The crunch of leaves under Sparrow's heavy boots was the only sound that dared to break the forest's hushed symphony. He adjusted the black eyepatch covering his artificial purple eye, the scar on his cheek pulling slightly with the motion. 

Beside him, Canary, a whirlwind of bubbling energy barely contained, skipped over an undergrowth, her long braid bouncing like a restless black pendulum. The rising sunlight filtered through the canopy, painting the forest floor in dappled gold and shadows.

"Birdbro, are you sure we're going the right way?" Canary's voice, usually bright and cheerful, was tinged with a weariness that mirrored Sparrow's own. Fifteen days in the Realmgate, fifteen days of constant battle, had begun to take their toll.

Sparrow grunted, a sound somewhere between confirmation and acknowledgement. He pointed toward a barely visible trail, "This way. We should be out by nightfall."

Canary sighed, the sound a puff of exasperation. "I'm so tired of fighting those weird Vicious Red things. I thought this was supposed to be fun, like Li'l Aunt said."

Sparrow finally turned to face her, his right green eye holding a hint of concern. "It is fun, Tweety," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Just a different kind of fun." 

He recalled the memories of their violent encounters in the woods. The fights, while manageable, had been escalating in ferocity. The normal beasts and bandits were not much of a problem, but those 'Vicious Reds' surreal monsters they faced were unnervingly getting stronger, stranger, and more frequent.

The last few days had been particularly a brutal, chaotic dance with death.

He remembered the Horned Hare, initially a comical sight with its oversized twisted antlers, but then becoming a whirlwind of slashing claws and razor-sharp teeth. It was troublesome despite its weaker attack since it was much faster than both of them.

It had taken the combined efforts of his lucky blow and Canary's pinpoint accuracy with her thrown dagger to finally fell the beast.

Then there was the lion-sized Grotesque Rat, its fur matted and greasy, its teeth the length of daggers... Sparrow had to smash its skull with a basketball-sized rock many times, before it went down.

Without the passive boost of his [Greater Body Enhancement] skill that amplified his already impressive strength, it might not even work. He'd felt the tremor in the ground with each strike before the beast's thick skull finally cracked like a dry twig under the sheer force of his blows.

A mix of boar-bear had been next, the ground trembling beneath its step, its tusks glinting menacingly... The bipedal monster was very strong but also very slow. He remembered the heavy thud of each of his punches connecting with its stomach as he practiced his footwork around it.

His [Extreme Stamina] that kept him moving despite the intense physical exertion was probably the only reason he finally managed to beat it to death... well, in addition to Canary's dagger stab to its eye when it was down.

A snarling Black Wolf, its fangs glowing with an unnatural reddish light, had followed next. Its demonic appearance barely masked the beast's sheer animalistic aggression. Sparrow had used his body to intercept and wrestle the fortunately-normal-sized creature.

His [Enhanced Reflexes] was a boon against its leaping attacks. It had been a fast and brutal fight, as Canary quickly ended the demonic wolf's violent life with another stab to the eye.

The truly terrifying one came in afterward, in the form of a Devilish Python. The gigantic reptile's scales were like polished obsidian, its eyes glowing red with the same demonic energy as the other 'Vicious Red'.

It was the most dangerous opponent they faced. It took them hours of struggle before they finally killed it... by luring and dropping a huge unstable boulder on its head.

Their next opponents, the Zombie Bandits, rotting flesh and empty eyes, had come in a swarming horde of six. Their grotesque appearance was a stark reminder of the unnaturalness of the things they had to face as mystery agents.

They were not really difficult to face, especially as Canary's sprite, Holy, could significantly restrained them with her sacred light. 

Sparrow had waded into their ranks, his makeshift wooden club a blur of motion, as they fell as easily as brittle wood. But they were not out of a fight yet. Even with broken body on the floor, they still aggressively moved to attack.

The siblings had to really beat them into a pile of formless meat-bone... things, before they stopped moving. 

There was a fortunate 'bonus' for defeating those horrifying zombies though. One of the Zombie Bandits had a leather purse filled with golden and silver coins. An unexpected windfall, indeed.

Their final 'Vicious Red' enemies, a pair of Winged Gorillas, their roars echoing through the forest, had been a terrifying yet ridiculous sight. They were the most versatile challenge for them, possessing high strength, speed, and durability.

The lucky thing for the siblings was that the monsters' tiny wings could not really take their heavy body flying for long. 

After a prolonged fight of dodging against jumping assaults and weaving through the trees, the siblings, with the big help of Echo, the Sound Changer Sprite, finally managed to trick the pair of monsters to crash and wrestle against each other.

Utilizing that narrow chance, Sparrow and Canary used their rusty sword and dagger to stab the monsters' weak points, acquired through Sparrow's [Appraisal]... the occipital bone of their skull at the lower back of their head.

"Birdbro," a voice chirped, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Sparrow turned to see Canary, her small frame now perched on a low-hanging branch, her black hair braided neatly down her back. A sweet smile graced her lips, her green eyes sparkling with an almost unnerving cheerfulness. Her sprite companions, Holy and Echo, flitted around her, casting playful motes of light and changing the sounds of the forest.

"Huh?" He watched as she nimbly jumped down from the branch, her athletic grace on full display.

Canary landed with a soft thud, her smile unwavering. "Just checking on you," she said, "You were staring into space again."

Sparrow grunted. "Just thinking about the monsters."

Canary's smile softened slightly. "Yeah, they were… weird. Like someone took normal animals and gave them magical steroids." She paused, her eyes narrowing in thought. "But all of them were still dumb as rocks, even dumber than normal beasts."

"No strategy, no cunning," Sparrow agreed. "Mindless."

"The price for power?" Canary mused. "Anyway, we're level seven now. Do you think we can get to level ten by doing the quests in the city?"

Sparrow smiled. "If we can solve the clues."

"Well, at least it's a change." Canary exclaimed, back to her usual cheerful tone. "No more fighting. It's time for the brilliant Detective Canary and her slow-witted normal person assistant, Butler Sparrow."

"Why the hell am I the slow-witted assistant?"

Canary let out a chime-like laugh. "Just follow the setting, Birdbro."

"It's not even setting." Sparrow grumbled. "It's character description." 


The sun, a molten gold disc in the late afternoon sky, cast long shadows as Sparrow and Canary Night finally passed through the towering gates of Capital City. Dust and dirt clung to their worn leather armor, a testament to their recent foray into the wild, verdant forest. 

Sparrow, every inch the imposing figure with his green eye scanning the bustling streets, felt a rare twitch of satisfaction. The plentiful coins from the Zombie Bandit, thankfully more than just rotting flesh, jingled softly in his pouch.

"Birdbro, look!" Canary chirped, pointing towards a building draped in vibrant banners. "The 'Golden Slumber'! It's supposed to be the best hotel in the city... er, at least according to the silly merchant we met on the way."

Sparrow couldn't help but smile a tiny, almost imperceptible smile at his sister's excitement. "Alright, Tweety," he rumbled, his voice a deep baritone. "Let's see if they live up to the hype."

The Golden Slumber was not disappointing them. It was indeed a marvel for a world of the era. It was pricy, but... the siblings could soak in hot baths infused with fragrant oils, their travel-worn bodies finally released from the grime of the forest.

The food was also satisfying. Sparrow devoured a mountain of roasted fowl and venison, which tasted much better than when they did it on their own in the woods. 

But Canary, after polishing off a plate of pastries, was already bouncing on the plush bed, ready for the next adventure.

"Okay, Birdbro," she said, her voice a playful lilt. "Let's go recon! The quests are about fallen nobles and sage king, right? And what's the name of the tavern again? The Drunken Fowl? Let's go!"


Less then an hour later, in their destination...

The Drunken Fowl was a typical tavern, a riot of boisterous laughter, clinking tankards, and the aroma of roasted meat. It was the place they had been transported when they entered the realmgate. 

The siblings settled into a corner booth. Sparrow's large frame dwarfed the table, his good eye sharp and alert. Canary, perched beside him, was a vibrant contrast, eagerly soaking in the atmosphere.

They were a strange pair: he, the silent giant with his mysterious eyepatch, and she, the bright, energetic pixie with her ever-present smile.

"Remember, Tweety," Sparrow whispered, his voice low. "Eyes and ears. Let others do the talking."

They didn't have to wait long. The tavern was a repository of gossip, a swirling vortex of rumour and speculation. Their ears pricked up at the mention of the Malkavean family... nobles.

"Costume party, they say," a gruff voice boomed from a nearby table. "For anyone who can pay the entrance fee. Might be a chance to see how the other half lives, eh?"

Canary's green eyes lit up, a mischievous glint appearing in them. "Ooh, a party, Birdbro!" she whispered, her tiny body almost vibrating with anticipation.

Sparrow, however, was already analyzing the potential opportunities. A costume party meant disguises, and disguises meant secrets. He added the Malkavean family to his mental list, an invisible check mark beside it.

The next tidbit of information came from a man with a chipped tooth and a booming laugh. "Vlad Caine, that noble fool, back from slaying a dragon, they say! But not a single scale or tooth to show for it!" The man slammed his tankard on the table. "Hah! I suppose the dragon gave him a big kiss as reward for his triumph!"

Sparrow's gaze sharpened. Vlad Caine, a noble knight claiming to slay a dragon, but with no proof? There was something off about that. He made another mental mark.

Then, a more concerning whisper reached their ears, spoken by a woman with haunted eyes. "It's the forgetfulness… It's like a fog settles on your mind. I swear, it's not just me! Others have it too. They say a Memory Eater hides in the city… "

Canary's cheerful mask faltered, her eyes instinctively seeking Sparrow's. "Memory Eater?" 

Sparrow grunted and whispered, "The 'Documenting' status effect. Remember?"

Canary widened her eyes in understanding. And then, she simply nodded.

The final piece of significant enough information, a hushed whisper from the barkeep, was about the newly constructed library in the north. "Creepy as all get out, that place," he muttered, wiping down a counter. "Folks say it's haunted. Better to leave it be, if you ask me."

Haunted libraries were a dime a dozen in legends. It could be something important or just rumor. But the legendary quest 'Secret of the Sage King'... both sage and library seemed to have a connection. Sage was a wise person after all, and wise person often gained wisdom and knowledge through books... library. This needed further investigation.

Then, the wooden door of the tavern creaked open, a man entered the candle-lit hall of the buzzing tavern. No one but Sparrow paid attention to this new person.

Sparrow, somehow, paid full attention though. The newcomer was tall, broad-shouldered, and wore a worn leather coat that spoke of countless nights spent under the open sky. His face, what little Sparrow could see of it beneath the shadow of his dark-colored hood, was grim, etched with a seriousness that didn't belong in the boisterous atmosphere of the "Drunken Fowl."

Sparrow's heart fluttered with an inexplicable surge of excitement. Something about this newcomer was different. This wasn't just another drunkard looking for a cheap pint. This was… something else.

He focused his attention, and a familiar tingling sensation spread through his right eye. It was the power of his {Eye of Truth} talent, the unique talent that allowed him to perceive the hidden truths of the world. His [Appraisal] skill flared silently, attempting to reveal who this stranger truly was.

In Sparrow's single green eye, shimmering blue outline seemed to envelop the man, weird comprehension, clear as the clang of bell at silent midnight, filled his mind.

The newcomer was known as Leon Hunt, a monster hunter with extremely high combat skills and overflowing mixed of fortune and misfortune. He was practically the protagonist of this realmworld.

Sparrow nearly lost his grip on his still-half-full brown beer tankard. A monster hunter! And not just any monster hunter, but one radiating a protagonist aura? The siblings had been searching for hints to the quests, and now here it was, practically landing on their lap.

He discreetly nudged his sister with his elbow and touched his own temple

Canary immediately understood and activated her [Mind Contact] skill. 'What's wrong, Birdbro?'

'The newcomer!' Sparrow sent his thought silently. They've done in plenty of time in the forest, a much more discreet way to communicate. 'He's a monster hunter, and the protagonist of this world.'

Canary widened her eyes. 'The clue to the missions? So convenient?'

Sparrow showed no expression on his stoic face. 'Don't stare at him. Just pay attention.'

Leon Hunt strode into the tavern counter, his eyes scanning the room with a sharp, focused intensity. After ordering a black ale, he settled at a corner table, still holding the focused intensity targeted at the boisterous crowd. Sparrow and Canary, on the other corner, watched discreetly.

Sparrow noticed Leon's eyes glinted at the mention of "Vlad Caine" and the "Malkavean costume party" – the very same rumors that had been floating around the taverns when the siblings came.

'It seems like we have to attend the costume party,' Canary contacted Sparrow's mind again while seemingly playing with her sweet-mead glass. She noticed the same thing. 'It was tomorrow night, right? We've still got time to prepare for the costume.'

'And better concealed weapons,' Sparrow replied silently.

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