Chapter 38: Chapter 09
Time just continued marching onward and onward as the cycle of using the twin's statue as a trap, bait, or whatever else Cruz had in mind for that particular day would continue. The twins themselves did not mind anything that was going on around nor could they. They would remain dormant and inert the entire time with no one at all able to awaken them and obtain the weapon that their souls had been forged into after the smelting process.
However, what did change was that they became not the only ones that were being used put to use by Cruz rather than merely collecting dust in storage like the others that came before them. Ones that could not be awakened and could not be scrapped until it was proven without a shadow of a doubt that they were truly dulls.
"Your game is rigged as how do I even know these two have a weapon inside them," a disgruntled person said.
After they had not only failed to awaken and obtain a weapon from the current batch at the time. But they then blew all of their money on the twins.
"Useless pieces of junk" the disgruntled person yelled while looking at the twin their fist raised high clad in pure mana
"I would not do that if I were you," Cruz told
"Screw you con-man" they yelled and with all their might brought that fist down upon the Kate statue's head.
There was then a loud crackling sound but it was not coming from the statue of Kate's head though. Instead, the entire arm of the disgruntled person was shattered into pieces and left limp than a wet noddle just daggling in the wind.
Also, the sheer shock of having every bone in their arm shattered to pieces actually killed the disgruntled person as their mind could not handle the pain, the shock, or everything else that had happened. Luckily for Cruz, he was able to write this off as an accident that happened and that he had no role in it whatsoever.
Because Cruz did this it did not become known what had just transpired there. Cruz was in charge of the otherworlders summoned to be either weapons or material for all the other things. That material was a diamond like substance that was by product of the smelting and forging process while the other things were everything that normally is made with it, including currency.
However, Cruz was not the only one that did this within the nation though. He was just one of many that looked over their own areas where otherworlders were summoned for these purposes. If what had happened to the disgruntled person got out it would have been revealed that they had actually broken statues with that blow they had dealt to the Kate statue's head before.
In light of this to prevent another person from getting that disgruntled when cheaped out their money. Cruz was certainly cheating people out of their money. There was no current way to awaken and obtain the twin's weapon at the moment, along with no way of knowing if they were even dull actually.
So to hide the fact that the game was truly rigged from everyone even more Cruz brought out more statues from storage and left them in there to serve as a distraction. After all, it was merely one that people constantly failed to awaken over and over and again. Then the scam might be revealed eventually as Cruz loses the benefit of the doubt after all. Can not claim your rigged game is not rigged if you have a hundred percent failure rate after all.
So by adding the statues in storage into the mix. That actually lowers the failure rate in a way. If there is more than one of something then the chances of you just having bad luck comes into play. Cruz started out with four thus there was a one and five chance of someone getting lucky when really there was only a one and four cause Cruz knew for sure no one was awakening and obtaining the twins.
As time passed he realized this more and more but did not care as they were making him money until he actually started losing the statues from storage as it was proven if the ones in storage were hits or misses one after the other. Having a guaranteed miss in the mix was endangering his chances of someone catching on to his scam.
Once all the statues were removed from storage and confirmed as hit or miss it came down to this.
"Seriously after all this time they still have not been awakened and obtained Cruz said entering into the room where the summoning process happens at least for those that were to become weapons
In regards to the twins, they were no longer in the center of the room but had once again been moved repeated until ended up back in the corner of the room again. Others had come along that were considered to be more attention grabbing than the two of them at this point.
It was also safer this way as they were not good for being the attention grabber anymore. Others could do that now as Cruz had made so that he wanted the failure to be just the person getting to take home some material with them rather than a weapon. Being truly hit or miss type of thing had been mostly phased out with the twins now just being that unlucky draw someone could make if they went out of their way to the corner where they were now.
"The only unknown type we had to deal with so far" Cruz muttered
Overlooking the two as with things the way they were now he did not even want a possible chance of someone walking away with nothing anymore. Changing to the current model meant he could charge people more both for just being allowed the chance to try. Also, he made more money by letting them keep some pieces if they turned out to be missing, thus meaning the statue was a dull after all. Since they would have to depend on Cruz to have the material processed into whatever they want at a discount price.
So while with the winner they get a weapon and nothing else. The loser not only has to pay just to discover they are not getting a weapon but then has to pay again to have their material processed.