Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 16: Rangi 03

Rangi eventually returned to the room he was staying in and started packing. Luckily he was traveling light as he was not carrying too much on him or with him at the moment. Thus getting all his stuff together was something he was able to do rather quickly. It was also in his favor that check out time had passed yet so he was able to do so without drawing any unwanted attention to himself.

Who found Malbury Point and why did they leave everything in ruins along with burning down the forest as well? The fact that his home was being reported as mere ruins gave him the suggestion that someone did not want anyone to realize people were actually living there until the area was recently made into looking like ruins as the result of their actions. Mostly the one from which the story he just heard originated in the first place.

While packing his stuff and going to check out this place. Rangi was worried about Tafu and her family. Though he did not live with them directly they were the ones that helped in raising him all these years since then his own parents had died. Leaving him alone as they were the last family he had after all as no one else in his family was still alive beside him now. However, he was opting not to run back home as fast as he could. Though getting back home at least what was supposedly left of it from here might be the right thing for him to do. However, what worried him was going all the way there just to be trapped at some point along the way. After all, if he did return home who to say that an ambush would not be waiting for him when he got there? Going home might have been an option but a dangerous one as even getting closer than he was now was dangerous. There was no telling what or why whoever was behind the destruction of his hometown was after and he could not figure it out if he would end up in the same place as those that have been captured or worse the afterlife with those who had died.

There was also the idea that the story that was being passed around was not the full truth but merely what those behind what happened to the forest and Malbury Point wanted to spread around. If the forest was not truly burned down like the story claims it could not be used to provide them cover. The monsters and creatures that lived there were average of Rangi and those of the village. Although Rangi learned from everyone else's point of view they were abnormally strong for this region it seems.

If the forest could not be used as a means to cover their escape then it is possible that they would attempt to use the cliff on the other side of Malbury Point as a means to do so. It was not known what was at the bottom of the cliff itself as nothing thrown into it ever seemed to hit the bottom for some reason. Throw a rock in and no matter how long you wait you will never hear it hit the bottom.

Though worse comes to worse, it might be possible just to hang on the side off the edge at a level where they can not be seen but still can climb back up once the coast is cleared. If Rangi recalled correctly there were ventures down the cliff at one point to see just what might lie in its depths. One that was abandoned over time but the leftovers of those expositions might still be craved into the cliffside on the way down. Perfect place for someone or a small group to hide for the time being possibly

Rangi left without a goal of where to go other than anywhere but home. Though he did not want to go through with this it was probably best if he just left this region entirely as then he would not have to worry about the one that controls this region as much.

'Great becoming a wanderer exactly what I did not want to be' he thought once he had completed his checking out process with time to spare before the daily time limit passed.

Once he crossed over into another region then the rulers of this one would need a good reason to enter into another. It was this red tape that Rangi was hoping would aid him in his escape. He might have been from an isolated village but after leaving it he was made aware that there are various regions that are all ruled over by various groups of people. Each one had its own rules and regulations that had to be followed. Rangi however was only assuming that it was the regional ruler that led to Malbury Point's destruction unaware of just how high up things were or even why they were going this far at the moment. Though these would all be things that he would learn later on later day though

One thing that he had going for him was that he did not have a guild member's card at all. The person that he had met early on in his travels outside of Malbury Point for the first time was someone who informed him of the dangers of joining the guild. They did not just claim this with words alone as they actually showed him proof of the dangers of joining a guild that would work out to his benefit in the long run. That card would have allowed others to track them. Rangi was shown how someone managed to find a person's last known location through the tracking of their guild member's card they had made. Not even leaving the guild card behind and running off would help as the card itself could be used to find its owner and would work better than any tracking creature and/or monster. Magic would only boost the effect of the card's ability to locate its owner regardless of where it attempts to go.

Rangi did not have one of these made so he few moves in general thus not allowing anyone to give chase to him. It was possible that whoever attacked his hometown might be aware of the fact that he travels outside or that others like himself might do so. Thus if they do not find them inside the village and/or forest then it is possible there are now search parties out looking for them. To get rid of a forest teeming with resources and an already built village in the back of it. They must have serious reasons for doing so and thus would want to ensure that everyone and everything was taken care of one way or another

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