Chapter 44: At the edge
"Mom?" for the first time since he'd gotten to the hospital, Stiles was able to see what was in front of him clearly. For the first time that night, he was able to feel the cold wind brush against his skin; it definitely was a welcomed sensation, but he couldn't take the time to celebrate it for the comfort it brought.
At the very far edge of the roof stood a woman, or at least, that was what that figure appeared to be; she wore a hospital gown, all he could distinguish about her hair was its length and the fact that its color was on the dark side of shades. He didn't see her face, but he didn't feel the need to, he instinctively knew who she was, that entire scene being way too familiar for him not to.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she almost growled that question at him.
"Mom, it's me..." he desperately tried.
"I know who you are! I know what you are here to do!" she spat furiously.
"No, mom I... Please, get away from the edge," he shakily reached his right arm out towards her.
He took the humble amount of two steps in her direction before she shrieked, "Stay away!"
"Mom, I am not here to hurt you," he muttered, the weight of his aching feelings gradually muffling his voice.
"Yes, you are! I've seen the way you look at me! Do you think I am stupid? I know, I know you are trying to kill me!" she vomited all those words at once, leaving him no chance to place any of his own.
She gasped, for a moment she appeared to be losing her balance, her upper half dangerously bent and dangled forward over the far down ground, her arms could do nothing but flail wretchedly through the thin air around her, in an attempt to keep her body from falling.
Stiles didn't hesitate the fraction of a second to dart her way, but when he got close enough to her to hold her, her body suddenly stopped all the forms of gymnastics it was performing in order to keep her on the edge, and she simply stood still and straight, like nothing had happened at all. He immediately froze, not very fond of his odds with that thing anymore.
He began to think less and less of her as his mother. Then again, he thought that if he was still dreaming, then that thing was absolutely a trap; the nogitsuné knew how much of a soft spot his mother was for him, and it was using her to make Stiles' experience more agonizing for the sake of its own sick pleasure. After all, if a nogitsuné could fulfil any purpose, it was its ability to bring strife and chaos to fruition.
The woman disguised as Stiles' mother began to slowly and steadily turn around herself. once she came face to face with him, she finally stopped her rotation. He couldn't believe his eyes, it truly had every trait from his actual mother, exactly like he'd remembered her on her best days. He got completely lost in her deeply loving eyes, mesmerized by her radiant and genuinely warm smile, he let his emotions get the best of him, and all of his thoughts about it being a trap went up in a puff of smoke all of a sudden.
She unhurriedly lifted her hand and placed his cheek right into her palm, it didn't feel as cold as he'd expected it to be, nor did it feel too warm either. In fact, it felt just... Perfect; she gently tilted her head after that, smiling sadly, her eyes increasingly filling with a transparent liquid before his gaze, until... her eye sockets became too small to hold it all in, for one tear had finally escaped them, and had rolled freely on her cheek.
"I know who you are... You are my son... My baby," she murmured between her cries.
"Mom...," he spoke softly, unable to hold his tears back any longer. He had the impression that somebody had protruded their hand right through his chest, squeezing a fist full of his respiratory system. He couldn't breathe regularly, but not out of fear, sorrow or even despair, it was all of those combined in one giant soul crushing ball. The fear that, that moment wouldn't last, sorrow for all the years he'd spent apart from her and despair, because despite all of his hopes, he knew that none of it was real... And that it could end at any moment... And he'd lose her again.
"Do you want to stay with me, Stiles?" her smile seemed a tad less sad than the previous one she gave; she looked hopeful as she asked him.
"What...?" he couldn't believe his ears, only a few milliseconds before, he was contemplating the end of that moment, and then she hit him with that question out of the blue.
"Do you want us to be together again? Like we used to be before... It all went downhill," she said.
"I... Do, mom of course I do, but..." he stuttered.
"We can. There is a way Stiles, for us to finally be happy. You just need to give me your hand," she stretched her arm out to him and opened her hand, waiting for him to take it.
He hesitated for a short while, before admitting how all of it was too tempting for him to resist. So, he slowly reached his hand at his turn. She closed her soft fingers around his own as soon as they touched, then she began to seamlessly and delicately pull him towards her. He drew small steps closer to the edge of the hospital roof with her, until they both stood horizontally to each other.
"See? It's easy! There is only one step left, and then we'll be together forever," she grinned.
"What step?" he asked, his voice weak.
"We need to Jump from this edge together, Stiles,"