Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 40: Chapter 10

Also what Cruz meant by the twins being an unknown type was interesting. As it discovered how to tell if a statue was really just a statue or contained a weapon inside of it. If one could go about breaking the statue without striking it hard enough from a sentient weapon or mana enhanced blow. If truly a dull it would break otherwise it would not budge or be affected in the slightest. Unless done repeatedly but then all one would find in the rumble is a broken weapon.

'These two left out even as far away as they are currently are now more a liability than an asset to me anymore ' Cruz thought once again looking over them.

'However, just putting them into storage to collect dust does not seem right just yet. They might be able to make so much money for me in a different way' Cruz ponders before striking his fist into his other hand.

"It's the perfect plan to use them at the moment with multiple layer plan such as this," he said

The statue of the twins was moved to another room where they were placed at the back of it. However, for what reason were they brought to this room. It happened to be a plan that had a variety of things going on with it.

They went from bait to target practice for those that acquired weapons themselves. This was done to see if there was a limit to how many attacks the statue forms of the twin could take before they break. Which was considered unknown after being used this way for quite some time.

The only reason they were not moved into the storage after this was because Cruz was letting others take out their anger and frustration on them. Any need they had to let off that stream they were allowed to by Cruz for the right price. Cruz Dusti was making money from the research into the twin's damage limit or statue shell of those not chosen really was nearly invulnerable after all. With the setup he had going what he was paid to allow others to unleash their anger and rage on the twin statues

Anything that could have gone wrong during the weapon selection process or Cruz's last chance by allowing them to take their chances with those that might not even have a weapon inside them. They were the ones giving Cruz the need muscle to unload on the twins for the sake of research.

The twins reached usefulness even with this role as target practice by others that would attract more attention was not a guaranteed miss. Since no one was able to awaken them and no one was able to break them either. Cruz recalling the one person that actually killed themselves attempting to do so came back into his mind.

If another person became that disgruntled and attempted such a thing again would he be able to handle it as well as he had before. There was also the idea of attracting too much attention and his superiors or even the ruling family stopping by was not out of the question. The question was how to prevent them from coming here.

Cruz was not stealing money or materials from either of them as he was just running some gambling ventures that were lining his pocket enough but not to the degree that it was raising alarms though.

Having run out of usefulness even in the role of target practice, the twins were upon Cruz's orders taken away as they were then carried into the storage area. They did not have a purpose anymore and would be left there as a result.

Time passes.....

The door to the storage area is open but rather than Cruz or someone that works under him doing it. Instead, it was the leaders of the rebellion that were taking over the nations and kingdoms for themselves.

The group then walked up to where the twins were located in the storage area which was empty out of where ever was there long before the leaders arrived. The only thing that was left behind was the twins as the head leader wanted to get a better look at them directly.

"So these are the infamous twins" the head leader stated

"So that practice that Cruz guy was doing this is these are the ones that it stemmed from" a rebel leader spoke.

"Despite being the originator of this practice. No one has even been chosen by them thus it is not even know what type of weapon they are" the head rebel leader said.

"Confirmation of their movement as well," their own weapon asked them as they saw to the movement of the other statues that were not in the storage area but in other places.

"No, as they are not needed" their owner informs them

It was just like that that the twin statues were left behind alone on a pedestal that they had been placed on previously at some point. The nation that summoned them was overthrown and the new ruler had no usage for them even as distraction or decorations either.

They would remain here for centuries merely collecting dust as the facility around them falls to ruin all around including what was once located on the surface. That was the first to go as the place was demolished to the ground once everything of use was stripped and taken.

A forest began growing in the area where the facility was once located. Nature reclaims the land that was once there before humans came along and clean it out for their own purpose. The ceiling about the twins was very weakened over the centuries from the formation of the forest directly on top of them. Though the twins in a sense luck out as the ceiling did not collapse on them just yet allowing them to be buried like what happened to some of the other areas. Eventually, the ceiling above the twin statue's heads did collapse but interesting enough the only thing that fell through. It was not a ton of dirt or anything that would bury them underneath but instead a guy that was falling directly above them.

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