Chapter 45: Previously (4)
Previously in the chapters {35 to 45}:
All the members of the pack were stuck, going through their own ordeal, nobody was safe. They had to fight to survive.
As Peter and Malia advanced in the unknown world they'd fallen into, they kept getting chased by berserkers. That wasn't their only problem however, Peter began to have strong and nasty hallucinations about his dead sister Talia Hale and her daughter Laura, his niece that he'd killed on the night of a full moon in order to take the alpha spark from her. Malia managed to shake him out of the delusion and informs him that she found what seemed like a way out. Low and behold, it was not, they were still stuck, they landed in a place that no longer existed in reality, the Hale house after the fire.
Scott, Braden, Argent and Nolan ran out of the basement after hearing unusual screams for help and gunshots all over, they found out the hard way that the longtails had arrived. The monsters took Braden out of the way, a potential payback for her intervention against them earlier that night. They attracted Scott outside the mansion to meet their leader who was none other than Matt, the young man who controlled the kanima a few years prier. He came back with a new look and new powers, powers that left Scott and Chris stunned, considering his lack of vulnerabilities. He survived a shot through the heart like it was nothing, and he called himself the king of hearts.
At the hospital, everyone available was battling the Oni. Liam, Deaton, Mason, Corey, and the banshees. Melissa managed to create a temporary safe zone with mountain-ash to grant them some time, Liam noticed Alec's absence, and that was when Lydia had a vision, she saw all of her absent friends including Alec and Stiles, which hinted at their very close deaths.
Alec wasn't as lucky and found himself isolated from the group, his fight was lead outside of the hospital and he couldn't stand his ground on his own, he almost got killed, if it wasn't for the intervention of somebody really unlikely, someone that nobody would have expected to save him. None other than Daniel, the hunter that held a gun to Alec's head at the very beginning of that night when he was pretending to be captured.
Stiles finally woke up, but thought he was still dreaming, his feet walked him up to the roof where he was met by an uncanny sight, that of his mother whom he knew was very dead.
Parrish, still stuck in an illusion of his own, was visited by an unknown face, he discovered that she was also a banshee, and she did give him her name, 'Euriella' she said her name was. She enjoyed watching Parrish freeze to his death and she thought to make a short appearance to gloat.
Derek, on his own in the old Beacon Hills distillery, was cornered by three individuals, Jennifer, Kali and Anas. He knew he couldn't fight all of them at once, but he found a way to drag the fight and give himself a bit of time to think about a plan.
All trapped with noway out, everything lead to believe that Lydia's visions would soon become reality. What would save the pack? Will they all survive?
All of that will come in the next chapters.