Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 3: Kate and Lina 03

“What do you think they are doing that would require both of them to stay behind and let us both go ahead of them first” Lina asked

“Not sure really as we just have to wait for them once the plane lands after all” Kate replied.

The twins had bid farewell to their parents and bordered the plane that was about to take off.

Lina then realized something that had been off and bothered her for a while now.

"What happened to that bag that I gave you back at home that was supposed to be our carry on stuff" Lina asked her sister

"I put it with the rest of your luggage, why" Kate replied

Lina then looked dumbfounded at her sister. Not wanting to believe that she placed something she clearly and purposefully told her was to be their carry on stuff just inside their luggage instead of everything else.

"Great this is going to be a rather boring flight though at least we can get that stuff once we land," she said sighing

"It should not be that hard to find as I know exactly where I placed so once the plane lands we just get whatever you wanted out there," her sister told her

It was then that an announcement was being made over the plane's intercom system.

“We are sorry to inform everyone that despite what you have been told previously. It seems that your luggage has been somehow left behind at the airport. We do not know why but it was not loaded onto the plane before we took off, however. Rather it was merely a technical and/or human error is currently unknown by us the flight staff as well as the pilot and loading crew. So to make for our mistake we have been informed you will all be allowed to stay free of charge at a nearby hotel,” a flight attendant named Milly told them.

"Is that amazing, Lina" Kate said excitedly

"What's so exciting about you left our carry on stuff in our luggage and they left our luggage back at the airport along with everyone else," Lina told her

Lina looked a little worried as this was after all the second mistakes and had a bad feeling about this. What if.....

“bad things come in three,” Kate said all of a sudden shocking Lina “It was written all over your face and we knew each other better than anyone else after all”

“It's going to be okay as I am right here with you” Kate replied holding Lina’s hand.

There was a sudden storm that appeared around the plane at that very moment. The dark cloud did not sneak up on the pilot at all as they just materialized seemingly out of nowhere and instantaneously. It seemed like they were fine until a bolt of lightning struck the plane seemingly causing all the system to shut down. Causing the plane to start falling out of the sky as nothing was keeping it in the air anymore. The plane just started nose drive directly downward into the waters that were currently surrounding them with no land in sight.

In this sudden free fall, there was no one on the plane panicking as they would have started screaming to their dead unable to get to safety. However it was not because they were merely keeping calm or just suddenly passed out unable to take the sudden drop from the sky. It was at the moment after the lighting had struck the plane that everyone was on board. All of them just vanished in an instant leaving behind only their clothes that for a moment remain floating in the air. That only lasted a second as they all fell to the floor just like the plane fell out of the sky all of a sudden never to be found again. Lost to the bottom of the body of water they were flying over.

Search crews would not even know where to look at it was also not noticed until it was too late that nothing was tracking the plane and its black box had seemingly failed the moment the plane was turned on. So no one would even know where to look as the general search area was too wide as a result of all the failures and mistakes made that way.

The people that vanished did not die though for the fate that was awaiting someone they might have wanted to if given the choice. The two twins were in the back of the room still holding each other hands everyone noticed they were naked without a stitch of clothes on them at all.

Clear confusion, doubt, and several other emotions were present.

“Greeting weapons from another world,” a person said as they seemed to be a well dressed servant.

Hearing this many seemed to think that they had just gone through the typical summoning of a group of people from another world. The group was taken seemingly at random. Many noticed that the people directly beside them or those they were even talking to just a moment earlier were nowhere to be seen.

Fear was among those feelings from early gripping everyone that was within this space fully exposing the coldness of the room from their sudden lack of clothing. The chill they all had was both literal and figurative as a result.

“Sis” Lina said looking really worried.

“It's okay just do not let go of my hand” Kate replied.

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