Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 37: Lutz 07

Lutz was questioning just where this transparent floating girl came from but also why she was not wearing any clothes either. This was another thing he wondering as well as she just floating there holding the book somehow pointing to the page while then thrusting it towards him slightly.

The confusion and worry over a floating nude girl appearing all of sudden in his room was counter somewhat when the innkeeper appeared at his door.

"What are you doing in here keep it down as others want peace and quiet at this time after all," they said

Lutz then looked at them for a second and they did not notice his eyes shifting to where the transparent girl was still floating. This was because they had already turned around and closed the door behind them.

'They looked right at me and her but did not react to her at all almost as if they could not even see her it seems' he thought.

The girl however seemed to not pay attention to them either but mostly because her attention was getting him to notice the part of the book she was pointing to still. The distraction gone she went back to doing what she was before.

Looking at the section of the page that she was constantly pointing to and trying to get him to notice. When upon reading it he realized something about why this section of it seemed so important and she wanted him to look at it

“Are you trying to tell me that helps with overall element control in general?” Lutz asked.

Cocking her head to the side she just kept pointing to the section of the book while presenting it to him further.

'Guess that is what she is trying to do' Lutz thought.

This was the first meeting of two that were considered worthless by all those that were around them at least from the point of view of all those connected and/or related to the Valia Mage Divison. It was not because they were truly useless with nothing to offer them that piqued their interest as neither one of them kept their attention after gaining their curiosity. It was because the system they found themselves in was not able to acknowledge their worth by design as that was not a bug in the system. It was a literal feature that was built into it instead to keep things running as they always had after all.

Time would then pass as Lutz learned more and more from this book and what he did not know he could question the girl that was now just floating around him at all times now whenever her book was open. Though she was floating around him like this he was the only one that seemed capable of seeing her, however. Everyone else even when she was literally right in front of their face would not even acknowledge her presence in the slightest as if she were some kind of ghost.

Whenever he asked her something she did not know she would cocked her head confused as she could not flip to a page in her book to show him what the answer was. Though Lutz then would just have to look it up himself somewhere else and she would be looking over his shoulder reading it as well. He would then start to get confused after a while as it was not like what he was reading did not make sense but more so that he just was not sure of how to apply it at all. All the Valia books were written in a manner where the author expected you to already understand everything they were writing about. Thus do not waste any time explaining how or why something was just what things was and what you needed to do after the starting point. All books related to magic in the town he was currently in were considered Guild property thus he could not gain access to them without being in the Guild itself.

"What is this supposed to mean" Lutz said to himself out loud looking over a segment of the book he was currently reading.

Then he felt a thug on his clothes as the girl was now pointing to a part in her book where after reading it he noticed that it was explaining what he was confused about. Thus the idea of two heads being better than one got into his mind. Thinking that she seemed to realize something that escaped him but then there time when she asked something it would escape her until he explained the basics to her. Then she could present him with more detailed basic knowledge on the subject later on.

"Your grimoire is amazing as I really lucked out getting you how I did, Tafu," Lutz said to her.

He started calling her by the name Tafu because the preface only had these words 'This grimoire contains the magical knowledge of Tafu'

Assuming that Tafu was the author of this grimoire that is just what Lutz decided to call the girl that would appear around him when he opened it. What Lutz could have known at the time was that the transparent metallic like girl that appeared and the author of the grimoire were one and the same. His grimoire was actually a sentient weapon but an imperfect one as Tafu could not assume a humanoid form like all other sentient weapons could. She could only manifest as basically a spirit like being instead. One that could not be seen by those who were not a sentient weapon and/or their users. Thus in a sense creating a way to instantly know if someone was one or the other as if they could see Tafu then that was all the proof that was needed.

The first person that Lutz met who made him aware of this could not only see Tafu but would actually crash right into her as it happened while they were out and when after turning a corner. The person walked right into her as if she were not transparent until the only things she could interact with directly were her own grimoire and Lutz himself. Everything else she seemingly phases right through.

After their collision though Lutz would hear her speaking for the first time since she appeared before him

"Watch where you are going, Rangi" Tafu would say to the person that now looking at her with utter shock and surprise

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