Chapter 13: Gau and Let 01
However, while this was his intent in attempting to get away, he did not make it far as the left gauntlet moved to catch him by the collar as he was pasting her by.
“Why are you running, Owner,” the right gauntlet asked him.
"Huh, why is that one talking when it's this one that moved," their owner said.
"I am one weapon, owner," the right one said as the left did not move but their grasp on his collar remained tight.
"One weapon with two bodies. I can not control and speak both bodies in my current state" the right one spoke only.
Their owner then looked at the right one and then towards the left one that was grasping their collar. Thoughts were going through their mind at this moment that led the twins down the path that would make them a very unorthodox owner and weapon even amongst other dual type sentient weapon users. The unconventional treatment of them in their early stage like this would be the difference as their owner just recently would have discovered what sentient weapons were and so far would have only known come across one. These are the twins that are a pair of gauntlets that were currently prevent him from running away from them.
The right gauntlet then got up and walked over to the left one that had not moved or acted since grabbing its owner's collar.
Once she got over there it was her that seemingly became like a statue as the left one started moving and speaking once again.
"Do not run away again when I let go" the left one said.
"Fine" their owner sighed.
If they had meant him harm then they could have done so at any time while he was out cold after all. However, this did not mean that he was completely letting his guard down around them just yet. He had enough issues to deal with right now and was lacking in allies plus a means to defend himself too. The two of them seem loyal enough to him at the moment and thus would have his trust. His trust at least for the moment as he was still wary of them though as that did not change at all.
"I will not run," he told them “So you two are claiming that I am your owner,”
“That is correct this weapon belongs to you,” the left gauntlet said
Letting go of the left gauntlet he walked over to where the right was standing and took their hand that was not covered in gauntlet like their own.
"Greetings, owner. Dual Type sentient weapon form gauntlet at your service" the two of them said in unison as they made moves that mirrored one another with their formal greeting.
"I am Rangi then," Rangi told them.
"What are your orders, owner Rangi," they both asked
Though Rangi was not paying attention to them at the moment. He was busy looking through his bag that miraculously had not fallen off him during everything he had been through recently. Be it the fall, the climb, the battle, or running away after it. His bag was still with him after all this yet while the bag itself was still with him and intact, what he hoped was that everything inside was still roughly in one piece. After tossing and jostling that was happening though it seemed like things mostly were though as he was rummaging through his bag. Other than checking the content of the bag itself, he was seemingly searching for something which caught the two girl's attention.
"What are you looking for owner? Is assistance required" the two asked together leading over his shoulder with normal hands still clasped together.
"Looking for something for you to wear as you two are naked after all" Rangi declared.
In one of the rare moments where they were not holding the other hand but still both remained fully activated and animated. The two girls both pounded their normal hands into their gauntlet covered ones.
"Ohhhhh...Understood" the girls said
Though they seemingly understood what Rangi meant though noticed he was wearing something over his body thus they should do the same to match their owner. They did not have a sense of modest just degree to think more critically than other sentient weapons that had only just been awakened for the first time at least.
A lot of sentient weapons came with the ability to create a sheath for themselves. They were weapons after all thus always being in an exposed state could cause harm to their owner. After all, it would be dangerous to walk around with a bladed weapon that does not have some kind of cover when not in use. Unlike normal sheaths which have to be created and obtained after or before the weapon. The sheath of a sentient weapon was an ability and thus could be turned on and off at will. Even non bladed and blunt force weapons had this ability as a result. However, this was normally only for their true form as weapons.
"Is this to your liking, owner?" the two of them asked him
They had managed to create two raggy cloaks that just covered their bodies. The cloaks just had a hole for their head and just covered their front and backs. Leaving their sides exposed though.
"Guess it will have to do for now," Rangi said
"Affirmative" the two stated
"Stop that by the way," he told them.
"Stop what?" both of them replied cock their heads to the side.
"Stop speaking as one as you are clearly two different beings," he told them.
“This one is a gauntlet” they both replied.
"Right but there are two of you," he said
“We are a gauntlet” they both replied again.
This went on for a while until Rangi stopped holding his head in his hands.
“Owner is there something the matter” the two girls stated
Both of them were unaware that they were the matter that was causing Rangi's distress.
“You are now Gau he said looking at the one that had a gauntlet as their right hand "While you are now Let" while looking at the one that had a gauntlet as their left hand.
“Gau and Let,” they said together each pointing at themselves.