Chapter 43: Rangi 0.4
Time passed and eventually, Rangi started coming too once again after recovering enough to regain consciousness. As he started to gather himself he notice that he was not on the ground but in the lap of a strange metallic looking girl. It took a while for him to process everything fully and when he did when he reacted drastically.
"Who in what in the world are you," Rangi said as he jumped out of her lap and began backpedaling after falling to the ground.
"I am your weapon, owner," the right gauntlet said to him with a confused look on her face as she cocked her head to the side.
"Owner? Huh, what happened to those relics I had on my first it better to just get out here" Rangi said.
He might have known about relics but that does not mean he knew everything about them. Everything he knew was merely second hand knowledge he learned from overhearing various people talk about them. Not once did they ever mention something like this in those talks and conversations that he just so happened to overhear from just being around them.
So when confront with the scene playing out before his eyes. Rangi did exactly that as he then went off t running to get away from these two as fastest as he possibly could. However, he did not make it far as the left gauntlet was called back from their patrol. They had wandered too far off as the left gauntlet was able to grab Rangi by the collar.
"Why are you running, Owner," the two of them asked him.
Once again back in together the two then went back to holding each other's hand.
"So you two are claiming that I am your owner," Rangi said
"That is correct this weapon belongs to you," they said
This was a rumor that he had overheard but it seems that almost crazy one about them being able to manifest in human forms was indeed true after all. Not something he would have expected to be real considering the alternative theories he had overheard and even formed his own idea about relics.
It was when Rangi noticed that only one of their arms was bared as the other was wearing the gauntlet that he found himself where after awakening in that strange room that he had fallen into.
After having convinced the two of them to at least cover themselves, Rangi had to figure out his next move as from the rumors there was no point in going back to his home village. Even if he did there was probably no village to go back to in the first place anymore.
He had managed to overhear some people talking about how his home was attacked though it was mostly just a few people talking about it only. At first, Rangi was not going to pay it any attention but then when he was attacked out of the blue while trying to get back home. In fact, he was actually on his way home having decided not to finish his business for being away anymore. That was because he lucked out and overheard the person that later become his attacker, until he managed to drive them away, was talking to the store owners about him.
A person not from this area that does not come by that often is what they would be asked. The direction of Rangi's home village was even mentioned. Also not only did they ask for him they were armed thus he did not like the feeling of this. Though fleeing at that moment was picked up and that is how he eventually ended up running for his life.
And thus learning about why his home was seemingly attacked and wiped out became his immediate goal for the time being. Though there was something else that Rangi was going to address in the more immediate future than the distant one.
Racking his brain on how to present that this was a chance of it being accepted and completed. The thought that was on his mind was a weight down on him but it was a problem that was related to his inability to go back home.
"Owner is there something the matter" the two girls stated as they followed closely behind Rangi.
"Neither one of you has a name that I can call you to do you," he said
"We are a gauntlet" they both replied.
"I am aware of that but what do I call the two of you," he asked.
"We are a gauntlet" they both replied again.
This went on for a while until Rangi stopped and place a hand on their shoulders.
"You are now Gau *looking at the one that had a gauntlet as their right hand* while you are now Let *looking at the one that had a gauntlet as their left hand*," he told them.
"We are Gau and Let," they said together.