Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 27: Tafu 06

Tafu then looked to see that there was someone else disturbing her from informing her owner about the information that he had wanted to know. She was pointing to the page where she felt the knowledge he was seeking was located. All he had to do was read for himself as this was what he wanted right. The innkeeper not noticing her did not bother her or keep her attention beyond just the initial noticing of them being there before she went back to get her owner to notice what she was trying to point out to him.

When he questioned her on this issue she just cocked her head to the side confused before trying to get him to notice it again. Which seemingly worked this time around as he read the page and got the answer he was looking for.

"That is enough for the day" her owner eventually said

As he had finished reading through her and then closed her grimoire form. Upon doing so she vanished the moment her book was fully closed and he looked confused that she just disappeared like that. Wondering if it was just his mind playing tricks on him though that could not have been the case given how long it would have been doing that. Thus he opened back up the grimoire and Tafu then reappeared upon doing so. Learning that while her book was open she was capable of appearing but once it was closed she would vanish until it was opened once again.

"Tafu" her owner then said one day.

She looked confused as that name meant something but her mind could not place it exactly. She was unaware that this was her own name as Tafu just kept looking at her owner curiously as she looked to see what he was reading within her book. That was the preface where it read 'This grimoire contains the magical knowledge of Tafu'. Thus they both just assumed that this Tafu was her creator as she created this grimoire that was herself. Tafu was not aware that she was not just the author but she had literally been turned into the grimoire itself. Thus both at the same time yet neither herself nor Lutz as he then introduced himself as were aware of at the time

Giving the reason that if she was going to be around him from now on then she was going to need a name that he could call her by. The name of what they both currently assumed was the author of the herself made sense as a good choice of one.

Tafu would go on to learn that only Lutz was able to see and interact with her as she was not visible to anyone else. She also could interact with anything else other than her grimoire as any attempt to do so would cause her to go right through them instead.

"Do you know what this is?" Lutz asked referring to something he wanted an answer on in regard to magic

Tafu thought about the page of her grimoire also flipping back and forth as she did so. However, this stopped as she then shook her head as she could not find the answer that he was looking for within herself and thus could not present it to him as he wanted. Lutz would then pull out another book and start reading that however not wanting to be outdone and curious herself she floated over his shoulder reading it as well.

When she noticed he was confused about something she actually at least understood the basics of pretty well. She flipped a page that was contained within her grimoire self and pointed towards it after getting Lutz's attention. Actually being the grimoire itself what Tafu and Lutz would not become fully aware of was that the preface of herself was what the content of her book form contained. All the magical knowledge of Tafu was contained within her pages, however, since Tafu only knew the very basics of magic itself. Her knowledge of magic was limited and would grow every time that she learned something new. Thus once she learned it that knowledge would become a page in her grimoire form as a result. The more she understood a topic the more detail and thorough her knowledge of the topic in question would become.

This leads to Tafu not being able to present a page containing the knowledge Lutz would know at the time until he tells her himself. Thus she could then give it to him later on as being a literal grimoire meant she could process and comprehend things differently. Tafu could understand something fully and have that in written form. The idea was that Tafu's true form was the grimoire itself and her spirit was just her incomplete humanoid form. Her thoughts and understanding about magic were all written down perfectly within her pages. Tafu did not think about how to word anything when came to magic as she just pointed to the page it was present within her grimoire instead. Once she did that it was easy to understand her because her knowledge was there in writing and fully detailed too.

However, it was while she was out with Lutz that walked around with her grimoire open so that she could manifest but so that he did not have always be holding it himself. That when upon turning a corner something neither of them expected happened. She collided with someone as this person was able to directly interact with her thus while she did not fall to the ground like them. After all, she was floating off the ground though it did push her back, yet it triggered something within her as well. As if this collision between herself and this person awoke something that was merely lying dormant within her.

Leading to for the first time since she appeared before Lutz that she would speak

"Watch where you are going, Rangi" Tafu would say to the person that now looking at her with utter shock and surprise

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