Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 47: Chapter 15

Gau and Let were following after their owner through the method in which they were doing so was not considered normal. Not that any of the three of them realized this though. The method which in they were following after Rangi was in their human forms rather than in their weapon form.

"Huh!? Why would I want to walk around with the two of you in my arms all the time" he would say

When they offer that they could be merely on his sides when not in active usage.

"Then what if I keep hitting you two as I am walking as I do not want to change the way I walk at the moment" he would reply

To avoid his arm constantly hitting them if he were to wear them on his side then he would have to hold his arms out further away from his body.

However, that was the problem the twins were currently facing at the moment though.

"Now repeat what I order you to say NOW!!!" Rangi order them both

"I am Gau," Gau said

"I am Let" Let said shortly afterward.

"That is right and when I call your name what are you to do, Gau," Rangi asked.

"Only I am to speak while Let does not" she answered.

"When the two of you are not holding hands like that then what, Let," their owner said looking at them

"Only the one of us that you have spoken to is allowed answer" Let replied

Their owner was aware that they needed to hold hands to properly control both bodies at once but they could seemingly hold a three way conversation this way between Rangi, Gau, and Let though.

"Alright then this should be far enough for us to have traveled for the day," Rangi said placing his bag down.

"Owner it is still daytime as you should not need to recharge just yet," Gau said

"Continue progress could be made before sunset" Let added.

"True but there is something I want you two to start working on right away. Might as well get some exercise in myself while I am at it" Rangi explained.

The two metallic girls then looked at their owner in confusion as to what he meant by something that they need to work on.

A short while later...

"Owner this task is rather difficult to accomplish" Gau state

"Tough as you two are going to need this as you two claim to be my weapons right"

"Affirmative as your...." Let started to say through Gau's mouth before she covered it.

"What was that," Rangi said narrowing his eyes at Gau.

"Nothing of note, owner" Gau said.

"You caught her thus I let it split for now," he said

The exact training Rangi was trying to put the two of them through was to get away from them always needing to act as one or taking turns like he had ordered them to. Thus he was making Gau spar with him while Let was holding his bag moving it between one hand and the other. The point of this training was to teach them to move and act when they were not holding hands. If they could act on their own without needing to take turns then any encounter they came across would be an automatic 3 vs whatever their opponent is.

"Owner why do not reject transformed back into weapon form or another weapon earlier" Let asked

"That would have been the most effective method at the time" Gau inquired

"You two are the first weapons I have been able to use and not get a strange unsettling feeling from. Thus I had to learn how to defend myself just by my bare hands and feet as result" Rangi said.

Just before he started sparing with Gau, they were attacked by some of the local wildlife. To fight them off Rangi had Let join him. Order her to fight with him in her human form rather than then they turned back into their gauntlet form. For this he allowed Gau to remain still as all focus on movement was given over to Let for the moment.

Afterward once they were all fought off that when Rangi decided that he would have Gau spar with him. To let her have her own turn to fight but not let Let just remain still. Giving her a task to do while also looking out for them so no more could get too close without them realizing it.

This would continue onward for some time when bot Gau and Let was carrying out the orders that their owner had given them. Carrying them out to the best of their abilities. Gau sparring with Rangi as he requested and Let just kept occupied so that they were both doing something at the same time.

The considerable amount of focus and energy it took for them to keep this up was eventually starting to wear on them as it kept going.

'Must...continue....' Gau thought

'....following owner's.....' Let thought

Rangi then went for a blow that would deck Gau right in the face but he stopped at the last moment but the forced blow continued as the wind managed to knock Gau over.

Gau fell on her back her eyes were no longer the same glowing blue they were before as they were vacant black orbs as she lay there motionless and in silence. Looking over to where Let was she was in the same condition as she just said there.

The abnormal training that Rangi was putting them through finally proved to be too much for them as they basically just ran out of power or in other words the two of them passed out from exhaustion. The main cause was mental exhaustion as they were forced to act a part doing two different things at the same time.

Once again Rangi was not just unknowingly delaying the fusion process but splitting them back up into two separate souls once again.No one would have thought to do the things Rangi was doing at the moment so this was a first at least the case for the generation of sentient weapons that Gau and Let belong to.

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