sonic the hedgehog: the lost king.

Chapter 47: escape complete.

Felix: Now get side everyone we gonna give them a big surprise.

The entire tunnel in which the ambush was setup had its path set up with mines and traps. Felix puts breach charges across the foundation less spot and gets back behind a crate.

With a click of the remote the entire floor caves as a giant explosion happens, a hole opens up to reveal a tunnel.

Albatross: Now everyone get down quickly we have no time.

One by one people go down while sonic just looks from far away.

Sonic: Quite organised and trained no doubt about that. Hope they got facilities as well.

Infinite: I hope so, it would be bad if you had to sleep on the alley floor despite your strength.

Sonic: As if you care, you can literally make a imaginary room for yourself in the ruby.

Infinite: But imagination is just imagination after all. What is the point if I have make the sensation before to feel it.

Sonic: This is boring. I should just make some runes while they are running.

Caliburn: How about you go and make a exit for them while they make their way there? You will need to gather your forces and who knows you might just get another world linked.

Oberon: At this point you are more of a explorer than a king. Single handedly finding 2 new universes and linking them.

Sonic: Ye ye Whatever.

Meanwhile, Somewhere far away. A young fox is sitting in his chair while handling dubious amount of data. A person walks through the door and hands him a file.

???: What is this now? More work?

Soldier: Mr. Technos, a new unknown enemy was seen supporting the terrorists. It is quite spectacular to say the least.

Technos: A new enemy? Will I be getting paid more for my overtime?

The soldier stayed silent.

Technos: Greedy son of b*****s. I will look into it.

The soldier leaves the room.

Technos: *picks up the file* Now what do we have here?.... A whole punisher squad in a instant? Abilities and potential unknown, current known specifics- multiple size shifting weapons, teleportation, extreme speed and strength.. No augments? Just what type of monster is this?

Technos keeps reading the file and soon puts it down on the table.

Technos: Those gems.. they match the murals of citrons. Can the myths of the murals be true... I will need to look into them to find out about the gems. *Connects to the staff* Technos here, get me a appointment with citron elder chrono... I guess I am gonna meet you again pops.*looks at the sparks coming out of his hand* Let's give this guy a codename for now..

He picks up the file and writes beneath, entity 622 codename- 'crownless king'.

Back to Sonic, he is currently looking at the soldiers dealing with the aftermath of the felix's traps.

Sonic: injured and confused.. infinite can we use them to increase ruby's capacity?

Infinite: I think so, if we add them all... We can get 20% increase in capacity.

Sonic: Good. Might as well use them if gonna kill them anyway... How do I harvest their soul particles anyway?

Infinite: Leave that *creates a temporary body* to me.

A pulse comes out of infinite and next second something akin to a transparent barrier forms.

Sonic warps in and snaps the closest soldiers's neck. The soul particles exit the corpse and begins floating around,unable to pass the barrier.

The soldiers startled at Sonic's arrival, aim their gun at him and fires but not a single bullet came out.

Sonic: Quite a good duo you guys are. *Turns to infinite and Talos in his hand* Maybe i should try focusing on excalibur for now.

Sonic brings out caliburn and begins his dance of death, he cuts,warps, slashs until one by one, not a single soldier remained.

Sonic: Reminds me of those bounty hunting days, Master Lucan had me raid everything to get the targets.

Excalibur: Good training while making sure we cleaned some criminals, a win win in my eyes.

Sonic: Well.. we would have spared them as well but... never show mercy on a battlefield, it is either their people or yours.

Oberon: Well said, for each enemy you spare, a new chance of losing something is made. That's why I never spared anybody.

Argus: well you killed a lot more than needed actually. You even killed those who surrendered.

Oberon: They may had just backstabed me. Only good enemy is a dead enemy... Also didn't you slaughter three armies in 'that' war? You kill count is easily higher than mine.

Sonic: Forget those things. Infinite is it done?

Infinite: It is.

Sonic: Good, let's leave.

Vanessa: are we there yet? We have been walking for 50 mins...

Gizo: 3.2.1. We are here.

Albatross: But I don't see any passage way to get up. I doubt explosives will help with that.

???: Need help?

Everyone vigilantly turns towards the sound to see Sonic walking towards them slowly and menacingly.

Albatross: Identify yourself.

Lupin: *raises a arm to stop them from attacking* He is the guy who helped us.

Everyone sighs in relief but still look at Sonic with either curosity or caution.

Sonic: It looks like you people didn't make a plan on how to get up... *Walks past them* I will have to do then.

Sonic used the ruby to change gravity. The group begins floating towards the wall and basically lay on it as if laying on ground. The ceiling ripped open like paper to show a path.

Sonic: What are you people looking around all stunned for? We have limited time.

The group follows Sonic and walks their way to the upper tunnel on the walls.

After making sure everyone was there, Sonic removed the Ruby's influence.

Sonic: '60% of the energy reserves are gone' Keep moving, we aren't away from danger yet.

Vanessa: who are you anyway?

Lupin: *walks to front and turns to others* He is Nizo.

Boros: you are kidding right? *Raises his hands* he was just a normal guy.

Sonic: Correction. I am Sonic now, I got back my memories.

Albatross: We can have the introductions later, leaving should be our first priority.

Sonic: Finally someone with some battle sense. Anybody here who knows how to run a 7th gen water Submarine?

Olivia: *raises hand* Um i do.

Sonic: Good. Let's leave.

The group carries on with their travel and eventually reach the end of the tunnel. The city of vilnos( Yes the city, treum is the planet.) was built near the ocean and looks like a Glass Dome from far away.

The group is currently standing on what appears to be the edge of the city, there is a massive ocean in front of them.

Lupin: Thank God, the pathways have not been turned to sewers yet. Or we would have to fall down a waterfall of trash.

Rex: where is the Submarine?

Sonic: Hasty one aren't you kid? *Snaps* Here is your Submarine.

The people look in awe as a submarine forms in front of them out of thin air and falls into the water.

Gizo: unbelievable.. even science can't explain this..

Sonic: Stop staring and get in. *Turns to Olivia* go take the command room.

Sonic enters first and goes to find a room, he locks the door and lays down.

Sonic: I recall Chaos saying there will be no side-effects after a month.. THEN WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING???

Infinite: mine version of ruby was not refined like yours okay? Since you were busy after losing your memory, i decided to merge them both. The side-effects only come when we reach a empty reserve and somewhat weaker.

Sonic: Just pray that we don't get some bad effect or who knows I might just turn you into a girl and sleep with you. *Disgusted* the hell am I thinking?

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