Static Flash

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: The Conclusion

I flew out and I finally saw Team Flash in a group. Cisco, Caitlin, Felicity, and Barry with what I knew was the S.T.A.R. Labs vacuum cleaner. Barry was in the center of the group and I could see he not only had bleeding holes in his knees, but both legs were bent at an unnatural angle and bones were sticking out the sides.

'What the fuck happened?' I wondered.

I finally landed next to the group.

"Barry! What happened, are you okay?" I asked.

"Do I look okay?" Barry joked using my words I used when he found me after our first encounter with Shade.

"Of course not." I said back with a chuckle.

Barry then began to explain his altercation with Shade or as he had been told was actually named. Rodney Smythe.


(Barry chasing after Shade)

Barry found that after he got out of the initial cloud of darkness he found that it was relatively easy to follow after Shade. He had boarded another train and had the dark gun sticking out the front and was sending out a continuous wave after wave of a dark cloud which Barry followed. Barry had made it onto this train but he was too late. The train operator couldn't see and it seemed that Shade had jumped off and hit the track switcher. The train derailed as it was on an unfinished track.

Barry used his speed and managed to get everyone out. It wasn't easy with the dark cloud limiting his sight, but pushing himself to generate more lightning, he ended up using his own lightning like a flashlight to find and run the passengers out of the train.

He got everyone out but when he came back, not knowing Shade had already left, he was caught in part of the train wreck.

His damaged body had crawled out of the wreckage only to be greeted by Shade who shot both of Barry's knees to keep him from running. But he didn't stop there, in a unexpected show of strength, Shade grabbed each leg with either hand, and pulled them in opposite directions effectively breaking his legs and the bone was even able to be seen outside Barry's legs.

"How did you do that?" Barry asked as he winced at the pain.

"I have my own tricks up my sleeve. Name's Rodney Smythe, make sure Andrew gets to know it." Shade said as he turned around.

But Shade was greeted by the S.T.A.R. Labs team where Cisco gave his speech about the prototype Cold Gun which eventually ended in Shade leaving. He even tossed over the Kandaq Diamond that no one even knew he stole.

"Tell Andrew I look forward to our next meeting." He said before he disappeared in a dark cloud.


(Back to the present)

"What the hell. Why does he seem so interested in me?" I questioned, but none of them could answer the question.

"And what was with his super strength?" Cisco asked.

"Do you think he could've been a Meta-Human?" Caitlin proffered.

That thought scared all of us as the implications were horrific.

"A Meta-Human with that weapon is not a good combination." I stated.

"We'll figure all this out when we get back to S.T.A.R. Labs." I continued as I grabbed Barry and the other three with my powers and flew us all back to S.T.A.R. Labs. I still hadn't figured out how I healed Joe with my powers. I knew I used the Pulse Heal ability, but I don't know how I did it. Until I do we'll have to settle for good old fashioned Western Medicine.


(S.T.A.R. Labs)

Barry was resting on the resident bed for the injured as he healed. Meanwhile, we had been discussing Shade at length. Eventually we had decided to safely assume he was a Meta with super strength and he not only had the Dark Gun, but had shown he knew how to use it and was willing to harm others with it. He became priority 1 for us to focus on for the time being.


(Couple Hours Later)

"I've been trying to track Smythe and its seems like he figured out a way to block the signal somehow." Cisco said.

"Don't worry Cisco, we'll find him, together." Barry said happily now over his anger at Cisco after he saved him from Smythe earlier.

"You have a great team here Barry." Felicity said as she appeared in the doorway holding her stuff.

Barry turned and she continued.

"Speaking of teams, I should probably get back to mine."

Barry nodded and then Wells spoke up from the back.

"It was nice meeting you Ms. Smoak. Please extend a hello to the Arrow for us."

"I will." Felicity replied and then looked on as Barry walked up to her.

"Goodbye Felicity." He said.

"Bye Barry." She replied. Then gave him a hug and walked out.

"Remarkable young woman, she's special." Wells said.

"Yeah she is." Barry agreed as he seemed to be in thought about it.

As everyone exits the room it was just Wells and Cisco and as Cisco was about to walk away his arm was grabbed by Wells.

"Cisco, don't you ever do anything like that again do you understand me?" Wells asked while stressing the word ever.

Cisco, seeing how serious Wells was, nodded and replied a bit scared of him.

"Yes sir."


(Felicity on the train back to Starling City)

Felicity was sitting in an empty cabin and was reading a news article on her tablet entitled 'Red Streak and Electric Man Save Passengers and Stop Train Wreck'

As she was reading, Barry wooshed in and sat in front of her but she didn't see him until she looked up.


"Oh God, did I just yelp. I yelped." Felicity said as she was covering her face after the shock.

Barry had his hand over his mouth as he was laughing.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he said while still laughing.

"Don't tell me you're here to save me?" Felicity asked.

"Taking the train is still the safest way to travel." Barry said.

"I thought that was Airplanes?" Felicity asked.

"Hmmm" Barry made a sound of if he was like "Weell" as he then started laughing.

"Do you remember saying you had an experience liking someone who didn't see you the same way? That was Iris right?" Felicity asked.

"How did you know?" Barry asked incredulously.

"It's the little things. The way you linger on her when she isn't looking, the smile you fake to play the part, the quiet dreams you keep to yourself." Felicity replied and based on her tone and clearly sad body language, it was clear that the last line was alluding to herself.

"Like you and Oliver?" Barry said as Felicity also looked shocked.

"It takes one to know one....I'm afraid it'll change everything." Barry said the first part jokingly then continued.

"It will, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. What is wrong with us? We are perfectly perfect for eachother." Felicity said sardonically.

"Yet we're sitting here pining for people we can't have." Barry commented as Felicity snapped her finger in an ahh damn like way.

"I guess it's true what they say, opposites do attract." Barry continued.

Barry then leaned forward.

"If you ever need anything, I'll race over in a heartbeat."

"Same, well as fast as I can run, which may take me a while, but i'll still come." Felicity replied as she leaned forward as well.

"Bye Felicity." Barry said as he leaned forward the rest of the way and kissed her.

After they separated from the kiss, Barry ran out and was running while cheering from the excitement of running.

"Bye Barry." Felicity said as she looked out the window sadly.

Before Felicity could get back to reading the article she heard the cabin door open from behind her and turned, but who she saw surprised her.

"Andrew?!? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well it's actually two things. One, I never got a proper goodbye, and two, I wanted to say something to you." I replied.

"Okay. I'm ready." Felicity said as she prepared for what I would say.

"So it's like this, I know that you like Barry and I'm not trying to get in the way of that, (he is not supposed to know she likes Oliver) but I just wanted to let you know that if you want, I'd love for us to try and see where it could go with us." I said.

Felicity didn't say anything and seemed to be in shock for a few minutes because she honestly thought he was really cute and he had a gorgeous body and he was also a budding intellectual. He honestly had the whole package, but he wasn't Oliver. Maybe someday she decided.

"Wow, I certainly didn't expect this. I do have to say though, I don't think now is a good time. Maybe somewhere down the line, but for now, I'll have to say no." Felicity replied.

"Well, I can't say I'm not a little disappointed, but if you change your mind here's my number." I said as I made a electric projection of my phone number surrounded by a glowing box in front of her and in a flash of light, I was gone.

She seemed to be contemplating on whether or not to save the number, but as she saw the projection begin to fade, she quickly took out a note pad and wrote it down.

"Who knows what the future may hold. I hope to meet again soon Andrew" Felicity said aloud to herself.

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