Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 25: Tafu 04

As Tafu was now just a book that was actually the type of book known as a grimore. Just merely exists within the library of entirely different nations on a different continent even. Though the plan to lure Rangi back to the now ruins of Malbury Point had failed, a final group made to stay behind after their leader left. As just one final precaution if he did come back thinking they could just wait them out. The book that Tafu had become was of interest not because the leader knew immediately that she had become one. After all magic books were rare in this world and grimores were even rare still with there being even fewer of those. The leader upon arriving back to their place was met with an ally from that different nation that had come to visit them. They were from a land where magic was everything and thus magic book (when discovered grimores) even one the leader claimed they just found on the ground was of great interest to them. Seeing this as a means to offload Tafu onto them she was handed over to their ally from the magic dominated land as they were not aware of what Tafu's true worth was.

That would be the country of Valia. One where they were all about the magic of any and every form, thus if anyone would know what kind of book Tafu had turned into would be them. Thus upon contacting them, they sent someone over to check out Tafu's weapon form, though they were not informed that she was a sentient weapon. Merely that she was a book that they had found recently and was looking to see if those of Valia were interested in buying it from them.

After the Valian mage arrived to examine the book they were present it was discovered that it was more than just a book. Though the mage did not undercover the fact that Tafu was a sentient weapon what did learn was something that was just a few steps under that level. What the mage learned that she had become was actually the general type of book just known as magical books. The book that Tafu had become was not of interest to the leader since they did not desire magic at least in that form. However, the Valian mage did because well that is just there was a chance that she was not just a magical book but even a rare type of them known as a grimoire. Thus getting her book on the off chance that she was of the utmost importance to them as they are not just rare in this world thus extremely desirable to certain people and/or factions, especially in a country that was built around magic like Valia was.

So the deal was made on the spot as Valian mages were ordered to acquire any grimoire they came across immediately and without fail. Price was not an issue as they were using whatever means were needed to acquire it be it legal or illegal. All that mattered was getting magical books and possibly grimoire whenever possible as everything else could and would come secondary at that point. Valia as a country was used to dealing with the leader that was offering them this magical book for sale as they had numerous dealings with them in the past and thus knew exactly how to get what they desired from them. After paying a vast amount of money for the grimoire they left without even opening it first to check the content.

The reasoning was that magical books were known to contain knowledge about magic. The kind of magic would vary wildly from book to book as the author of each were vary just the same. Thus ensuring there were no traps or harmful effects applied to the book itself by the author and/or the last owner were required to be done before assuring it was safe to open. This was something that the leader that sold it to them was aware of and thus took advantage of that fact to sell it to them. Though the leader was shocked the Valia Mage did not notice Tafu was a book type sentient weapon though did not feel like informing them of this if they did not notice themselves. What would be the worst that could come of giving her away as she was just a book after all despite supposing to be a weapon. Still did not feel like they got the short end of the stick as the Valian mage only realized she was a magical book and was sure that she could not have any power magic contained within herself given where she came from after all.

Once the mage had arrived home in Valia and had the grimoire examined as to check the content upon ensuring it was safe to open. Opening up it after this was done, the mage felt that they had been duped as the magical book was examined thoroughly. Upon doing so it was deemed too worthless to the point where they questioned if it even was a book of magic in the first place. Since the only thing listed in the pages was just a basic intro to magic which itself was not even deemed as that good and/or useful to anyone. There were countless other books like this and even more so in a country like Valia where magic was the main focus of everything. There were normal books that had more correct information about magic than this one

Thus a basic intro to magic was something that this country would consider lower than the kid's book as middle level magic was based for almost every serious mage in this country. Thus it was placed amongst them in a library, where it would stay as the entire book was blank other than the part about the basic intro to magic. Their nothing on the cover or bidder either cause it does not stand out at all just considered a joke grimoire that was kept around for the sake of laughs.

The only reason it was not tossed out or even worse was because it was deemed as a grimoire after all. So it was something that Valia wanted to keep on hand for a while. There were those types that seemed worthless and useless as this was also a defense mechanism that the author and/or last owner would use to hide whatever content lay within. An extra measure to prevent just anyone from gaining access to what they had created or obtained for themselves. Until it was decided that this was not the case the book that Tafu had become was allowed to stay in the library as a joke for now. To see it would remain a joke or be something of value that requires time, the right person, or both to unlock the secrets it held. If this proves not to be the case then it would be removed as the Valian library it was given to did not need actual joke magical books after all.

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