Chapter 2: Kate and Lina 02
The family while making their way to their terminal hear the various ongoings of the airport staff going back and forth. It seems just like the typical day for everyone here though the twin's parents seem to pick on something that their daughters do not. Something that can merely be brushed off as them seeing something as a result of them just having to travel more in this fashion than their kids.
“Are you sure about this?” the twin's mother asked
"I am afraid that I am, miss" the airport receptionist informs her
She and the rest of the family stood at the entryway of an airport terminal entryway. The sound of airplanes coming and going is visible from the window beside them. The sounds of various announcements ringing over the intercoms above them. One of them signaled a problem with their flight going over them suggesting they meet with the terminal receptionist as soon as possible.
"So what is the meaning of this then" the twin's father asked
"Although you and your wife travel with us very often. We were caught off guard that this time you would be bringing your daughters along. Thus we might have overbooked your flight leaving two seats for you, instead of the four that you requested in advance" the receptionist informed them
"So then get the two that took our daughter's seats off the plane" their mother demanded.
"It's not that simple though," their father asked curiously
"That is correct as their seat were not only already sold but the people who bought them were amongst the first on the plane. Also, their luggage amongst the first loaded on it thus getting them both off would delay the flight. Causing an inconvenience not just to them and your family, but to everyone on board the plane at the moment. The only reason it has caused one already is because the flight arrived early. Thus everyone was already on board twenty minutes ahead of schedule" the airport staff explained
"Looks like someone did slow us down after all" Kate said
"Shut it as you were the one slow carrying our luggage after all" Lina replied
"So there are still our two seats though" the father asked
"Of course as we have reserved your normal seating as you fly with us very often after all" the terminal receptionist states
"Kate...Lina. Go ahead of us as we will catch the next flight and catch up with you once we do" their father told them.
“Should not one of us go with them and the other stay behind?” their mother asked curiously. Her expression was one of worry and doubt. One that could stem from not just her being overprotective of them at all though. “I just have a bad feeling that actually, we should not be getting on this plane at all”
“The two of them are old enough that they can get on a plane by themselves and we will be pretty much right behind you. Just wait a few hours for us to get there” their father told them seemingly on board with the idea of letting them go ahead of them.
"So what about all of us just waiting for the next flight and then going together" the mother suggested.
"Sorry, that would not be possible as the next flight would be leaving shortly, and though it will drop you off at a different airport. It has already been arranged that the two that take this flight will be taken to where the other two are located" the staff member tells them
“There should not be a problem with them going ahead of us together as actually, we have other things to ensure are done here on our end then,” the father said “However by the same token we can not miss this flight. The twins know how to go about informing those waiting for us about the delay of our arrival” the father explains.
“Again maybe we should leave to ensure what needs to be done here to the twins, while we go take care of business at our intended destination,” their mother said
"Mom...." Kate started.
"Dad..." Lina started.
The two girls then seem to space out for a moment before continuing
“.... can leave everything up to us as we are your children after all” Kate finished
“...thanks for believing in us,” Lina said as Kate was about to say something but just nodded in response after a look from her sister.
Thus the two twin sisters were set on their way to getting on the plane. They were supposed to be going somewhere on a family trip but once they got to the airport. A mistake was revealed to have been made so that rather than having four seats reversed only two of them were instead. The airline would allow for two of them to fly on the plane they reserved with the next two flying on the next planned flight for free. Both were allowed to fly first class as a result of the screw up on the airline's fault.