Chapter 15: Rangi 02
However, there was indeed a reason why Malbury Point was where it was and why it had been founded there. These things were not of interest to Rangi that much, however. Just exploring the world outside of his village and the forest was what interested him. Journeying around the general area as though he was indeed interested in exploring he was not really too keen on leaving his home for good. He was more of someone who liked getting out but did not want to constantly stay out and become a wanderer. Journeying endlessly without destination or return home time as these things were not what Rangi was interested in doing. Going home eventually was always the plan as traveling like this was just to both scratch an itch he had developed and also help out the village as well. Learning about how the world had changed since the era of the Malbury Point founders. To see the just that much and once he had learned all he could about this general area along with some other things that could help the village out in the long run. Rangi's plan was to just stop going out like this after that point and remain in the village from then on. Having seen all he wanted to see and did all he wanted to do in what existed beyond the world he had grown up in.
'Probably the time I think about going back home now’ Rangi thought.
He had prolonged his latest stay outside of the village and forest area long enough. Things happened that required him to prolong his stay that were beyond his control and ability to know would happen. He had to stick around longer than planned to see these commitments through properly and fully. Thus having just wrapped them up it was time to finally think about heading back home
'Tafu must be worried about me' Rangi thought with a sigh
Rangi had truly explored enough for now and was starting to get homesick. He again did not want to stay in the world outside of their village but merely visit the outside world from time to time. Never venturing too far from their home nor making any real connection to anyone while he was there.
Just going around exploring and only interacting with people as much as he needed to when it came to places to stay. Things were most certainly interesting but in the end, the world outside his village was. It was a place they would like to visit for the novelty but had no desire to stay and live out in it. His home was again the village and that was where they wanted to stay as it had everything he wanted. Minus the few times of just wanted a change of scenery and nothing more than that. Though as Rangi arrived back to where he was staying at the moment he overheard something being said by those that were gathered in the common area that place had. A place where people that were staying here were allowed to gather outside of their rooms for some indoor fresh air. The kind where you do not want to go all the way outside but do not want to stay coup up in your room all the time either.
Because it was a common area where were people talking about various things and one could overhear things that were happening in the area at the moment. Rangi came here because he was informed this was a good place to overhear a number of things without the threat of being accused of eavesdropping. If you are in a public space then everyone walking by can overhear what you are saying. If what you were talking about was supposed to be a private matter then discussing it in a common area was your own fault as it was the last place you come as you never know who can be listening.
“Did you hear about how that one strange forest all of sudden burned down and that at the end up was the ruins of what seemed to be a village?” the first town resident said.
“Wait why would there be ruins of a village in the back as there should have been anything back there at the end of the forest at all” the second town resident replied.
“I did say ruins the places probably been abandoned and wiped out with that forest became so dangerous in the first place. Who could really live to the end of that death trap of a forest anyway” the first town resident told them.
While they were listening to this through mere chance as they were walking by. Rangi kept on walking into the common area but stopped at a distance where they were able to pick up on the entire conversation without drawing attention to himself nor giving off the impression that he was eavesdropping on them either. Another thing he was informed on how to do by the same person about staying in places with common room areas.
‘The forest was burned while the village was discovered and destroyed’ Rangi thought as he walked back to the two locals ‘Now I really have to high tail it out here and try lowing low about for awhile'.
Rangi once he had heard everything stayed where he was but was thinking over everything he had just heard. There was a lot to process and he did not want to blow his cover by moving too soon. Another thing he was told not to do was when using the current method he was doing to eavesdrop. Leaving around the same time as the ones that you listen to did could raise unwanted questions and/or get unwanted attention. So staying behind and waiting for the right moment to move would be something that would be done as a result. Though Rangi was not just wasting time until he felt it was safe to move. He was also going over his plans for the immediate future now that things had changed