Chapter 29: Lutz 01
Standing in front of a sign that had been placed outside of the academy where those that wanted to be trained to enter into the Valia country's mage division were. There was a Valian citizen named Lutz that was the person that had become the primary textbook example of how not to attempt entering into the Vaila mage academy. In fact, Lutz had become such a textbook example that if one were to look it up, his picture would actually be within the textbook itself. Under how not to attempt entering into the mage academy. Of course, Lutz himself was unaware of this as he could not see the academy textbook himself since he was unable to pass the test to get one in the first place. That is one of the ways he became a laughing stock without realizing it though.
However, in Lutz's case, he did not seem to fully realize the type of academy, division, or even the country that he was born into. He was aware of the country's motto being based on the idea of a team of rivals but at the same time, Lutz did not interpret it and/or go about in the same manner as everyone else. The mage academy and thus the mage division itself was promoted to him as one where everyone was considered on the same level and that the goal was the betterment of Valia as a whole. Lutz for some reason did not realize one trying to promote the academy and their division did so in a manner that tailored made for them trying to get people that would fall under their command or at least have easy prey for them to use as steeping stone for their own personal advancement. Lutz was not able to understand this just thought that they were going to be a part of the famed and honored mage division of his country if he could get in.
The one that was considered the reason they all had to deal with Lutz eventually ended up getting massively demoted as a result of their actions. They manage to discover someone that could serve as the textbook example of what not to do but the fact that Lutz came trying to get in long after he had outlived his usefulness in that regard. It was dumped on their head and they paid the price for it. Word has that they would continue to attempt to regain the status they had lost only to have to start over repeatedly all because Lutz was constantly trying to get into the academy and the one behind him wanting to do so task with the clean up effort every time to ensure that Lutz did not get any more attention then they desire of him at this point. They could not stop him from constantly taking the exam and then failing him each time but they had to ensure that the news of his doing so was always contained with the channels and network they wanted it to be in.
Constantly failing would eventually look bad on them and thus the one who was held responsible for Lutz was basically left to be the one who dealt with him every time. With whatever progress they had made in getting their old status and position back restarted to square one every time Lutz came to take the exam and then failed the exam each and every time. This would unknown to Lutz make him an enemy for life as the very person that started him on the path he was now following. They cursed his very existence and would eventually go about plotting attempting to plot his downfall at various times in the future.
'If everyone was at the same level as their leaders then would that mean in a sense everyone was a leader? Making it hard to promote teamwork at the time and if everyone had the same strengths then would not be harder to find the weakness they all possessed' Lutz thought.
Lutz did not realize that the mage division he wanted to join was one where it was survival of the fitness. Where the weakness of the division was found by leaders being taken down by those under them. If they did not want to lose their spot as a leader they would prove they were better than everyone else. This made teamwork harder as to why work with someone who just uses that chance to pull you down underneath them. However Lutz despite being born and raised in this country was unaware of how the Valia method of teamwork actually worked as it might seem counterproductive but it worked in Valia and only in Valia for some reason. This is part of the reason why he had no connection to anyone as not even his own parents were considered ones. They just merely dealt with Lutz because he was their child and nothing more. They were just playing the role of parents when it benefited them the most and in a way that would not ruin their standing in Valia.
There was no love between Lutz and his parents as this went the same way for everyone in the Valia as the only love they had was for Valia itself. Lutz was no different in the love for his home country where he did differ was that it was not just for his home country alone as it spread out in ways that were not considered natural at least in Valia. This is why he was constantly failing at things because of how he went about doing them compared to how he should go about doing them as a Valian citizen. Friendship, comradery, family all these things had different meanings in Valia that everyone in the country understood and just followed without thinking about. It was common sense to do things that way, Valian common sense at least. Once again despite being born and raised within this country, Lutz did not share in this at all only getting certain aspects of his homeland but missing out on so many other things though.