sonic the hedgehog: the lost king.

Chapter 48: destination

Infinite: I ain't dealing with that S**t.

Infinite goes inside the rubies and seals himself. Sonic waits for the outburst to come when he suddenly felt bored.

Sonic: What a drag, I had enough of fighting or guiding people, I am going to sleep.*lays down the ground*

Caliburn:'it looks like the effect is just lazyness.'

Argus: 'for once i thought we would be seeing a karen Sonic going around screaming at the cutters.'

Oberon:'That would be just hilarious at that point.'

The room shakes and someone knocks on the door.

Lupin: Hey Niz-Sonic, I wanted to ask if you are coming with us to our base?

Sonic: I WILL... Talking is a drag.

Lupin: Okay then.

Sonic just layed down on the ground for a hour until the ruby came back to around 20% full. He wakes up from his sleep and yawns.

Sonic: I guess I need some sleep. Oi infinite come out it's safe.

Infinite comes as a shadow and regains physical form. He stares at Sonic.

Infinite: What is it?

Sonic: Tell me how to refine this ruby again. You must have seen through the information in ruby right?

Infinite: I do.. we need the pink chaos emerald for it.

Sonic: what does that one do?

Infinite: Immunity to mental and soul effects. Chaos infused a pink emerald into the ruby to refine it,so you can basically refine it if you keep raise the emerald's stage.

Sonic: So there is a emerald that is stabilizing the ruby but is losing effectiveness because the ruby got stronger?

Infinite: on point. We need to compress the Emerald and then provide chaos energy for it to recover to it's original size.. but you can't use it unless it's fully recovered.

Sonic: Forget about it then. We can't afford to have me going around having outbursts yet.

Sonic stretchs a little before leaving the room after wearing his cloak and mask.(Mask is necessary for a impression. Also we ain't want no simps. Yet.)

He walks through the narrow path between the Submarine rooms and reaches at the control room. He opens the door and walks in. He sees Olivia and some others controlling the Submarine while albatross and Vanessa are busy planning.

Sonic: Where are we heading?

Olivia: Southern Ocean, We have a base in the auradit city that is supported by a lot of civilians and higher officials of seven ring alliance.

(For those wondering, the planet has 40% of its area owned by star federation,25% by metroid empire and 35% by seven ring alliance. They also have their own space colonies and cities. They just came from the metroid empire.)

Sonic: Auradit? I guess no annoyance from those damn nobles atleast.

Albatross: Now that you are free and awake. Let's talk about who you are.

Sonic: Not that I mind actually. *Sits at the table beside Vanessa and opposite albatross* What do you wanna know?

Vanessa: firstly,Who are you? We have never heard of beings with abilities like yours.

Sonic: What if I told you I am not of this universe?

The duo and the controller perk up at the comment with anticipation.

Sonic: I am from a world which you people will generally read about in those fantasy novels. People with magic, bloodlines and what not. I lost my memories when i came here and only gained them recently.

Albatross: That explains why we found you near that crator at City outer ring on that day. You didn't get in the accident,you were the one who made the accident.

Sonic: Thanks for atleast helping me for 2 years. Boss. Your aura has changed compared to when you say in that CEO chair.

Albatross: everyone has atleast 1 persona to hide their real self... Onto the serious matter, are just coming along or you wanna join us?

Sonic: Depends on what I can get. Got any conditions?

Albatross: tell me about your goal first. I doubt you are doing this without any goal.

Sonic: You see I am actually pretty weak compared to my past self, I will first regain my power and go back to my world.

Albatross: And how will you do that?

Sonic: I will need to find a thing called a master emerald. Every planet has one. *Brings out the green emerald* Looks like this but bigger.

Vanessa: Isn't that?

Albatross: Hahahhaha. Quite bad luck you have. The so called emerald is the power source for the capital of empire.

Sonic: *his eyebrow frowns* This is a hassle then... And I am gonna Guess you ain't helping me.

Albatross: Actually, we happily will but.. you will have to help us first.

Olivia: Can you teach this power of yours to others or is it racial?

Sonic: It's learnable but we don't have the chaos energy here.

Vanessa: Chaos energy? *Turns to albatross* Do you think razor might have a idea?

Albatross: He just might.

Sonic: Who is this razor?

Vanessa: A fanatic of history, dude went to a dwarf planet all alone just to check if there is anything or worth there.

Albatross: we can talk to him later, about that master emerald or whatever. What can it so exactly.

The others listen with anticipation.

Sonic: It might just allow your planet to hold chaos energy. It can reflect any type of energy aimed at it except physical force. The lack of chaos energy may very well be due to exploiting of the emerald.

Albatross: I see. We can talk about this with our superiors when we reach our destination. Have a rest till then and maybe meet the others.

Sonic: will do.

Sonic stands up and begins wandering around the Submarine, eventually he found the friend group having a meal in a room.

Sonic: Look what we have here. Eating food without even inviting me?

Lupin: NIZO... It's a habit.

Sonic: No problem buddy.*sits down beside them* Why do you guys look like you saw a ghost?

Felix: Everyone will when there hard working schizophrenic friend turns into a master fighter in 2 days off.

Boros: *throws a food box from upper bunk bed which sonic catches easily* Seriously did you go around fighting all your life? Those powers are enviable.

Sonic: wanna learn? Give me my retirement fund and I might teach you.

Boros: Nah I ain't giving ya a single audit.

Gizo: How did you even hide it all these time? I saw you look barely alive 2 weeks ago.

Sonic: *opens the food box and eats soldier rations* bland.. I just regained my memories sometime ago. I am far from my prime.

Boros: I almost fear what your prime is like then. I wouldn't wanna mess with you again.

Tao: *extends hand with a bowl* Noo.dles?

Sonic: Sure bud.

Somewhere in the capital of empire. A platypus sits in his chair looking at a chained tweaking out Goliath.

???: What are the adaptation rates?

Scientist:22,25 and 20, my lord. It is another failure.

???: Useless, i spent years and this is all I could gain? Deformed brainless giants. End them all.

Scientist: As you wish.

??? Turns to a giant gem sitting behind him in a giant chamber.

???: When will the day come? The day when i control your power myself.

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