Chapter 30: last warning from a dying enemy( Solaris arc ends)
( the og Solaris was too pathetic to be called a world devourer, dude got his a** handed to him by three hedgehogs who went super, it's like you have super saiyan goku,vegeta and trunks beat beerus without going any further.pure delusional bs so we buffing him)
Silver: let the fight begins.
Silver fires back the meteors like anti- craft cannons but Solaris just blocked with a arm. Shadow°: some slow blunt rocks ain't hurt it you idiot. Turn them into drills. Chaos spears.
Solaris gets bombarded with spears of light and turns to shadow with fury before one of it's arm turn into a blade itself( like hanzo from mlbb)
Solaris: taste this you insect *swings the blade arm vertically*
Sonic warps in front of Solaris's arm and severs it at the joint before piercing the torso and speeding up, leaving a deep wound through the torso. Shadow° dodges the severed arm coming his way, sonic° comes from the side and kicks it towards silver.
Sonic°: USE THAT.
Silver uses his telekinesis to spin the blade arm before tossing it Solaris like a arrow, the arrow pierced through,coming out the other side.
Solaris: HOW DARE YOU!!!
Solaris rips the blade arm out of its body, and throws it away like a scrap, the arm turns into hundreds of black goey abomination and begins marching towards the ruby.
Sonic: *warps and makes a gushing wound at Solaris's neck* GUARD THE RUBY.
The sentence spoken was enough time for Solaris to ramp up its remaining arm and bashed it into Sonic. Sonic got smacked down to the ground from the skies, cracks on his armor.
Sonic: Bastard. Cough I forgot that guy is literally a half god. Coughs blood broke a rib or two.*slowly stands up* But that just makes it more interesting.
Sonic's pupils turn red, the crimson strips widen, his tone changes as well as his personality.
Sonic: A WORTHY OPPONENT. *He wipes his mouth*
Sonic°: that look like it hurt, i ain't want to eat one of those.
Solaris regenerated his hand and torso back before raising the arms to fire comets of light and darkness at the battlefield. The light ones aim for the hedgehog trio while dark ones turn into kamikaze clones.
Meanwhile, somewhere near the ruby.
Rouge°: this is crazy!! I should apply for a vacation and a extra paycheck when this is over.* Tosses a grenade in a abomination's mouth* eat that you slimy freak.
Omega°: focus on the task, the barrier is top priority. *Punches a abomination away before shredding it to bits with a saw* We need some help here.
Whisper°: *aims her gun towards Omega's side* Hope I get to atleast kick eggman once this is over.
Eggman charges through the crowd of monsters, crushing them with his mech before laying them to fire.
Honey° and Amy° are somewhere to the side, beating up a very big one from the arm blade in a team combo.
Amy°: Knuckles how much longer?huff these thing just don't die.
Honey: attack if you got time to talk.
Knuckles and tails are near the ship, Knuckles is guarding the master emerald that he took with him and beside him is blaze gathering fire in her palms.
Blaze: *looks at the crator where Sonic crashed* Please hold on.
Shadow°: CHAOS CUT.
A sharp wave of energy opens a path in the rain of comets, Sonic° flies through the gap before spindashing towards Solaris, he hits him straight in chest, interrupts it's comet shower.
Solaris: ENOUGH.
Solaris winds up a wide spin arm swing straight at sonic° and locks space with a light cage. Sonic° braces for impact as he watches the strike come closer.
Sonic: Lightspeed, Overdrive.
Like a shooting star Sonic launches towards Solaris at light speed, cutting both the cage and the swinging arm in one stroke. He overshoots and now stops above Solaris.
Sonic: You had to stop him didn't you? I was aiming for the head.*grips the swords tightly* But it's better this way.
Solaris turns his giant body like a pendulum as it delivers a uppercut towards Sonic. Sonic parries and diverts the attack, digging excalibur in Solaris's arm before running straight along the arm as he severs it into two equal parts. He uses his full force as he uses the other arm to bring down Oberon like tide towards Solaris's head.
Oberon expands to thrice as large as he comes down like waterfall and cuts the head off clean. But the head quickly rejoined as Solaris tries to swallow Sonic. Sonic warps away as a giant compressed stone spike pierced through the shoulder. The spike bends and turns into a hook as silver uses telekinesis to bring Solaris towards ground.
Solaris used the pulling force to slam himself at the island, causing massive shockwaves, it connects to the ground and the clones returns to it.
Sonic: S**t *blurs towards the ruby and others*
The dark clones combine into a big spear before Solaris infused it with his light, the spear flies like a railgun as it shoots towards the Rogue and the others.
Sonic intercepts and redirects the attack towards the ocean but the impact throws him straight towards the sally's group.
Sally°: *comes towards the crater* Hey are y- *she stares wide eyed at Sonic(his mask broke)* Sonic? But ain't sonic over there?*looks towards Sonic°* The hell is going on?
Sonic ignores her outburst as he again launches towards Solaris. Silver and Shadow° come their attacks as a giant drill falls onto Solaris. Solaris grabs it with his arms shredding and disfiguring them. Solaris fires a energy beam from his mouth and explodes the drill before Sonic° uses his max speed to shoot through. A gaping hole appear in Solaris's chest.
Sonic follows up at light speed before severing both arms in a double swing.
Sonic: NOW.
A giant purple arrow pierced through Solaris before dispersing into a pillar of purple fire that rises towards the skies, Solaris roars in pain as it is unable to regenerate against the pure offensive disaster.
The pillar dies down, their is nothing left of Solaris to be seen, Sonic and others slowly fly down to the ground before deactivating their modes. Others also ran towards towards the melting place.
Sonic takes a admband from tails to accept a call with blaze. A holographic video call begins.
Sonic: Good work blaze, we d-*looks at blaze* What happened to your arms?
Blaze: Just some overexertion it will heal back to normal in a few days.
Knuckles: She overloaded to make sure it killed. She will be taking days to recover from this.
Sonic sighs in relief before turning towards the others.
???: Die
Sonic turns back due to the sudden sound to see black figure appears in front of him with a blur before it leaves a bleeding wound on his torso with It's claws. He quickly parries a following another slash before using caliburn to pierce the figure's shoulder.
The figure looks like mephiles but the amethyst like crystals now colourless and transparent, the dark skin is now cracked with black blood coming out.
Mephiles grabs Sonic by the neck before using every single point of its remaining energy to accelerate. He drags the exhausted sonic along the ground before slamming him into the central high ground where the ruby and emeralds hover.
With high effort Sonic severs Mephiles's arm only for it to burst into dark mist and create a black barrier around them, Sonic coughs out blood before mephiles hits with shoulder charges and impales Sonic's right arm with the crystal spikes. Still suffering from the after effects of overdrive, Sonic again activates it and briefly uses 'amplification'. He shoves mephiles away before using caliburn to sever the head cleanly. He painfully collapses on the rocky upwards sloping wall as the black barrier fades away.
Mephiles: I guess you truly won.. Here is some advice from a dying enemy... Beware of the beings who sit at the high heavens... Don't die pathetically and save me some dignity.
The head and the body both begins to crumble, the surrounding light gathered on it and the cracks on the skin widen. A mighty explosion occurs as Sonic gets pressed even further into the wall, the impact causes creates a big crater, sonic lay in it, his conscience fading.
The last thing he remember before fainting is the face of Sonic° who arrived and tried to motivate him stay awake and the words mephiles left behind.
Sonic: Urghhh, where am I? *Tries to find some support to sit* Can't even sit on his own, That idiot would have mocked me alot if he was here.
Sonic slowly sits up before looking towards the room's only window, the moon shines brightly with stars filling the darkness ever so often.
Sonic: Guess I lived chuckles what ti-
The door opens wide as a certain person comes in, blaze is wearing sleeping clothes while her hands are bandage completely.
Blaze: eh?
Sonic realises where he is and faints again from shyness and embarrassment.