Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 28: Tafu 07

"What the hell were you lost in your own thought again or something" Tafu yelled "How can you be like that and I be the only person you DON'T realize is coming until it's already too late"

"Huh!? Tafu" Rangi said as he was on the ground looking up at her.

"Yeah, it's me who did you think I was? Seriously...wait where the hell have you been as do you know how long I've been waiting for you to get back" she said pointing her finger at him

"Rangi wait up we.....huh" a white hair girl would say as she came around the corner with black hair one that looked just like her.

"Is this why you were late getting back?" she said floating over to the two girls.

"You two can see me right," Tafu asked.

As she floated over to them she noticed they were looking directly at her. This was not something that anyone would do normally unless they were aware of her presence and could see as well as hear her too.

The two girls merely looked at Tafu as she floated in between them.

"I am Rangi's oldest friend and there is much I want to hear from you two," she said

Placing a hand near each of their shoulders with a smile on her face however, it was clear that the smile was not reaching her eyes as she said this.

The three of them had moved to another location where they were able to talk more freely as they were not so much out in the open anymore. Rangi was out of earshot he was not out of sight of these two girls and vice versa. The two girls introduced themselves as the white hair one being Gau and the black hair one being Let.

"Alright tell me who you two are and what are you to Rangi," Tafu said looking at them with a serious tone.

"What about you as what are you to Rangi" Gau asked.

"How can you be considered his oldest friend" Let said following up

"Of course, I am his oldest friend as I have known him for as long as I can remember after all. The two of us have done so much together as we have that kind of bond as friends after all" she said.

"But you are aware that you are not human right as no human looks like that normally" Let inquired.

"Answer my question first before starting up on your own," Tafu says "Who are you two to Rangi? Are you the reason he has taken so long to get back to me"

"I am his traveling companion" Gau states.

"So I am as the three of us are traveling fully leave this region at least" Let replies.

"Interesting why would Rangi want to leave without me? Why would he want to attempt to abandon me without so much as reason" Tafu questioned glaring at the two of them

She noticed this made Gau and Let look at her in a confused manner as if they did not understand what she was trying to tell them at the moment. What was so difficult about what she was saying as she wanted to know why Rangi was trying to leave her. So she was not human that did not mean anything as Lutz was her owner but Rangi was her oldest friend after all.

"Wait when you called me not human? What does that make the two of you then" she asked.

"I am as I said that I was," Gau told her.

"Yeah as that's what I am as well Rangi travels with us and we travel with him" Let answers.

Informing her that they have been traveling with Rangi since the two of them met him. He has been a great help to him as they have been helpful to him in return.

Nothing about her memories seemed out of place as she could recall everything she knew about her time with Lutz but before that, she could recall everything she knew about Rangi as well. However, when looking at things closer the only things she could recall were things about Rangi and nothing else. Her memories before her time with Lutz were just of Rangi and only of him alone. There was nothing else connected to those memories at all trying to think back on them. Where they were, who else they knew, when they, why did they meet them, how they met them. All these things were coming up blank as they just did not seem to exist in her mind at the moment at all.

It was then that her grimoire must have been closed as she vanished from view and then shortly afterward before Gau and Let would vanish as well. The two of them were stored in the marking that had become seemingly tattooed onto Rangi's hand. Then some time would then pass before she is allowed to reappear after her grimoire is opened back up. From here Lutz goes on to inform her about what she is seemingly now and who she once was before they met. This would be confusing though it would somewhat explain why she has two sets of conflicting memories after all. She does not recall herself being able to float in her memories with Rangi at all. She can not recall anything about that time other than Rangi himself though. Even what she looked like according to what Lutz told that he was informed of by Rangi himself was not registering with her at all. It just was not clicking like everything did when Rangi and her literally crashed into each other like they had. Learning all this did not trigger anything within her in fact it just left more questions than answers. She knew her memories of Rangi were real as he confirmed that they were himself. He had various reasoning and evidence to do so yet there was one thing he could give a certain answer on. How she became the way that she did was that just what Rangi and Lutz were assuming based on herself, Gau, Let, and the others like the two of them. Though minus herself as she was being considered a unique case possibly.

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