The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach

Chapter 85: Its not gambling(85)

Time skip

Sora and Uryu could be seen approaching the entrance to a casino.

Before they could enter, though, they were met by a tough, intimidating bouncer with his arms crossed and a suspicious glint in his eyes.

The man looked up at them, wondering if these two pipsqueaks were actually of age.

As his gaze landed on Sora, his relatively lean, yet sculpted body seemed to favor him more, making him look a bit older and more mature than he was...

While Uryu... well, Uryu looked like Uryu.

"IDs," the bouncer grunted.

Sora confidently handed over his card. He had no worries; it seemed like he already knew how this would end.

Uryu, though hesitant, passed his card along.

The man took a long, scrutinizing look at both before narrowing his eyes at them.

"...Mike Rotch?" the bouncer read aloud, his brow raising.

Wasn't Kisuke just nice?

Uryu snapped his head back to the bouncer. Mike. Rotch. Oh, he was going to kill Kisuke.

Uryu's eyes twitched. His brain had short-circuited. That was not Sora's name... like, sure, he knew that they needed fake IDs... but still... being called Mike Rotch couldn't be fun.

"Yep, that would be me," Sora said confidently, nodding. "And my friend right here—"

"Ben Dover," the bouncer continued, now squinting at Uryu's ID.

The bouncer gave them both a long, weird look.

He was debating whether he should let them in or not. Their names sounded stupid as hell.

But their IDs showed they were adults, though on the younger side... looking at them, it was probably their first time here.

Uryu, meanwhile, was mentally preparing for how many ways he was going to end Sora and Kisuke's entire existence.

"...You two sure you're of age?" the bouncer asked skeptically.

"Absolutely. Can't you tell by the way we radiate maturity?" Sora added. He was full of charisma and confidence, not even feeling like a child trying to enter an adult-only place.

The bouncer slowly exhaled, looking like he had seen too much stupidity in his lifetime. "Yeah, whatever. Just don't cause trouble."

As soon as they were inside, Uryu rounded on Sora.

"Ben. Dover."

Sora grinned. "It suits you."

"What part of that suits me!?"

"The part where you're bending over to Kisuke's amazing craftsmanship," Sora said, wiggling his eyebrow.

"I swear to God—"

"Since when were you religious?" Sora added calmly.

"You son of—"

"Don't curse your mother," Sora added as he grabbed him and dragged him through the casino floor.

"Alright, time to make some real money, Benny boy," Sora said, practically skipping.


He refused to be called Ben Dover... Never.

No more.

Sora ignored him, making his way toward the front desk, where he exchanged 500 Yen for some chips.

He looked quite confident...

While Uryu looked annoyed...

A second pupil appeared in Sora's eyes... This night was going to be fun.

"This is where we make history, Uryu."

"This is where you lose everything," Uryu corrected, arms crossed.

"Stop being such a nerd."

"Statistically, you have a higher chance of being struck by lightning twice than winning the lottery," Uryu added, pushing his glasses back.

"Nerd," Sora added as he sat down and pulled the lever.

First spin.


Second spin.


Third spin.


"I'm enjoying this more than I should." Uryu was beginning to enjoy this.

"Beginner's bad luck. I just need to warm up." Sora's eyes twitched... the wheel above his head spun... oh god no.

What kind of busted-ass stuff would he gain from gambling?

Uryu was genuinely scared.

Time skip.

Well, Sora lost 499 times... back to back.

Statistically, this shouldn't be possible. The machines were made in such a way to prevent this—losing back to back 499 times on one singular machine without winning once.

The sounds of failure were starting to feel personal.

Uryu sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Well, it was an expensive lesson in stupidity, but I hope you learned something from this."

Sora, however, grinned. "Yeah. That the machine owes me."

Uryu groaned. "That's not how probability works—"

But before he could finish, Sora slammed his last chips down and pulled the lever one final time.

The machine spun.





Lights flashed. Bells rang. The machine practically exploded with sound. People turned to look as an absurd number of chips poured out.

Sora shot out of his seat, arms raised. "THAT'S RIGHT! WHO'S THE GAMBLING KING!? THIS GUY!"

 "What. The. Hell." Uryu was stunned....what had he just witnessed...and why did Sora have 3 pupils?

A casino worker rushed over. "Congratulations, sir! You've just won 10 million yen!"

Sora leaned over to Uryu, smug as hell. "Hey, Ben Over."

"...What?" Uryu was so shocked he didn't even bother paying attention to his nickname.

Sora clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Guess Mike Rotch is worth something after all."

"Now for black Jack..."

Sora had a huge goofy smile on his face, he had won, roughly like 1 million yen.

But he wasn't done.

"S-Mike, this is absurd. No one goes from losing 499 times in a row to hitting the jackpot and then just walks to another table like they're some kind of gambling prodigy," Uryu muttered.

"Ben, you're overthinking this," Sora said, flashing his fake ID with mock seriousness. "This is all about momentum. The house doesn't know what hit them. We're on a streak."

Why did it feel like Sora was cheating?

"You're not on a streak—you're on borrowed luck. There's a difference."

"Call it what you want, Benny boy. I call it destiny."

It took everything in Uryu not to end Sora right there.

Sora sauntered up to the blackjack table, throwing down a portion of his chips with casual bravado. "Alright, let's do this. I'm feeling lucky!"

The dealer raised an eyebrow, giving him a quick once-over. Sora smelt like a newbie."First time playing?"

"Absolutely," Sora lied, grinning like a clueless rookie. "I've only ever played, uh, Go Fish. But this seems easy enough, right? Hit me with the cards!"

The dealer smirked. "Alright then, let's see how beginner's luck holds up."

Uryu facepalmed, sitting next to Sora as the first round began. Predictably, Sora lost.

And then he lost again.

And again.

In like 30 minutes he lost like 400K.....

After a few rounds of terrible decisions—hitting when he shouldn't, splitting at the worst times—the players at the table started to relax. 

They smirked at the overconfident "rookie" who clearly had no clue what he was doing.

"I told you," Uryu muttered under his breath. "This is painful to watch."

"Relax," Sora said, leaning back in his chair, radiating an air of calm. "This is all part of the plan."

The dealer dealt another hand, and this time, Sora pushed his remaining chips—all of them—into the center of the table.

"All in," he said with a grin.

The table went silent. Even Uryu straightened up, his eyes wide. "What are you doing?!"

"Trust me," Sora said confidently.

Uryu felt like Sora was cheating....he however didn't know why.

Was it perhaps due to the fact that Sora had 3 pupils....heh...maybe?

The dealer's smirk faltered. 

Sora's sudden shift in confidence had thrown him off.

Cards were dealt. Sora had a 10 and a 6. The dealer showed a Queen.

"Hit me," Sora said without hesitation.

The dealer flipped a card. A 5.

Sora grinned. "21."

The room felt like it held its breath. 

The dealer revealed their second card—a 9.

"Dealer busts. Congratulations," the dealer said flatly.

Sora leaned back, collecting his winnings as the crowd murmured. Uryu, shaking his head in disbelief, muttered, "That was reckless."

"That," Sora corrected, "was genius."

Sora was cheating, there was no iff nor buts about it...was he using Reishi to cheat?

But Sora wasn't done yet.

"Now," he said, grinning like a maniac, "to the roulette table."

The roulette table was surrounded by onlookers, and Sora confidently swaggered up, his mountain of chips drawing attention.

"Alright," Sora announced, clapping his hands together. "Let's make this quick."

The dealer at the roulette table gave him a curious look. "And what's your bet, sir?"

Sora paused dramatically as if pondering the most difficult question in the multiverse.

"Hmm... what do you recommend for someone who's completely new to this?"

The dealer raised an eyebrow. "If you're new, you might want to stick to red or black. Safer odds."

"Safer?" Sora repeated, tilting his head as the concept offended him. "No, no, no. I'm here to win big."

The onlookers chuckled.

They had seen this before, Newbie coming in to win big and lose everything.

Uryu sighed loudly from the side. "Here we go again."

Sora leaned in, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "What if... I went all in?"

The dealer blinked. "All in? That's quite the risk."

"Risk?" Sora smirked. "I like to think of it as... inevitable victory."

Why did Sora have 3 pupils and why did Uryu feel Reishi in the machine gears.....

And with that, he pushed all his chips forward. "All of it. On black. Number 43."

The crowd gasped.

The dealer hesitated. "You do realize how slim the odds are for hitting a single number—"

"I said all in, didn't I?" Sora said with a grin, his confidence radiating. "Let's spin this bad boy."

The dealer shrugged and set the wheel in motion. The ball clattered against the spinning numbers, bouncing chaotically as the crowd leaned in, holding their breath.

"Come on, black 43," Sora whispered, hands clasped as if in prayer.

The ball slowed, bouncing between numbers. It teetered on red before finally landing with a resounding click.

Black 43.

The crowd erupted into cheers and gasps of disbelief. The dealer's jaw dropped.

Sora stood, arms wide, basking in the glory. "That's right! Who said gambling isn't a good way to make money?!"

The dealer, still stunned, muttered, "Congratulations, sir. That's a... 100 million yen payout."

Uryu stared at Sora, his face frozen in a mix of shock and horror. "How... HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

Sora turned to him, his grin wider than ever. "Simple. Mike Rotch is a man of destiny."

Sora's eyes landed on his watch...

It was 11:00

Fuck, they were past their bedtime.

"Shit, my wife going to kill me", He said in a rush, grabbing Uryu alongside his chips.

He cashed them in, before dashing off.

Sora smiled eagerly as the 100 million had been deposited toward his account...not his own, but one of his accounts. for a test run...those future-seeing skills were great.

He could see like 3 futures, one good, one bad, one neutral....he had the choice of picking one in order to increase the luck of the other.

So for example, if he were to per say, choose a future where he loses in a slot machine 499 times.....when he chooses the good outcome....since his bad luck has practically been drained....he would be given a favorable outcome.

Very good stuff, apart from that he could lock onto a if setting it in stone, like how he did at the Roullete.

Though that ability had a decently large cooldown period and did drain his Reiryoku a bit.....this future stuff was insane.

Well who cares, he could now gamble...without actually gambling.

On their way home, he brought a lottery ticket....for no reason.

"How am I going to face Dad now that I shook hands with the devil"

"Excuse me?"

"You have been excused" Uryu added calmly.

"I am no devil"

"Close enough"

"Is it really gambling when you guarantee to win"




A/N...Is it gambling when you know the outcome?

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