Summoned to be a Weapon

Chapter 48: Chapter 16

Rangi then noticed that shortly after they had run out of power both Gau and Let reverted back to their true forms. As a pair of gauntlets, a right and left one was just lying on the ground motionless. He did not detect any movement from them nor were they answer back to him when he called out to them either.

The twins just lying there having mentally exhausted themselves after trying to carry out their owner's orders as best they could.

Rather than heading back to any town or village for the time being the three of them were staying in the same general area of forest areas where they were not any other people nor any wildlife or dangerous creature. The reason they were not going toward civilization at the moment was simple at least in Rangi's eyes

"Is this really necessary, owner" Gau asked

"Necessary" Let said

"Of course as you two seem to be bad stamina so we are working on that," Rangi told them

"Our stamina is fine for our type," Gau told him

"Fine" Let tell out

Rangi was running with Gau and Let joining him claiming that it would help them build up their stamina. Thinking that they lasted longer the first time and each time after that so their stamina must be increased from his training. However the more he treated them like they were his allies and not just his property or tools. Their speech also started to change slowly as it became less and less emotionless and monotone as well. They were also starting to refer to themselves by their given names not just responding when Rangi called them out.

"Owner" Let called out before falling and reverting back into her gauntlet form.

"Seriously already as she should learn a thing or two from you, Gau" Rangi said

"Obtaining food should take priority over our training at the moment" she suggested.

"I guess as it is getting close to my lunchtime anyway," he told her.

"Joining Let in gauntlet form while you eat then," Gau told him as reverted back without waiting for him to give the okay.

Watching her do this causes Rangi just to sigh as he then goes to pick her up and leaves her right next to Let before going about preparing his lunch.

Sometime later...

Both girls had some free time as they were on guard duty as their owner slept.

'Traitor' Let said glaring at Gau

'False claims' she replied

'Power levels were barely higher than mine. I just pass out first' she said

'Owner allowed it thus power level never drained fully like yours' Gau told her

The two exchanged thoughts like this to prevent Rangi from catching on that they were arguing with each other about who ran out of power first. Gau always could last just long enough to get permission to revert back to their gauntlet form when she something just keeping herself online through sheer willpower alone. Gau wins the length of time she can last and how fast she can go when training for hours is slower than Let.

Gau seems to be able to last for long and push herself to remain active when low, but her speed always seems to remain the same. Let can not do that but her speed at accomplishing their training varies as she speeds up at will. Both were unaware that their two different methods of dealing with and using their power would come together whenever Rangi was using them both at the same time.

When not getting combat training from Rangi directly, they were ordered to spar with each other and thought it would probably be one assumption that it would be a mirror match. The difference between them that was building up assured that was not always the case at all.

A few days later...

"Owner, we need to stop at the next village or town" Let told him.

"Could probably skip it and be just fine" he said.

"Check your bag," Gau told him

Upon doing so he was shocked to find that he was running low on supplies there. There was not much that he could give from the wildlife and creature of the forest they were in currently

"I guess that makes sense as even with trying to hunt and forage for food and water. I am running out of the stuff I need for other things" Rangi said with a sigh

"No worries as we have been improving, right" Gau asked

"I can last as long as Gau now she can not cheat anymore" Let said

Rangi than just sighed at this and agreed with the two girls that they could go into the next village or town they came across. They were confident with their owner's training that they were much stronger than before. Able to properly be used and defend Rangi if the need arose at all.

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