Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 26: Tafu 05

Time passed and dust was beginning to collect on Tafu's grimoire form. She was well known for being useless to everyone that normally came across thus they did not even give her a second look. After all, she did not have anything of worth to most people who were visiting the library she had been placed in in the first place. She only contained magic at the most basic level that could easily be found anywhere and in some places you did not even need to look for them. Magic was just something people knew on an instinctual level thus, there was no need for them to learn it from a book at all if it was like that at a normal civilian level then it was even worse for books in a library for those aiming to be mages at the Mage Academy.

Thus Tafu was left to just sit there on the shelf unwanted and to a degree forgotten as well. Just a grimoire that was there because they did not know what to do with it. The novelty of it being considered a joke grimore was starting to wear off. The fun and interest were waning and now it was just becoming an eyesore that the library wanted to get rid of. The question however was how were they going to do that though. That was until someone else who often visited the library in their attempt to enter the Mage Academy found them. Looking through her page what they thought was something that no one had previously flipped through them even once. This was actually a useful source of information thus she was not only checked out but given to the not out of goodwill or kindness. It was seemingly good riddance present as to those of the library this just offload something they did not want in the first. Offload to someone else who was not wanted in the first place as well(not that her new owner was aware of this though).

It was while her owner who acquired her actually was using her despite the limited knowledge contained within her book compared to anything else out there. Her new owner was from a place where he did not even have the most simple of magic books and thus never learned anything from them. It was looking through the grimoire that it happened as Tafu was not a normal grimoire after all. She was a sentient weapon in the form of a grimoire. However just as unique as her form was since she was not a traditional mage based weapon of any kind really. Sure some that after being put through the smelting and forging process become mage based sentient weapons in the forms of wands and staff. Those could both still be considered weapons as their many purposes might have been to help with channeling magic and other things.

A staff was still a staff and could be used as a melee weapon when the owner was pushed. Same with rods and/or wands as it was possible to beat someone badly and even cause them fatal injuries still way. As they both could be used as blunt weapons after all though the strength of the wielder would depend on how well this strategy would work out for them.

Even in her current state, Tafu could be used as a weapon if used in that manner as nothing was stopping her wielder bashing someone in the face with her front or back side. Nor was there anything stopping them from using her side to give them a good chop like an attack to the neck or something. Other than common sense and a few other things mind you but then again against could be a weapon if you want it to be. Yet just because anything could be a weapon does not mean it should be used as one given the effectiveness of it in combat. Keeping your options open could lead to options you would have never seen before otherwise.

Anyway turns out Tafu was a unique case in not only the form her soul took as it was smelting and processing into a sentient weapon. This was also the case for how she was able to manifest as well compared to the normal way of doing things. Normally sentient weapons would assume a humanoid form with only one aspect of their true weapon form being present while they are in such a state. However, Tafu was different as she never acknowledged anyone as her wielder when the leftover shell that once her body and mind cracked revealing her weapon form.

Given there was a different standard for someone to be her wielder which her current owner managed to fulfill as he was busy combing through what pages within her grimoire self were present with vested interest and wonder. So when he questioned something present within herself but he was not sure where to look this is where she manifested in her humanoid form for the first time.

It was not a complete manifestation as she was not able to truly regain a fully humanoid form like most of her kind could. Instead, she manifests more as a transparent metallic floating spirit in a sense as she could not interact with the world around her yet the only things she could do so with would be herself. She was able to interact with her grimoire form as that was considered a part of her after all.

She grabbed it and floated over to her owner pointing at what he wanted to know earlier but was not able to find on his own. Tafu had awakened but her memories of her past life as a human seemed to be wiped at the moment. Her eyes might have shown signs of intelligence again but they were lacking any sense of self though. They were still vacant otherwise only able to seemingly carry out one goal that is to answer whatever question or desire her owner had in regards to herself.

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