors and cut out a patch that was half an inch larger than the hole before she took out a roll of the fusible bonding web and took out the scissors and began to cut large strips until she heard a knock on the door.

She looked up and saw a familiar face standing by the door 

"Sydney," Mikasa said before she continued to work on her shirt.

"Mikasa," Sydney greeted before she asked: " What are you doing?"

"Fixing my shirt," Mikasa replied as her focus went back to her shirt. "Did you pass?"

Sydney chuckled. "Yup, I was lucky. My team was pretty talented. Ayesha was a deadly sniper and the brothers were good fighters too."

"I'm glad you passed, Sydney," Mikasa said. " To be honest, I never thought I would've passed now."

"I was watching you do your thing. You were cool out there but what was all that steam about?" Sydney hovered her hand over her side. "I saw a bit of steam coming out of your body and your body was healing on its own."

"To be honest, I don't know myself. I was just born with it," Mikasa said. "Perhaps, it's some genetic condition."

"Lucky you," Sydney said. "You don't have to worry about bleeding out or dying of injuries."

"I can still feel the pain," Mikasa said as she placed the patch over the bonding web. "Plus, I don't know if I can survive from any injury. Like, if I got my head cut off, I don't know if I can survive that."

Sydney chuckled. "I can get my spear and we can test it for ourselves."

Mikasa glared at Sydney, making the slightly older teen laugh.

"Just kidding! Just kidding! Anyways, wanna watch the next team try to take out the Ossiboros in the viewing room?" Sydney asked.

"Sure, but let me gather my things before I leave," Mikasa placed the scissors, the patches and the bonding tape roll back into the sewing kit.

She closed and locked the kit before she lifted the kit off her bed and wrapped the shirt and the jacket on her forearm.

"I'm ready."

Mikasa and Sydney made their way to the viewing room. As Mikasa looked in the other rooms, she saw the injuries that the other patients had, from as minor as bruises to as major as open cuts and gashes deep enough to nearly have their organs fall out if they lay down on their stomachs for too long. Even though she hadn't eaten anything recently, she felt like vomiting just looking at them.

"Are you ok?" Sydney asked.

"Yeah… I'm fine," Mikasa tried not to let gashes linger in her mind.

Sydney pressed the open button to make the elevator doors open. The two entered the elevator and Mikasa saw six buttons, a button for the basement, the ground floor, the second floor, for closing and opening the doors and the emergency button. Sydney pressed the button to the second floor and the doors began to close. She felt the elevator rise for a few seconds before the doors opened revealing the viewing room.

The room had dark-coloured circular tables spread around with a massive TV mounted on the left wall. In the upper right corner of the room, there was a snack table with small chip bags, cans of soda, bottles of water and granola bars with the bathrooms across from the table.

"Mikasa!Over here!" Mikasa looked to see Sasha waving her hands.

Mikasa and Sydney sat down with Sasha at the table closest to the snacks, only to notice that Connie was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Connie?" Mikasa asked.

"Bathroom," Sasha answered, her attention turned to Sydney. "And who are you?"

"Sydney Waller," The brunette replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Did you pass?" Sasha asked. "I don't remember you taking the test."

"My team was after yours," Sydney said. "And yes, we passed."

Sasha leaned forward. "What was the monster?"

"A Rathian."

"Surprised none of you got poisoned," Sasha leaned back in her seat as Mikasa placed the sewing kit and the shirt on the table.

"That's why we got rid of the tail first," Sydney explained. "We knew that the poison came from there and I don't think any of us wanted to feel the toxin."

Sasha chuckled. "Yeah, especially with the dysentery. One of my father's friends got poisoned by a Rathian and spoiler alert, he did survive, they gave him the antidote but, he had a bit of mild dysentery but that's just a side effect."

The men's bathroom door creaked open with Connie pulling the door and walking out before grabbing a small yellow chip bag from the snack table.

He sat down and sighed before giving the measuring tape back to Mikasa. "Here."

"Thanks. Wait, why did you have it?" Mikasa asked before she rolled the tape around her left index finger and placed the roll in the kit.

"He measured his head," Sasha chuckled. "One of the patients called him 'big head' and he got self-conscious about it."

"Stop…." Connie grumbled as he opened his chip bag.

Sasha continued. "So he took the tape and measured the roundness of his head. So what's the size of your head, Connie?" 

"Seems like the next team is starting," Sydney pointed at the television.

Mikasa glanced over to see Armin, Reiner, Floch and a stranger entering the forest.

"I hope that your Chakra Lotus luck spread to his team as well," Connie placed a chip in his mouth.

'I hope so too,' Mikasa thought as her focus shifted back to her shirt.

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