Chapter 3: New Ally
A giant swarm of hand size black widows filled the room floor. They all rushed towards Solomon trying to over power him. Solomon jumped out of the way dodging the swarm as they crashed into the wall leaving a crater the size of a large swimming pool. Solomon grabbed on to the ceiling looking at the distraction cause by that single attack. " by any chance do you have any regeneration powers that you didn't tell me about" Solomon asked Ishmael with slight worry.
" what are you scared and yes I do have regen but the bad news is the girl has my healing abilities so if we get hit we'll be there dinner " Ishmael replied
The spiders throw them selves at Solomon but he narrowly escape holding onto another wall and firing blast of wind at the vortex to increase its suction but the spider were still able to hold onto the wall. " To hell with this " Solomon barked. Solomon dash to the floor striking it with his fist scorching his hand and sending blades of flame and air shredding the ground into chunks and sending the gaint black widow falling down to the vault door the chunks of rook burying it alive. The baby spiders all rushed to try and dig there mother out of the rubble. While they were distracted Solomon ran to the vault.
"You really shouldn't have done that" Ishmael whispered with a giggle
concerned Solomon asked " why"
In a voice of excitement Ishmael said " causes the gaint rock eating lizard I call my pet lives on this floor good luck"
Suddenly a gaint earth dragon burst from the rubble with the mother spiders in it's mouth. It was a black drake with red hot blade at the end of it tail. It swallowed the mother spiders and the babies scattered. Looking at Solomon the dragons calmly approached him turning its head in curiosity.
" I can senses that you're in there Ishmael did you finally find a host " the dragon spoke with a tone belittling.
Ishmael spoke his voice reaching her because of some connection they have. " ahhhh you could tell I expected you to attack this body".
"I should attack you leaving me in this room not even visiting me in a hundred years " the dragon whispered in a teasing tone.
"Sorry for the long wait but I've been busy as of late adventurers coming in on the daily I'd have any time for our little chats hopefully you can forgive me " Ishmael replied in the same one.
" well that depends you got way out of this damn place" the dragon asked
" well yes but we're gonna have to continue working for the old man were to carry the artifact to the city of Edom " Ishmael reply annoyed at the fact that he had to continue working for the old man.
"He's still alive after all these years how" the dragon screamed in anger slamming her tail in the walls causing the room to shake.
Solomon lost his balance and fell to the ground slightly dazed at the spectacle unfolding before him. The dragon looked at Solomon her face get close to his " your not in control of this body aren't you I assume this was the work of the old man doing boy what your name " the dragon asked.
Solomon answer "my name is Solomon and yes Ishmael isn't in control a voice inrupted the ritual a I keep control of my body"
"Ah I see well you may call me terra as it seems we might be working together for awhile" the dragon replied as she walked towards the vault a bright red flame surrounding her body shrinking to the size of a person the flame disappeared and she was transformed into a human dragon hybrid the body was covered from the neck down in scales her figures curvy wide hips and large brest ( yes weebs she had the classic mommy built double D and everything) her feet were the same as her dragon from and her forearms were the same as well.
Solomon was shocked not only by her transformation but also because she was buttons naked . Blushing Solomon looked way terre turned around seeing this rose red cheeks she called to him teasingly " why are you blushing have you never seen an womans body before come forward and I'll open the vault or are you too shy to approach a woman I such compromising state"
Solomon walked towards her blushing profusely Ishmael laughing at him as he looked away. Terra put her hand on the vault door a small smile forming on her face while she giggled at Solomons flustered face. The vault door split open at the lotus flower in the center revealing a pedestal shaped like two snakes spiraling around a pillar and at the top of the pillar was a lotus flower shaped gem.
Terra grabbed the lotus and handed it to Solomon and Ishmael " here you go this is the Sapphire lotus it can create duplicate of any living thing and none living thing it was used to create clone armys in the war you should be able to make a clone of yourself and put Ishmaels consciousness in it using your shadow abilities.
" Terra you damn genius I could kiss you hurry up and get me out monk " Ishmael screamed in excitement glade that he could finally be freed from Solomons mind.
Solomon also excited that he could finally get Ishmael out of his head asked Terra how to use the lotus she replied " just imagine yourself splitting in two while purring mana into the lotus".
Solomon followed her instructions and lotus started glowing a light envelope Solomon and his body split in two forming a second Solomon. The clone was a one to one copy it Stood Still not making a single move " alright what do I do now" Solomon asked
Ishmael replied " just pust your hand on the clone I'll handle it from there". Solomon placed his hand on the clones head and a black energy enveloped it the clone was transformed into Ishmael. Laughing maniacally Ishmael screamed " finally out of that damn monks head Terra you genius THANK YOU !!!". Ishmael grabbed Terra holding her up in the air. Solomon looked at him perplexed " this is the first time I ever seen you genuinely smiling " Solomon said teasingly.
"That's because I'm finally out of your damn head " Ishmael replied
Solomon was not amused by his comment he sighed " alright let's make our way back to Rose we'll head to Edom after I send a letter to my team letting them know that me and rose are OK "
Terra asked " oh so you weren't alone "
Solomon replied " no there were more of us I'll explain the whole sorry on the way back. Solomon explained how Ishmael defeated his group and took him and rose hostage Terra giggled when she heard how Ishmael lost it when he found out that the old man had him under his control. Ishmael annoyed detailed the full story in excruciating detail of how he defeated Solomons team making up parts about how they begged for mercy. Solomon denied these allegations and Terra believe his since she already knew Ishmael loved exaggerating his wins finally reaching the first floor rose ran toward Solomon and hugged him not releasing Ishmael and Terra right behind him " your back I'm soo glade your back" rose screamed in joy. Rose realizing the other two behind Solomon jumped back and screamed " WAIT THE GINN GOT HIS BODY BACK AND WHO'S THAT GAINT NAKED WOMAN BESIDE HIM!!" Solomon realizing how this looked explained the whole situation to Rose. Rose now fully caught up on the situation asked a simple question " oh since ginn now has a body do we still have to go with them to Edom"
Ishmael replied " well yes I'm still connected to your bodies so you'll have to join us on the Journey or I won't be able to go far plus any punishment the old man gives me it will must likely be spread across all of us given our connection. Rose signs and said "of course it wasn't gonna be that easy". Terra rose and ishmael continued convering getting to no each other Ishmael explaining rose's new abilities and how to used them while Terra curious about Rose and board from the years in the dungeon got to know rose personally teasing her and asking her about herself. While the other were getting acquainted with one another Solomon wrote a letter to his party detailing the past event and telling them were he was heading he used his shadow abilities to create a Raven that he used to deliver his letter to his teams home base. After he was finished the called to the group " hey I'm finish with the letter so let's get on our way" Ishmael seeing a chance to mess with Solomon complained " can't you give us a break unlike you I've been busy all day and need my rest"
This angered Solomon causesing him to scream at Ishmael " you busy I was the one do all the fight while you were just back seat driving the whole time". Solomon and Ishmael got in there fighting stance ready to scrap.
Before they could start fighting Terra broke them up " boys boys break it up Solomon is right we should get going I'll carry us it will be faster than on foot".
Rose got an adorable surprise look on her face when she heard that Terra would be carrying them she asked " wait your gonna transform"
Terra In awe at rose's cute expression replied " yes little one I'll be transforming.
Terra's body bust into red flame her form morphine back into a dragon. Now fully transformed she told everyone to get on. Ishmael grabbed rose's and jumped on top of Terra looking down at Solomon as if saying I got your girl. Solomon jumped atop Terras back ignoring Ishmael's teasing gaze.
"All right hold on tight "Terra shouted as she started dashing in the direction of edom.