Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 39: Lutz 08

Lutz was then confused at what Tafu was saying all of a sudden as he did not know she was waiting for this person she calling Rangi to get back. Then again this is the first time she started talking since she appeared before him after all. Not only did this person she was currently yelling at seem to know her but he was also calling her Tafu as well. Meaning the person that he knew and the one Lutz knew were both named Tafu along with looking exactly like each other as well.

'This grimoire contains all the magical knowledge of Tafu'

Those were the words that Lutz decided to use when thinking about a name for Tafu back then. Settling on it because it just seemed fitting to call her. Naming her after who he assumed was the author of the grimore at the time but now it seems that things might be more literal than he could have possibly thought before as he had a crazy train of thought just then.

"Hey buddy, I would like to go talk somewhere where the five of us can just talk things out in a place less out in the open" Rangi informs

Shocked that Rangi had gotten up off the ground and over to him placed a hand on his shoulder as he smiled at him. However, Lutz noticed that the smile he had on his face was not reaching his eyes at all.

"Who are you and why do you have my friend like that" Rangi demanded

They were somewhere where he could see the two girls he was with and vice versa.

"Lutz and Tafu have always been like that since she first appeared before me" he answered.

"You are not lying to me as Tafu was clearly human the last time I saw her. Were you part of the group that razed not just our home but the entire area including the forest to the ground" Rangi continued

"I was just given the grimoire that Tafu seemingly comes from and named her based on who I assume the author of this book is" he answered.

Rangi then keeping his focus on Lutz was also looking over at these two traveling companion and then Tafu herself. Thinking this over he then got back to Lutz on the issue.

"Are you sure that you were just given this grimore and nothing more" Tafu's friend asked.

Rangi then sighed as he went to inform him if what he claimed was what happened then the one that took out the entire region their village was in. They had some connection to Valis and the Valia Mage Divison after all. How would that grimore that Tafu had become get into the library that Tafu was in otherwise. She was seemingly from this country after all and thus would have needed to be transported to his.

Not wanting to continue this talk here anymore Rangi wanted to go somewhere else again. Lutz suggested his room where he was staying at one of the town's inns. Taking Rangi there he was able to come and stay without paying for now. However, if he wanted to stay past guest visiting hours then he would either have to pay for a room himself or Lutz was getting charged the extra fee for housing him for the night. Paying the normal fee for now both he and Rangi went up to his room where they continued where they left before Rangi decided they should move elsewhere.

"Wait if Tafu is from this country then that means that the author of my grimore is...." Lutz said trailing off

As he then went about closing it Rangi seemed to do something that recalled his traveling companion into something that was basically tattooed onto one of his hands.

"Tafu herself as she is somehow the grimore that you have," Rangi told him.

"How is that possible though" Lutz asked

"Ever hear of sentient weapons" Rangi followed up.

There were rumors that the reason sentient weapons have a human form is because they themselves were not just modeled to be sentient like humans. They actually were humans at one point and time. How and why they were along with how many of them are actually former humans if this the case is true would be unknown to them.

"So are those two with you" Lutz asked.

"Do not know as they do not seem to have any memories from before we met" Rangi told him "However Tafu clearly does have at least memories of me if nothing else. That is proof enough for me that at least she was somehow turned into one"

"Maybe they just need the right trigger to spark them out of being dormant. Kind of like how things were when Tafu bumped into you" Lutz suggested.

"Possibly however Tafu might just be a unique case" he said

Then again he did confess that he was certain no expert on sentient weapons at all. He had only heard of them recently as he was only going off what little he had learned from dealing with both Gau and Let. Along with those that he had come across thus far first meeting them. Though what he was sure of was that out of all of them, Tafu was from whatever means used on her at the time. It turned her into one of them as that would explain why she still knew who he was at least and how new pages and/or old would update whenever she learned something new after all. The grimoire was actually her thus when she gained magical knowledge it was being added to herself since her book contained all her magical knowledge after all.

Then Gau, Let, and Tafu were released from where they were being kept. The three of them were informed by their respective owners of what they might have learned recently and how it all stemmed from Tafu knowing Rangi. Yet when Lutz thought about some more while the three of them were talking quietly amongst themselves so as to not alert the innkeeper or anyone else of their presence within the room. He was thinking about the group he wanted to join back in Valia and if they really did have a part in pretty much erasing not just a village but an entire region from existence. Though Rangi says he did not go back there himself to see it, that the entire region was razed to the ground both the village and the surrounding forest that it was once behind.

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