Chapter 12: Dual Type Sentient Weapon Form-Gauntlet 03
Having passed out from a combination of exhaustion and that power he felt flowing from the sentient weapons on his arms not exactly leaving him but not being as active as it was before. The adrenaline rush he was feeling as well at the time that was a do or die scenario that he was in wore off. The twin's owner was lying in the middle of a forest area and he eventually managed to run trying not to get attacked yet again. Hoping that this at least was enough distance away for them to be safe for the moment.
It was not by his previous attacker and/or their allies managing to find or somehow come across him. Which either of these scenarios would be not be at least for the moment currently. Then it would probably be the local wildlife instead that would most certainly attack him. After all, he was in the middle of a forest passed out cold and almost defense cause of his focus on the survival of the moment rather than in general. Though he did not have to worry about another person attacking him there, the wildlife or even random act of nature itself happening.
It was at this moment that the gauntlets on his arm transformed from a pair of weapons into two identical girls. These girls resembled the statues that the gauntlets were storied in yet this time they were different, being a relic. These two girls were the embodiment of the gauntlets themselves. After all, sentient weapons, also now known as relics, were weapons that possessed their own souls that could manifest into a human form. The two were holding hands as they looked over their owner as he was lying on the ground. The only part of them that was different from when they were stored within their statues. Each of them had one arm that was ended in the form of their true gauntlet form.
“Owner? That is not an advisable place to recharge” the two of them said simultaneously.
However, it was pointless as their owner was not getting up anytime soon and just continued to lie there.
“Protection of owner requires a secure place,” they said "This is not such a place"
It left him exposed to the elements and out in the open for those who could scan for their location from the sky. There was no sign of their attacker following them but that does not mean they should stay out in the open like this regardless. Thus the twin carried their owner to some ruins with one of them carrying his arms and the other carrying his legs.
Arriving at the ruins that if they were awakened in the same era they were turned into sentient weapons. This would have been the place where they would have been registered properly with their owner as the facility where they were kept and this place were in different places split apart via a teleporter. One that no longer work not just because it had been centuries since the rebellion that overthrew the kingdom that was ruling here at the time anyway.
Having ventured deep enough into the ruins were they came to a place that had a lot of pillars in the surrounding area.
"Owner requires more time to recharge but the area must be surveyed for danger as well," they said as one.
The girl representing the right gauntlet then got down on her knee and gave her owner a lap pillow to watch over them. While the one representing the left gauntlet was looking around the general area to ensure that there were no threats to they needed to be aware of. Though this was done in a matter where they were never out of the other sight. Being a dual type relic they had two bodies to control at once to go search the area while the other stayed behind with their owner. It required forcing one of the bodies to search while the other was left behind with the only awareness being if anything got too close to their owner. They would move to defend him as best they could. Otherwise, the body remained motionless and unmoving as their owner was being given the lap pillow treatment.
Time passed and eventually, their owner started coming too once again after recovering enough to regain consciousness. As he started to gather himself he noticed that he was not on the ground but in the lap of a strange metallic looking girl. It took a while for him to process everything fully and when he did when he reacted drastically.
“Who in what in the world are you,” their owner said as he jumped out of her lap and began backpedaling after falling to the ground.
“I am your weapon, owner,” the right gauntlet said to him with a confused look on her face as she cocked her head to the side while the left one remain motionless nearby.
“Owner? Huh, what happened to those relics I had on my first it better to just get out here” they said realizing that they must pass out and that attacker might be coming back or worse with backup.
He might have known about relics but that does not mean he knew everything about them. Everything he knew was merely second hand knowledge he learned from overhearing various people talk about them. Not once did they ever mention something like this in those talks and conversations that he just so happened to overhear from just being around them.
So when confronted with the scene playing out before his eyes. Two strange girls were claiming to be his weapon without any knowledge of who, what, when, where, how, and why of these girls before him. Rather starting talking to them as if that was the most normal thing to do for someone in his situation. Instead did what most people would have done and he went off to run to get away from these two as fast as he possibly could.