temple lapis: tales of the unbound Ginn

Chapter 2: flame and venom

Solomon with annoyed expression replied to Ishmael " what did you expect that you just walk away without any consequences the people of Eden aren't dumb so of course they had a fail safe".

Boiling with rage Ishmael retorted " that wasn't a fail safe idiot the old man is still alive the fail safe supposed to be the fact that I need a host so you can take your snarky comments and shove it up you...."

Solomon cut him off before he could finish his sentence " regardless if it was are wasn't you have some explaining to do like who was that voice what is this so call greater threat and how does this merging even work cause if being honest I expected you to take over our bodies not be stuck as a disembodied voice".

Ishmael enraged by Solomons casual tone replied " that is what was spouse to happen, to you at least and the mage was spouse to host half my power while your host my personality and the other half of my power but it seems the old man took pity on you and gave you control DAMN IT!!! and as for you other questions if want the answers you gonna have to ask the old man yourself when we reach the temple I ain't your damn dictionary".

Solomon replied "OK then be like that if you don't want to cooperate fine rose get let's go were going to your hometown Edom if gonna get some answers we'll need someone willing to cooperate".

Rose was still in shock from all that transpired she couldn't move and didn't end up hearing what Solomon said. Solomon recognizing that she was in her right mind picked her up in his arms and said "don't worry rose will make it through this just try to relax for now" rose nod her head and Solomon smiled when he realized she heard him this time.

jealous of the small heartwarming moment Ishmael reminded Solomon of the artifact "Aren't you forgetting, the artifact you idiot the old man said to carry it with you".

Solomon replied teasingly " aren't you the one who said you weren't gonna help us".

Angered by Solomon tone Ishmael replied " I said I wasn't gonna be your dictionary not that I wasn't gonna help, cause if you don't release my life is on the line too so if you mess this up we all lose ".

Solomon was annoyed with Ishmael arrogance but glade to see that he would at least be an asset instead of burden Solomon was ready to reenter the he dungeon until he remembered rose was in the right head space to take on the dungeon. He asked Ishmael " yo ginn since we have half your power can we control the he dungeon and monsters like you did"

Ishmael replied " first of all you know my name, it was written on the pillar in front of my chamber so address me as such, second of all you won't be able to control them my power to control the dungeon was severed when we merged, but if you're worried about taking out the monsters alone that won't be a problem your new powers should be more than enough we can leave rose on the first floor since it's sealed off from the rest of the floors"

Solomon was disappointed to here that he would be able to control the monsters but he knew things weren't gonna be that easy he renter the first dungeon floor . The sand stone pillar filled with hieroglyphics were just as eerie as ever other than that room was quite plan no the most up lifting place to leave rose for the time being but it was safe Solomon sat rose down by a pillar and reminded her that he would be back as soon as he got the artifact rose though afraid told "go get the artifact I'll be fine I just need a moment to calm down a bit plus if anything does come up I can defend myself just please don't take too long "

Solomon appreciated rules trying to be brave he reassured her that he'd be back in a few hours then left now a little more confident that rose would come around. Rushing through the he dungeon floors Solomon spoke to Ishmael " yo ginn what kind of powers did I get from the merge and how do I use them"

Ishmael was tried of the monks constantly calling but explained his abilities any since it would be the only way they could survive the dungeon by themselves" I keep telling you my name is Ishmael you damn monk and you got flame manipulation, air manipulation and shadows manipulation you can use them by imaging the form you want the element to take and how you would like to control it I'll handle the manna control and notify you when we're low '.

Solomon felt a rush of confidence hearing how easy it would be to use the abilities dash through the hall way of the dungeon he ran into one of the common monsters in the dungeon it was a black wolf like creature with two tails and a secondary skeleton surrounding its body.

Solomon gained his teeth as he tough to him self " a blood hound this will be perfect to take these powers on a test run" he raised his hand and imaged a fire ball spiraling as it shoot out of his a hand and as he imagined it ,it happened the fire ball was only the size of a ball but it's speed was enough to catch the blood hund off guard crashing into it and exploding on impact taking it out.

Excited after witnessing his new powers Solomon grind his teeth a mischievous little smile forming on his face. While Ishmael not able to take this lowly human seriously or able to give him anything close to a complete exclaimed " is that it a fire ball you can create anything out of flames and you choose a basic fire ball"

Though Ishmael was irritating Solomon could careless he was only testing his powers after all so he just rolled his eyes and didn't even give him a response infuriating Ishmael further. Solomon continued to rom through the halls of the dungeon Solomon ran into a crossroads

Not wanting to waste any time Solomon questioned Ishmael on the fast path to the vault " man this place is huge, are there any short cut to the vault ".

Agree with Solomon Ishmael revealed a short cut to the vault "Yah take the left path until you reach the black widow chamber she's quite difficult to beat but she shouldn't be much of a problem if we use our flame, once we beat her there should be a trap door below one of the golden spider status that leads to the vault door ".

"Great" Solomon exclaimed while running down the path to the black widows chamber testing his abilities on monsters along the way. Tarping goblin in shadows blasting away kobolts with blast of air and setting harpies a flame by the time he reached the black widows chamber he got a decent grasp at his abilities but that wasn't all that hard since Ishmael was basically doing must of the work and explained the properties of his abilities further. While they were more complex abilities like shadow manipulation which created a black substance that could change its properties at will. If you need it to explode its flammable, if you need it to freeze things it to freeze things it's subs zero degrees and if you want it to block something it could become as hard as Dimonds over power if it was for the fact that it took an extreme amount of manna to perform and had a cool down period of 30 minutes.

Now at the chamber Solomon saw two giant steal doors with carvings of giant spiders devouring goblins and other monsters. Before entering Solomon put his ear to the door and listend to the sound of the spider in the room from the sound alone he could tell the distance of the was spider from the door and that was all he needed to know. He engulfed his feet in flames and kick the doors the flames exploding on contact with the door sending them hurling toward the gaint 20 feet tall black widow spider in the room. The spider smacked away the doors but Solomon using the doors as a distraction rushed towards the spider. when he was in range he conjured a lion head made of flames using its powerful jaws to rip off one of the spiders legs. The spider screamed in agony but Solomon smirked his grin terrifying " ah did you see that ginn how's that for creativity " exclaimed Solomon

Ishmael feeling a slight amount of excitement from Solomon bold move exclaimed in a mocking tone " don't get cocky monk if she catches you off guard that poison will do a number to your pretty little face"

"Thanks for the heads up "Solomon replied while dashing away to create distance .boiling with rage the spider shot a barrage of webs at Solomon but he dodged out of the way countering the few that got too close with fire arrow. Now at a safe distance Solomon fired a giant blade of wind trying to remove the rest of the spiders legs but she was too fast dodging the wid blades and rushing towards Solomon at speed he could barely comprehend. Before Solomon had the time to release another blast the black widow slashed at him with her razor sharp leg. Solomon instinctively dogded, the spider arm barley missing him . The black widow swung a second time smack him into a wall. Solomon enraged and caught in the heat of battle fired a blast of high pressure wind make the range wide to ensure the spider couldn't dodge the bast knocking the spider off it's balance.

not wasting a second Solomon dashed towards the spider. Conjuring wolf Claws on his arms and legs made of flames using them to grab onto the spider. Climbing the spiders legs like an animal hoping from leg to leg as the spider tries to shake him off. Reaching a top the spider he fired two wind blades severing two of it leg . In pain and torment the spider finally shock Solomon off . Solomon landing on his feet his face fill with excitement grining and snarling like and animal.

Ishmael was beaming with excitement watching them fight it was like watching caged animals fighting for there very lives.

" your fighting style is as brutal and animalistic as when we fought except this time you finally have some power behind your strikes " Ishmael screamed eager to see more carnage .

The back widow expel wave of a strong acidic poison from its mouth covering the floor. Solomon jumped and graded onto the wall the poison barley missing him. He shot fire ball at the spider try to create another distraction but instead of blocking it this time the spider dashed through them going for the kill. Solomon unable to touch the venom socked ground started to run along the wall using his claws. Increasing his speed by creating explosion each time his claws push off the wall . Even with this method increasing his speed significantly the spider was gaining on him. Catching Solomon off guard the spider shot a web trading Solomon to the wall and without hesitation the blck widow slammed him towards the venom shocked floor.

Acting fast Solomon used blast to wind to propel him upward missing the floor by an inch. While in the air Solomon had an idea he created a giant flame in the center of the chamber. Than through a rotating blast of wind at it creating a giant flaming vortex. The vortex sucked in all the poison but the spider was able to hold onto the ground using his five remaining leg. The widow stared at Solomon deep into his soul as she let out a blood curdling scream. Signaling to her children its time to eat.

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