Chapter 42: Chapter 11
The person fell down from the ceiling after falling through the ground above. Falling directly over top of the twins that were sitting down below.
The pedestal they were sitting upon was actually the floor that was once part of the room they were originally transformed into. Turns out not only could they not be awakened they were also extremely heavy far more than any other statue.
Moving them directly was a pain but for some reason moving the floor around them was a piece of cake. Thus that is why they were on a pedestal as it was just a slab that the floor they sitting on was placed on
Dust and cobwebs covered their form as they had been in this abandoned room for centuries after all. Though that was about to change as they flailed their limbs as he fell down tried to grasp at anything and came in contact with the twin's held hands with his own. Using that to push himself away so that he crashes into the ground rather than directly on top of them instead.
After crashing into the ground the person goes unconscious from the landing he makes.
However, there is then the sound of crack as it comes from the statues of the twins. Something thought impossible was happening as the weapon that had laid dormant within both had been awakened by Rangi and he was chosen as their owner.
The cracking continued as the pieces of the twin's statues fell to the ground slowly reveal in the weapon that was hidden within their shell this entire time. They were indeed a dual type weapon where they were both in the form of a set rather than being individual weapons.
A pair of gauntlets
That is what the twins had become as they stood facing upward in their statue's torso. Revealing that everything above their chest and below their hips was indeed hollow. Full of nothing but air which could mean many things actually.
Amongst them being the more empty space that is present with the statue could be a sign of the overall strength of the weapon itself. It thought the big amount of space the weapon takes up the more powerful the weapon would be and how much space their soul takes up once smelted and forged into a weapon.
One of the others is that size does not matter as big things can come in small packages after all as the saying goes.
Regardless these are just two of many theories that floated around regarding sentient weapons.
The person that awakened them has been chosen as their new owner the twins now revealed to be a pair of gauntlets flew onto the hands of their owner and remain there for the time being
'Owner has sustained various injuries. Treatment is required to ensure the stability of owner' the twins thought at the same time as they carried out treatment of their owner's injuries on the spot
They would await his orders before doing anything else given. That is what the twins planned on doing until they detected a threat that was nearing their master and acting to at least jolt his consciousness for the moment.
"Huh I am still alive," the person said as he awoke to find himself still amongst the living "At least that is one good thing that has happened to me lately. Nice to know my luck has fully abandoned me yet though is still being rough with me though"
'When did I get these' they thought as he noticed the gauntlets on his arms and that he could not get them off.
The twins not wanting to be split apart from their new owner that quickly were not allowing themselves to be removed just yet. There was still the threat nearby that the two of them sensed. To be removed from their own when defending themselves might be required. It would go against their purpose as weapons meant to defend and be used by their owner after all.
Not that their owner really tried that hard anyway as they might come in handy as there was a reason he fell from so high after all. Having a weapon to defend against someone would make sense after all.
"Does not look that I fell down that far so I should be able to climb back up with these...hopefully" he said feeling a power flowing through him and the gauntlet currently attached to him.
'Owner wishes to climb this wall thus assistance will be proved' the twins thought again at the same time
Plunging his hand to the wall of the room he found himself in, Rangi was amazed at how his fingers gripped into what seemed like a solid surface with such ease.
'I might be thinking about keeping these as they could prove useful' he thought.
Careful about what these were as he did not know how he got them or even why he could not take them off. Through the power, he fell through them, and just how easily he was able to scale the wall to climb his way back to the surface. Got him wondering if he had managed to come across something he had only heard in passing stories during his travels.
Taking a break away from the hole he climbed out of to collect himself before moving on.
'Danger detected' the twins thought together 'Owner will not react in time to properly defend himself against the oncoming attack. Taking action to defend owner'
The twins then swung one of themselves upwards so that their owner's arm was raised along with them. This was all to defend against a bladed weapon that clashed with them mere moments later.
Both the attacker and their owner were shocked by this action as it seems neither was aware that the twins remaining in their gauntlet form had taken action on their own in the defense of their owner.
"Not only are you still alive after that fall but you even managed to somehow acquired a relic too," his attacker said
"And who do you think is to blame for taking a fall that could have killed me" the twin's owner replied angrily