The world swam into focus, the depressing silence of the basement warehouse was replaced by the raucous clang of a tavern.
Sparrow blinked, his single green eye adjusting to the flickering candlelight. Gone were his joggers, t-shirt, and sneakers, replaced by supple leather trousers, a tunic, and a leather boots. Canary, clad with similar attire, was unusually still, her long black braid swaying slightly as she took it all in.
Their surroundings were a cacophony of noise and fragrance: the clinking of tankards, the boisterous laughter of patrons, and the smell of stale ale and wood smoke. The tavern, with its rough-hewn wooden beams and straw-covered floor, was a far cry from their usual haunts.
It was then... A mechanical voice, cold and impersonal, echoed in their minds upon arrival, declaring their mission:
'Survive and explore the capital city and the outskirts. Reminder, do not stay in the capital city for more than 7 days. The Realmgate closes in 21 days. Prepare yourselves.'
Sparrow's green eye narrowed, a slow burn of unease settling in his chest. Something felt off. He could sense the pull of a latent energy, a tingling behind his right eye. It was the {Eye of Truth}, calling to him. Silently, he activated [Appraisal], his focus widening from a specific object to the world itself.
The data flooded into his mind, an overwhelming rush of layered information. Beneath the surface of the simple 'Survive and Explore' directive, he discovered deeper, more complicated missions: 'Investigate the Fallen Nobles' and 'Discover the Secret of the Sage King', both hinting at plots and mysteries far more involved than simple exploration.
"Tweety," he said, his voice low and gravelly, the silence a stark contrast to the surrounding noise. "There's more to this world than what Li'l Aunt had explained."
Canary, her bright green eyes widening slightly, turned her attention away from the chipped pottery tankards. "What is it, Birdbro?"
Sparrow explained his findings, his hand unconsciously moving to touch the black eyepatch, hiding the nonfunctional artificial purple of his left eye. "There are other missions. Hidden ones."
Before Canary could respond, the [Appraisal] flared anew. A new data stream, almost an afterthought, caught his attention – a status effect. He focused on it, his brow furrowing. The effect was on both of them, and on each of the other tavern patrons; an odd, almost parasitic, presence.
"Documenting…" he murmured, almost to himself. A timer accompanied the word – '604,711 seconds', and it was counting down every second. He pushed deeper, using his {Eye of Truth} to try and get a clearer picture of what the status effect meant. His body tensed as the insight hit him - it meant the loss of knowledge. A random portion of their knowledge would vanish once the timer hit zero, and it could be a tremendous loss.
"So, this is why we shouldn't be in the capital for more than seven days. We're being… documented," he said, his tone flat and laced with an underlying note of urgency. "Like someone... something is extracting… knowledge. A great portion of our knowledge would be gone in seven days if we stay here. But, the effect seems to be limited here, in the capital."
Canary, ever the quick study, understood immediately. "Trying to get our knowledge? What about the NPCs... er, the other people? Are they being documented as well?"
"Yes, they are. All of them."
"Then we need to leave the capital as soon as possible. Let's go explore the outside," she said, already standing up, her agile body ready for action. "We can go back to the city after that."
Sparrow nodded, the weight of their situation settling firmly on his shoulders. He understood that there could be a great risk if they left now, but the knowledge loss could be random and unpredictable. They had to get stronger, faster, if they wanted to survive this strange new world.
They stood and walked out of the tavern, the change of scenery from a dark and crowded tavern to the brightly lit street was refreshing. The bustling street of the medieval city was not too different to what he knew back in Mearth.
People were walking, carriages were moving, and merchants were shouting their wares. It was quite refreshing, but still, Sparrow could not shake off the feeling that they were being watched.
They moved with purpose, not pausing to linger on the tempting sights of the city. They would explore the city later. For now, survival and knowledge preservation were their priorities. They had to reach the outskirts – and soon.
The forest surrounding the capital city loomed in the distance, dark and mysterious, but it held a promise of respite from the knowledge-sapping effect.
The fresh breeze of the 'Prosperous Kingdom' wind breathed onto Sparrow's face, a stark contrast to the polluted breath of Mearth's urban air. He gripped his makeshift spear, a sturdy branch sharpened to a point with surprising efficiency, and scanned the edge of the forest.
"Anything, Birdbro?" Canary's voice, usually bubbling with enthusiasm, was tinged with a cautious melody. She crouched behind a cluster of tall shrubs, her hands tracing the sleek surfaces of smooth, grey stones. Her 'weapons' were simple, but in her hands, they felt like instruments of precision.
"Just a few rabbits," Sparrow replied, pointing the spear towards a patch of twitching brown fur. "And the usual assortment of grumpy forest critters."
They'd arrived in the realmgate mere days ago, dived voluntarily from the familiar comfort of their modern world into this medieval pastiche. The initial shock had faded, replaced by an almost clinical focus on survival.
They'd discovered early that their [Soulworld Gates], the pathways to their personal sanctuaries, were dormant. They couldn't retreat into the comforting embrace of their inner worlds, but thankfully, their other abilities were still intact.
Canary, with a flick of her wrist, threw a pair of sprite-cards and summoned a couple of shimmering sprites. Holy, the tiny blob of radiant light, now pulsed near Canary's hand, while Echo, the sound-bending wisp, hovered silently.
"Let's try a little further in." She suggested. "I'm getting tired of chasing rabbits."
"I guess it's time," Sparrow agreed. "It's too easy here."
He knew he sounded flippant, but inside he was buzzing with a nervous energy. He was eager to see what challenges this new world would present. The rabid foxes and snarling dwarven boars they'd encountered in the first few days had been more annoying than truly dangerous.
They moved cautiously into the woods, the air growing cooler, the scent of damp earth and pine needles filling their senses. A deer, graceful and timid, darted past, its white tail flashing amidst the undergrowth.
Further in, they spotted a pair of angry-looking wildcats, their fur bristling, but before they could even growl, Canary whipped a throwing stone that accurately hit one of them right on its forehead, putting it into a painful daze.
Almost immediately afterward, Echo released a powerful blast of distorted sound, disorienting the animals and sending them scrambling away, tails between their legs.
"Easy," Canary chuckled, retrieving her throwing stone. She'd quickly mastered the art of using them, her aim precise and deceptively powerful.
Sparrow, despite the oddness of their situation, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. His sister was incredibly adaptable. She didn't panic. She analyzed and conquered. Just as he did. It was a trait they'd inherited from their eccentric family.
Both of their paternal and maternal aunts, Raven and Autumn, had always insisted they spend their summer breaks exploring the wilderness with either one of them, citing the importance of 'unstructured problem-solving' and 'connection with the primal energies'.
At the time, it had been a tiresome chore, but now, he grudgingly acknowledged that their forced expeditions were paying dividends. He knew how to build a fire, track animals, identify edible plants, process raw meat into edible food with makeshift tools, and, perhaps most importantly... how to remain calm under pressure.
"You know, Birdbro. I think I'm starting to like this place." Canary smiled, a genuine, bright smile that chased away the shadows in the forest undergrowth. "It's kind of… liberating. No rules, except the ones we make, isn't that right?"
She tossed a stone into the air, caught it, and grinned again. "And besides, at least we don't have to deal with homework."
Sparrow simply smiled and looked around cautiously. "Let's take a short break."
The late afternoon sun dappled through the leaves of the Realmgate forest, casting long, dancing shadows. Sparrow, his tall frame leaning against a sturdy oak, watched Canary with a faint, almost imperceptible smile.
It was supposed to be a break, but the little whirlwind of energy was practicing her gymnastic routine instead. Her small body turned into a blur of motion as she flipped and twirled amidst the ferns, her long, black braid swaying.
"Careful, Tweety," Sparrow rumbled, his voice low, a rumble of deep bass. "Don't trip on a root."
Canary, mid-cartwheel, flashed a grin, her green eyes sparkling. "Huh? Not a chance, Birdbro! I always land on my feet, like a cat."
Just as she landed, a rustling noise shattered the peaceful atmosphere. Five figures, rough and menacing, burst from the undergrowth, their eyes narrowed, weapons drawn. Bandits. Their leathers were worn, their blades rusty.
Sparrow straightened, his muscles coiling. He moved with an economy of motion that belied his size, a long, wooden spear appearing in his hand as if from nowhere. He subtly shifted in front of Canary, acting as a human shield.
"Well, well," the largest bandit, a brute with a scarred face, sneered, brandishing a rusty axe. "Looks like we hit the jackpot. A couple of young'uns, all alone. Hand over yer valuables, and maybe we'll let ya both live."
His gaze lingered on Canary, his lips curving into a cruel leer. "Especially you, little bird. You'd fetch a fine price."
Canary's smile vanished, replaced by a cold fury. "Gross," she muttered, stones already appearing in her hand.
Sparrow's left hand instinctively went to the eyepatch covering his artificial eye, a flicker of purple light barely visible beneath the leather. As he focused his senses, a low growl vibrated in his chest, not a sound, but a tremor. The air around him seemed to thicken.
The lead bandit lunged, axe whistling through the air. The swing was slow, telegraphed. It was as though time had slowed for Sparrow.
With a flick of his wrist, his spear became a blur. It easily intercepted the axe from the side, a hard 'thunk' echoing through the trees, deflecting the blow effortlessly. The force of the impact was so strong the bandit's hand stung.
Then, the fight exploded.
The other bandits surged forward. One with a dagger, another with a club, and two more with short swords. Sparrow was a wall, a force of nature. He moved with power and precision, each strike of his spear a controlled explosion. The wooden shaft cracked against bone and leather, sending bandits sprawling.
He was a whirlwind of motion, a perfect, albeit silent, storm. His reflexes were lightning quick, easily dodging slashes and blows. The spear danced in his hands, a deadly extension of his own body. He moved with the grace of a cat, yet the strength of a giant.
Canary, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of her own. Her attacks were rapid, a flurry of fast-moving stones. One moment, a bandit was taunting, the next, he was clutching his nose, the stone hitting with pinpoint accuracy.
She didn't just throw, she aimed, her small frame moving with an almost impossible speed. It was as if she was everywhere and nowhere at once. She danced around the edges, a tiny, lethal pixie.
"Holy!" Canary called out, and the small, glowing orb of light that followed her from the beginning shimmered and pulsed into much brighter light. It then burst with a luminous radiance, blinding the bandits momentarily, disrupting their formations.
Then, she whispered, "Echo!" The second sphere, this one a vibrating shimmer of sound, appeared, emitting a high-pitched shriek that disoriented the attackers.
The bandit with the club tried to get a grasp on Canary. He swung his heavy club wildly, trying to hit whatever he was able to, but each time, Canary predicted his movement and dodged it with a series of twists, turns, and somersaults.
She wasn't just fast, she was impossibly agile. She launched another volley of stones and the bandit staggered backward, clutching his face.
Sparrow twisted the spear, launching the bandit with the axe into the broad side of the remaining dagger wielder, sending them tumbling to the ground. He stepped on the two swords that laid scattered on the ground, and decisively flicked them into the bushes.
The advantage had completely shifted, now the bandits looked not like predators, but like prey.
The bandit with the club, frustrated and enraged, charged at Canary. He swung his club low, hoping to catch her off guard. But she had already anticipated it.
With a burst of speed, she activated her [Bullet Time] skill. Time slowed down to a crawl, as she jumped over the club. Then, as she landed, she sent a series of stones that hit the bandit's head and nape, making him fall onto the ground... fainted.
Sparrow finished his own dance of destruction. Abandoning his wooden spear, he grabbed the first bandit's leg and with terrifyingly powerful throw, he hurled that bandit into a tree, hitting the trunk with a resounding thud, making him instantly unconscious.
Not stopping there, Sparrow then grabbed two of the bandits on the ground by their hair and slammed their heads to the ground with loud impacts, rendering them unconscious as well.
And then, with a final stomp to the face, he knocked out the last bandit who was trying to stand up.
After it was done, Sparrow simply turned his gaze toward Canary. She stood, chest heaving slightly, her cheeks flushed, the two glowing sprites still hovering beside her.
"Nice moves, Tweety." Sparrow said, the rumble in his chest turning into a low chuckle.
Canary grinned, a bright, triumphant smile splitting her face. "You too, Birdbro! Those guys didn't know what hit them!"
She then directed her attention to the still unconscious bandits, clapped her hands, and said, "Okay then, let's rob them in return!"
She quickly moved to plunder the wealth of the bandits. Sparrow immediately followed her lead. But, the result was quite disappointing.
"They're so poor," Canary exclaimed, his gaze showing undisguised disappointment. She only found a few copper coins from the fallen bandits.
Sparrow grunted in agreement. His gain was not good either, but the dagger, swords and axe... although they were rusty and chipped, were better than nothing.
"Alright, Birdbro. Let's..."
But before Canary could finish her words, a guttural snarl echoed through the trees, snapping them back to battle focused state.
The forest floor beneath them trembled, and with terrifying speed, a massive demon boar, even larger than an ox, burst from the tree-line. Its tusks, black and wickedly curved, gleamed in the filtered sunlight. Its eyes, burning with a furious, malevolent red glow like pools of molten fire, were fixed on them.
"What the... A Vicious Red!" Instinct took over. Sparrow moved into a wide battle stance, with a rusty axe held in a two-handed grip, his weight low, ready to evade and counterattack.
The boar charged, its hooves tearing up the earth, a force of pure, unbridled rage. Sparrow waited, his single green eye narrowed, the world seeming to slow just a fraction as he subconsciously utilized his [Enhanced Reflexes].
At the last possible moment, he side stepped, the monstrous creature hurtling past him, its hot breath fanning his cheek. He spun, bringing the axe around in a wide arc, the impact sending a shockwave up his arms. The boar grunted, the axe biting deep into its flank, but the thick hide absorbed much of the force.
Canary, meanwhile, didn't hesitate. She hurled a fist-sized rock, hitting the beast in one of its fiery eyes, seriously damaging it. As it reared its head from the impact, she activated her [Bullet Time].
The world slowed, and she saw the boar's sluggish movements with crystal clarity. She began pelting it with rocks, her aim enhanced, each throw precise and powerful, landing with dull thuds on its previously targetted eye.
Echo, the Sound Changing Sprite, appeared next to the boar, it emitted a high-pitched sound wave that resonated with the creature's own rage. It amplified the boar's anger, making it lunge forward again with even greater ferocity, but also making it more reckless.
Another throwing rock made contact, this time targeting the boar's open mouth. Canary did not stop throwing, her small body moving like a dancer, her throws precise and deadly. The boar was getting more and more enraged. It whipped its head around, its eyes finding Canary. It charged, gaining speed, its tusks pointed at her small body.
Sparrow reacted instantly. He moved, a blur of motion, his well-trained body propelled by his {Physique of Giant}.
He launched himself at the boar, meeting its charge with his own brute force. He slammed into it, using the flat side of the axe, sending the creature skittering to the side, giving Canary a precious second to react.
The force of the impact nearly sent him tumbling though. He shook it off, his muscles burning as he stood with the axe ready once again.
Canary, her heart hammering in her chest, kept her cool. She gave order to Holy silently through her {Telepathy}. The Light Cleaning Sprite blitzed with a flash of light, stopping above the boar. The little sprite emitted a beam of pure light, an attempt to burn the surreal energy from the creature.
It didn't work. The demonic surreal force within the beast recoiled in a shriek, a sound that made the siblings teeth ache, and turned off the sprite's radiance. However, there was a side effect. The surreal entity's host, the demonic boar shook its head, momentarily disoriented, its focus wavering.
Sparrow pressed his attack. He moved like a hurricane, the axe a blur of iron grey and brown rust. Each strike was fueled by his raw power, the force of his blows making the ground vibrate.
He struck the head, then front leg, then stomach, then flank... His movements was becoming more fluid, more instinctive. He kept moving and kept striking, until... the handle of the rusty axe broke.
"Oh, crap!"
Freed from the barrage of attack, the great demonic bear shrieked in rage, and, covered with the aura of wrath, charged straight to... Canary, trampling one unlucky bandit that lied unconscious on the way.
Seemingly at ease, Canary responded elegantly, jumping sideway, and rolled on the ground in graceful movement, completely dodging the boar's wild lunge. Unbothered by the narrow escape, she continued grabbing and pelting rocks to her target, the damaged eye of the boar.
The boar, weakened and disoriented by the injury, the exhausting amplified rage, and the endless barrage of blows, slowed down significantly. Its movements became erratic, its breathing ragged.
Sparrow saw the opening. He grabbed a rusty sword on the ground and dashed to the beast, channeling every ounce of his strength. With a powerful jump, he thrust the sword to the damaged eye, a final, desperate blow.
A loud explosive yet squelchy noise resounded. The sword bit deep into the boar's eye, straight to its brain. The creature shuddered, its other eye losing their infernal glow, and it crashed to the ground with a bone-jarring thud. The thin reddish mist that had surrounded it, now dissipated, leaving behind only the stench of death and the lingering hum of magic.
Sparrow stood, chest heaving, the handle of a broken sword hanging limply in his hand. He looked at Canary, she nodded back, her face pale. Their bodies were covered in dirt, sweat and the beast's blood, but they were alive.
And though they didn't speak, there was a shared understanding in their eyes. This was dangerous. But they were ready. They would make it through, together, like always.
The air, thick with the scent of pine and spilled blood, hung heavy around Sparrow and Canary. The forest floor, originally just scarred a little bit from their battle against the bandits, was now dominated by a single fallen form of the demonic boar.
Eight marble-sized surreal red stones pulsed in Sparrow's calloused palm, taken from the beast's corpse without any difficulty. He watched, his face impassive, as they throbbed with an inner light, the echo of the chaos they had just weathered.
Without a word, he tossed four of them towards Canary, his gaze never leaving her face. He knew he didn't need to speak for her to understand.
The stones felt warm against his skin, a strange, alien sensation. He held them out in his left hand. A single thought shot through him: 'Absorb'. The stones flared, a blinding light searing the back of his right eyelid.
The world seemed to twist, the trees around him wavered, and a rush of power coursed through his veins. It washed away the ache in his muscles, the lingering fear, replacing it with a primal strength, a feeling of being anchored to the very earth.
He felt his mystery class,
Meanwhile, Canary had caught and absorbed the four stones Sparrow had given her. She felt the surge of the stones as the same warmth, the same twist of the world around her. Her body tingled with amplified senses, a heightened awareness of her surrounding.
She felt the power of her