Shingeki Adventurers

Chapter 32: Still Want To Fight Him?

Armin and his group were now taking their test, hunting down the Ossiboros. It was either that or take a chance on another monster that could be stronger. But then again, that other monster could've been weaker compared to the brute wyvern.

Clyde kept swearing and complaining that they decided to take on the more worn-out monster.

"Shut up, Clyde!" Reiner shouted. "All you've been doing is complaining!"

"Oh, shut it!" Clyde snarled. "You think I want to fight that thing? That big monster beat 4 teams in a row. I don't want to be number 5!"

Armin sighed as the two continued to bicker. Floch tapped Armin's shoulder and asked,

"Any plans for the wyvern?"

"We know that the Ossiboros can pack a punch and their overall speed is above average for a brute wyvern," Armin tried to remember the details. "It has a spiky ball on the end of its tail and uses it to defend itself or kill prey. Although they can live in jungles, they prefer hot climates. From what I know, Ossiboros don't have any ranged attacks. So it's best to keep our distance from it."

"Hmm, maybe an airborne attack could work," Floch said. 

"But what about your shoulder?" Armin asked. "How long can you fly?"

"My shoulder is still sore, but besides that, I'll be just fine," Floch answered. "Right now, we need to get these two idiots to shut up."

Armin and Floch glanced to see Reiner and Clyde still arguing. Floch groaned angrily before shouting at both of them to shut up, quickly garnering their attention.

"Can you two shut the fuck up?! Me and Armin are trying to come up with something and all you guys are doing is bitching!"

Clyde was about to comment but Floch interrupted him. "Shut up! We are dealing with the Ossiboros, that's it! We can't change it! Too bad! Now, shut up and focus!"

"Floch's right," Armin began. "Although, we may not be the best of friends or even like each other at all. We need to work together if we want any chance of succeeding. Now, while you two were arguing, me and Floch were thinking of a potential aerial assault. Not only to locate the monster faster but to also catch it off-guard."

Reiner crossed his arms and sat down on a nearby rock. "Okay, how is that gonna work? You, me and Floch don't have a ranged ability."

The three teens turned their attention towards the lanky man.


"What's your power?" Floch asked.

"My ability won't help," Clyde said. "Don't think grease can be used for ranged attacks."

Reiner snickered, making the tanned-skinned man furrow his brow.

"What's so funny?" Clyde growled. 

"Nothing.Nothing.Should've been working in a fast food place instead of an Adventurer, would've been much more useful there," Reiner sneered.

Armin rubbed his face as Floch lightly chuckled. Clyde's face darkened before a waterfall of a bronze-coloured liquid started to secrete from his arm.

"Let's fight."

Reiner stood up from the rock."Excuse me?" 

"You heard me, you meatheaded fuck," Clyde said angrily. "Let's fight. Right here.Right now."

"Guys, this isn't the time to be fighting," Armin said nervously. "We have to focus on killing the monster. You guys can't fight the monster if you guys tire yourselves out. Please you two, just calm down."

Armin tried to approach Reiner as he continued to plead but Floch extended an arm out in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Armin asked.

"Let them fight it out," Floch said. " We're just gonna get in the way."

"But we need them in full health to increase our chances of winning," Armin said. "Are you seriously condoning this?"

Floch leaned on the tree and said, "Let them fight it out. Maybe they'll become best friends after their little fight."

Armin didn't know whether to laugh off that possibility or to keep shouting at Floch. Either way, he knew that it wouldn't do anything. Armin sat down in defeat as he and Floch became reluctant spectators.

Reiner's skin turned into steel before he cracked his knuckles and ran to Clyde. The thin man made a tentacle of grease and swiped at Reiner. The teen covered his eyes but now he was covered in grease.

"What is grease going to do to steel?" Reiner said with a cocky tone.

Clyde leaped back and shot a volley of grease bullets to rain down on Reiner, but he didn't bother to dodge, tanking the bullets with ease. However, when Reiner tried to run, he slipped and slammed into the puddle.

"That's what grease does, piece of shit," Clyde chuckled.

'Not a bad strategy,' Armin thought.

Reiner stood up and swiped his shoes against the ground. "That's all you got?"

Clyde grinned. "That's just the first half."

The red man placed his right hand into his pants pocket and took out a blue lighter. Armin quickly stood up and glanced at Floch.

"We have to get away from here!" Armin warned Floch before he ran to a large rock to take cover.

"Hold on, wait for me! I don't want to be charred either!" Floch followed suit and their backs were against the rock before they slowly turned and rose from the rock cautiously. Clyde flicked the lighter to ignite a small flame but a deep, roar came from nearby.

"Shit, that thing is already nearby?!" Clyde said before turning off his lighter and stuffed it into his pocket.

The Ossiboros smashed through the trees and swiped its spikeball tail, Clyde ducked the tail swipe and grew tentacles of grease and threw a blob of grease at it, splashing the oil on the side of its face.

The Ossiboros was massive, being on average 20 metres tall with massive hind legs mostly covered in bone relatively small and beady mahogany-coloured eyes and lean, well-toned arms with sharp charcoal-coloured claws at the end of its upper limbs. Its neck is as thick as a tree trunk and a long tail with its recognisable spike ball at the end. It has an Off-White colour to its hard bone shell plates spread throughout its body. Its jaw was coated in thick bone with its teeth as sharp as swords and as twice Floch's height. Another weapon that Ossiboros has is its sharp slightly, curved horn on the forehead.

Because of the previous team's encounters with the brute wyvern, the monster had a few of its bone plates on its right hind leg and chipped and scratched, slightly exposing its grey leathery skin.

The monster charged at Reiner but he stood his ground before the monster swung its head and knocked him off his feet, sending him crashing down through a row of trees.

Clyde swiped the ground, making a puddle of grease to hopefully get the monster to slip. The monster turned in Clyde's direction and growled at the tan-skinned man.

"Come at me you fucking freak!"

The beast roared forcing Armin, Floch and Clyde to cover their ears. It started to charge at Clyde but it slipped and slid towards Clyde before he leaped on top of it and quickly jumped off with the monster sent crashing into a group of trees. 

Armin slid back down against a rock as his heart started to beat harder.

"Armin, what's the issue?" Floch asked.

"How can we beat this thing? We have no plan against that!" Armin said, panicked. "If 4 teams couldn't beat them, what chance do we have?"

"I'll help hold it off for now! Just think of something in the meantime," Floch turned his arms into wings and jumped from the rock.

Armin closed his eyes and tried his best to control his breathing.

'Take a deep breath and relax…panicking is only going to make it worse…'

Armin slowly rose and examined the battle from afar. He saw Reiner get up from the bundle of trees under him and rotate his neck as the Ossiboros dug its hind legs into the dirt and repeatedly swiped its feet to clean off the oil.

'Let's see here… what can steel, oil and a bird do?' Armin thought as he carefully analysed the battle from afar.

Reiner rams his shoulder against the beast, chipping a piece of bone off his left hind leg. The monster lifted its leg and stomped on the ground but Reiner was agile enough to evade the crushing attack.

"Yo, glasses! Help us out here!" Clyde shouted. " You're sitting here with your feet kicked up!"

"My ability isn't for fighting…"


Floch turned his legs into talons. He flew around the monster to distract the beast from the others, but with its hard armour all over its body, there was not much that he could do offensively without breaking his talons.

"Try and aim for its eyes!" Armin shouted.

"Yeah, but I don't want my legs to become its dinner. I can't heal injuries like Mikasa," Floch said as he evaded a tail swing from the Ossiboros.

Reiner swung his fist at the left hind leg again but the beast did a quick spin, swinging its tail and hitting Reiner but he didn't budge and managed to get a grip and stop its momentum. Reiner dug its his feet and twisted his torso. The monster's feet were slowly lifted off the ground. Armin stood next to the hiding rock dumbfounded, Floch flew out of the way and Clyde leaped back as Reiner turned his body with the monster following suit. Reiner was lifting the monster and started to spin it around like a roundabout. Large gusts of winds flew past them forcing the three to lean on the rock.

"What the fuck…?" Clyde said, his mouth slightly ajar.

"Yup, that's what he can do," Floch said with a bit of a smug tone.

Armin couldn't help but grow a smile.

'As much as I dislike him, I'm sort've glad he's on my team,' Armin thought as they bore witness to Reiner's strength. Armin glanced at Clyde. For him and Floch, it wasn't much of a surprise but for Clyde, it must be like a whole new world for him.

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