Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Recovery and the Return of the Rogue
I had recovered fully on the first day and Caitlin's tests verified that. Barry was still salty about what Cisco did and I was still trying to figure out what to say to help him stop pouting, but that is a problem for later.
At the moment Team Flash is in the cortex and are discussing what to do about the sudden entrance of a new bad guy. Barry explained that he was so worried about me that he forgot to grab the Dark Gun and that when he got back, it was gone.
"So what are we going to do about Shade?" I asked while testing a name at the end.
"Shade? Huh, not bad, not bad. There may be hope for you yet." Cisco said as he teased.
"Hey I had great ideas for some names." I defended in mock offense.
"You brought up Xerox, which I technically came up with." Cisco argued.
"Tch. Whatever man. Just you wait I'm going to come up with some great names." I said as I put my fist out and fist bumped Cisco who laughed as he reciprocated the gesture.
Team Flash continued to discuss ways to deal with Shade, mainly making use of my ability to make a person's Bioelectric Aura visible as a way to locate him when he attacks. Barry had been pretty much ignoring Cisco unless he had to reply to him and made things awkward for the rest of us but we continued our discussion regardless.
(Flashback to Barry after the attack and while Andrew was still in the coma)
Barry was running on the treadmill deep in thought and only stopped once Felicity got his attention. He was sweating perfusely as he had been pushing himself, running without a break.
"What are you doing? You should go back to your hotel, get some sleep." Barry said while panting from his run.
"You should to....Not go back to my hotel, but get some sleep!" Felicity said while in perfect Felicity fashion made things awkward.
"I can't. Every time I close my eyes I see their faces, all the people I couldn't save because I wasn't fast enough. I see Andrew, pale and weak, injured and bloody, with that rod sticking out of his chest. I nearly watched him die, I have to go faster." Barry said which shocked Felicity as she didn't know the extent that Andrew had been hurt.
"Barry its not your fault, and it's not Cisco's, either. Barry I know you're upset, but you have to look at this from his point of view." Felicity said.
"No, I get it, he didn't trust me." Barry said with indignation in his voice.
"Look Barry, when you met us, Oliver, Dig, and I, we were this well-oiled archery machine. But it didn't start out that way. And unlike you guys we weren't tossed together overnight, we came together one at a time. Believe me it took more than watching Oliver do the Salmon Ladder to make me trust him." Felicity explained.
Barry simply scoffed as he turned away from Felicity and she turned and walked away before turning around at the doorway and said.
"I've seen first hand what this life can do to people, don't let it be any lonelier than it has to be."
Barry was still upset and couldn't respond so he turned back to what he was doing.
Felicity had walked into the room and saw Andrew in his coma.
"I didn't know you got hurt that bad, but you have great friends Andrew, don't take them for granted." She said as she brushed the back of her hand on my forehead with a look of care on her face before she walked out and head back to her hotel.
(Back to the present)
"I think I found a way to track Shade." Cisco said as he came in with a tablet in hand.
"You gotta stop naming these guys." Caitlin commented.
"Hey I happen to think that's a great name. I joked to which Caitlin smirked.
"Barry, listen to him." Wells said as he saw Barry was still ignoring Cisco.
"How?" Barry asked with a sigh as of he was annoyed to have to listen to him which of course he was.
I could understand his frustration, 5 people died and I nearly did as well, so I could see why he was so upset at Cisco, but the difference between the two of us is that I know there has never been a choice for the greater good that was made, even with the best intentions, that couldn't possibly backfire. So I cut Cisco some slack.
"The dark gun is powered by an Engine Control Unit, a microcomputer that regulates air-to-fuel ratios so that the Umbral liquid in the chamber wouldn't overflow and..." Cisco explained.
"Explode." Caitlin said, finishing Cisco's sentence.
"Exactly. This E.C.U was receiving updates wirelessly from my tablet. If I can boost the signal using Central City's Network and send a false update, we'll get a ping back and then..." Cisco replied.
"We can locate Shade." Wells finished using the name I gave the guy.
"How long will that take?" Barry asked still clearly annoyed.
"I'll have to hack into the city's network. So, I don't know, 30 minutes maybe." Cisco replied.
"I can do it in less than one. When it comes to hacking, I'm the fastest woman alive. Ahh that was not as baddass as I pictured it." Felicity chimed in while walking to her laptop that was on a table while cracking her knuckles painfully.
"Alright, I'm in!" She continued after about 35 seconds (which is insanely impressive by the way) before looking back at Cisco.
"That's amazing!!"
"Are you kidding?!?" Caitlin and I spoke at the same time.
"Okay, I'm sending the updates.... We're connected." Cisco replied with an impressed chuckle.
"Network is triangulating the location." Felicity added.
"We got em, he's heading West on Nelson heading toward the train station." Caitlin said.
"If he's leaving it appears he got whatever he was after." Wells said.
Barry wooshed off and came back in his suit.
"If we put our minds to it dude, there's nothing we can't accomplish." Cisco said with a smile.
Barry then pressed the side of his cowl causing Cisco to be confused.
"You turned off your comms how are we going to talk to eachother?" Cisco asked.
"I don't feel like talking." Barry replied as he ran off.
"Don't worry, I'll be there to." I said as I walked in in my suit which was actually pretty tight fitting which I knew was noticed by Felicity's cheeks turning slightly pink.
I then flew out of the skylight which I made sure to create with a combination of my powers to move the earth and metal and some help from Cisco. A little after we met, the team decided upon making that adition, they found it easier to have, so I didn't have to rush out the building wasting a couple more minutes.
CCPD had been alerted to a report made by witnesses who knew Shade's description after all, the CCPD spread his picture to try and find him, and witnesses had seen him at the train station and called them.
"The guy from the theater attack, he's been spotted at the train station!" Joe said as he and Eddie got in the car to head over.
As Joe rushed inside the station alone after telling Eddie to wait for backup, he came across Shade and he had the Dark Gun in one hand as well as a standard pistol in the other. He aimed at Joe and was about to pull the trigger, until Eddie came over and shot towards him, hitting the wall next to him in his rush to save Joe. This made Shade stop and quickly jumped aboard the passing train.
Joe and Eddie were watching the train and as they watched, a red Streak ran past them. It was Barry on his way. A little bit later, high in the sky, there was a trail of whitish blue light that streamed across the clouds.
This was Andrew on his Halo, flying to the train.
(On the train)
Barry had crashed through the train and in his anger clouding his better judgment, he stopped to question Shade.
"Ah, you certainly are a quick one. Where's your glowing friend?" Shade asked.
"I don't need his help to take you down." Barry replied.
"Is that so? Well I believe you made a critical miscalculation. I know your fatal flaw, I saw it at the theater. It's the reason I was able to retrieve this fascinating trinket here." Shade said gesturing to the Dark Gun.
"While you're busy saving everyone here, I'll be busy saving myself." Shade continued as he shot out a wave of darkness that filled the train very quickly to the point even the train operator couldn't see. Barry was at a loss at what to do, but was lucky as he saw Andrew come in from the cabin door behind him, his image obvious from his glowing silhouette.
"Get after him, I'll take care of the train!" I shouted at Barry.
"Are you sure?" Barry asked.
"We don't have time for a debate, GO!" I said as I sent an EM Shockwave to the nearest door, blowing it off it's hinges and sent a glowing ball of lighting out the now available exit.
Barry used the ball of lightning as a landmark and ran out trying to locate Shade.
"Now for this train. God I hope this works." I said aloud to myself.
An aura of white-blue electricity began to cover the train, cabin by cabin and from an outsider's perspective it looks as if there was a train made of lightning moving along the tracks.
When I finally had the whole train covered, I located the wheels of the train from my, now active connection with all of the train's metal and focused on the wheels pulling back with my arms as it caused the wheels to screech and create orange sparks as the trains breaks were activated. It took a total of four minutes to fully bring the train to a stop and I nearly collapsed of exhaustion of the shear amount of effort I expended to stop the train.
After I had rested for about 20 minutes, I then sent out mini EM Shockwaves to push the dark cloud out of the train through the windows I had already opened with my powers.
Slowly but surely, the cloud of darkness receded and I could see once again. I flew out of the opening I made earlier before the passengers recovered enough to see me and I looked for Barry.
'I hope he was able to find and stop Shade' I thought to myself