Chapter 31: next goal, Won't deal with her today.
Blaze: I saw that!! You ain't fooling me with that pathetic acting.
Blaze gets closer and stares at Sonic.
Blaze: You better wake up right now or I will...*sighs* just stop acting ok?
Sonic opens his eyes and meets her gaze, she is worried and annoyed.
Blaze: Why in the world is the proud king that killed Solaris afraid of sleeping with his wife? Make some space.
Sonic gets side to make some space for blaze, she sits and stares at him.
Blaze: Not even a How are You?
Sonic: How long was I out for?
Blaze: 3 days, the ruby and your 2 emeralds are safe at angel island.
Blaze tries to get closer but Sonic recoils back.
Blaze: Why the hell are you backing off? You better can back here.
Sonic: can I not? *Nervously smiles*
Blaze: give me a good reason.
Sonic: My Amy will kill me if we sleep together.
Blaze: *sighs* Fine.. It ain't sleeping if we just lay beside each other for a moment right?
Sonic hesitatingly agrees, Both lay side by side with some distance in between.
Sonic: So what are you going to do now?
Blaze: Go to my kingdom probably, gonna make sure to explain to them. Maybe I would become like a elder daughter of the family while the mini me goes around having fun. What about you?
Sonic: Probably Camalot, there is a version of my sword in This world, That means 90% chance I will have to help people over there and begin my kingship before returning to take over my world's camalot.
Blaze: I have been wanting to ask but how are you so much stronger? I remember you saying something like bloodline or stuff. Without the master emerald and ruby we will have no chance against Solaris.*looks at her hands with pity*
Sonic: *pats her head* I will make sure to give you all a guide before I leave for camalot, also I will need to get some training methods for that ki and ring power stuff you have.
Blaze: *turns and stares at Sonic with surprise* Your saying you took that giant punch to the body and crashed down on earth without rings?
Sonic: *shrugs* pretty much.
Blaze: just what type of monster have i married... Let's stay like this for now, I will leave soon.
Sonic: Fine.
Sonic slowly drifts to sleep, full trust in blaze.
Sonic: yawn that was some good sleep, i sh-
He tries to move but couldn't, his eyes slowly shift to his side. His purple Cat wife is all cuddled with him, using his arm as pillow and hugging him.
Sonic: Wh-wha-what? *Brain overload* H-hey blazzze. *Nudges her* Ca-
Blaze: Five more minutes.
Blaze hugs Sonic like a teddy bear, leaving no space for retreat.
Sonic: *stares at the ceiling with hopeless eyes* I am dead.
Sonic and Blaze eat in the room , Sonic give the Betrayed vibe while Blaze remains Stoic.
Sonic: I trusted you.
Blaze: Is it really that serious, technically you have not taken the vow to her. So I am the first wife.
Sonic:*clutches his head* It's Over for me.
Blaze: You are overreacting... She was probably doing that make sure you give her your attention. Now will you feed me already?
Sonic sighs in defeat and begins spoon feeding blaze some soup, since her hands are technically unavailable.
Sonic: How long did the doctor prescribe?
Blaze: gulp 5 days.
Sonic: I guess we both got to go have our businesses settled before the linking.
Blaze: I guess so.
Sonic: We are going there in this?
3 days have passed,Sonic says as he looks at a blue plane.
Tails°: Of course, my plane is the best you will find, i already modified it to help us get through that forcefield the people of camalot set up.
Sonic: You got any games or something to pass the time?
Tails°: Sonic always complained about that so I had console attached with some games.
Sonic and Tails°both sit and the flight begins. They fly around the eggman empire, through the federation, refueled and soleanna and proceeded for avalon.
Tails°: apparently the The King Arthur of that world's avalon took control of our avalon after the merger. He can resurrect endlessly and is a literal war god. I remember he destroyed half a carrier similar to Eggman's in 2 mins alone. His horse literally flies.
Sonic: What are your thoughts caliburn?
Caliburn: Arthur was the founding king of camalot, From what the tails is saying I have good reason to believe he didn't retrieve his caliburn before he went to fight abyss and got corrupted. The Abyss is the enemy tribe of camalot that strives in the cursed lands tayvon. They are masters of darkness and emotional manipulation, they get stronger by absorbing souls of others.
Tails°: So that is what those horned freaks are, good thing that rings can help avoid there mind controlling powers.
Sonic:*looks at the two golden rings on his wrist* Collecting ki that you produce, stockpiling them and then turning them into rings. Simple and repetitive but efficient. I just want to reach second stage and get that physical boost as well.
Tails°: You are better than Sonic in that, he never trained despite his talents and is still stuck at 3rd stage. Maybe sally could force him to train a little. to reach the second stage you need to make the rings be absorbed by your body instead of being stored outside.
Sonic: I know, I got a whole guidebook from knuckles when Chaos helped repair the barrier on angel island.
Soon the duo reached a towering ethereal some wall rising towards the sky.
Caliburn: Fox, get side let me handle our passage.
Tails switched to hover mode and watched as Caliburn floats towards the barrier, some golden symbols comes out and hits the barrier. A hole is created in the barrier wide enough to fit the plane. Caliburn returns to Sonic's necklace and the plane proceeds on.
Sometime after entering, the duo slowly fly towards the horizon until.
Tails°: I am detecting multiple signals coming towards us at decent speed from front.
Sonic looks into a distance and notices a bunch of bat like creatures with wings bones coming out of their wings before curving to look like spikes. They have fur over their body and are constantly screeching.
Caliburn: Eclipse bats, annoying animals of tayvon. I say we kill them from range those screams can rupture our eardrums and can regenerate even cut of limbs in minutes.
Sonic: I guess we have no option but to call for lunalis if they regenerate like that.
Caliburn: Are you sure? We can always use the ruby... Right.. the metamorphosis.
Sonic: The ruby has not yet reached the second stage. Tails can you deal with them?
Tails°: they are immune to high heat weapons, but I do have a automated ballistic cannon.
Sonic: Good, I guess we won't have to deal Lunalis today.
Caliburn: I hate that simp. She has no dignity needed for a weapon of our status. Thank God she wasn't made when Arthur was still alive.
Tails° activated the cannon and one by one shot the bats down after Sonic infused oberon's power in the shells. A few made through only to be cut down by Caliburn's energy blades.