Tengoku e no Hangyaku - Rebellion against Heaven (english version)

Chapter 39: Rebellion Against Heaven - Part 26

Chapter 26: A Gift for Death

Ryuusei bowed his head, staring at the mangled corpses of Kenta and Haru with a curious grin.

"How many times do you go now?" He whispered to himself. It doesn't matter, they haven't suffered enough yet.

He smiled sadistically and raised his warhammer once more.


Each blow tore the remains of their bodies further apart. Splintered bones protruded from the torn skin, the flesh was pulped beyond recognition, and the ground became a lake of blood and viscera.

But then, something caught his attention.

In the distance, a pack of wild dogs emerged from the darkness. Their eyes shone with hunger, their snouts dripped with saliva, and their bony bodies showed the misery in which they lived.

Ryuusei snapped his fingers.


He drew his teleportation daggers and with one swift motion, sliced chunks of flesh from Kenta and Haru's bodies, hurling them toward the dogs. The stench of fresh blood sparked a frenzy in the beasts, who rushed upon the wreckage with wild grunts and teeth tearing at the flesh.

Ryuusei watched them devour with cruel satisfaction.

"If there is anything left over," he said aloud, turning to Daichi, who was still paralyzed. I will send it to Death as a gift.

Daichi clenched his fists, but before he could move, Ryuusei had already summoned a Common Herald, a spectral creature with a dark robe and empty eyes.

"Take this to Death," he ordered, pointing to the remains not yet eaten by the dogs. Tell him it's a small gift from me.

The herald nodded and disappeared into a vortex of shadows, taking with him the remains of what was once Kenta and Haru.

Ryuusei sighed with a satisfied smile and turned her attention to Daichi.

"Well, now only one last detail is missing.

Before Daichi could react, Ryuusei appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye and boom! he gave him a brutal blow to the temple with the handle of his hammer.

Daichi fell to the ground immediately, unconscious.

Ryuusei watched him for a moment and then grabbed him by the collar of his clothes, carrying him as if he were a simple sack.

"Let's have fun for a while, Daichi..."

With one last look at the scene of the carnage, Ryuusei disappeared into the shadows, taking his new victim with him.

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