Chapter 86: You are not with irs are you? (86)
Sora sat back, arms casually folded, a smug grin on his face as he counted his massive winnings. "And since the money isn't in my account, I don't have to pay it back when it's tax season."
He never thought gambling could be so profitable.
Uryu blinked once, then twice... then stared at his brother as if he'd just announced he was going to open a portal to another dimension. "Isn't that tax fraud?"
Sora leaned back a bit. This wasn't tax fraud. "Nu-huh."
"Nu-huh?!" Uryu shot back, his voice beginning to rise. "You can't just avoid taxes by doing... whatever it is you're doing!"
"I'm just playing the system. That is what they call strategy," Sora added, shrugging his shoulders. It was no biggie, really.
"Strategy?!" Uryu nearly shouted. "That's a fraud, Sora! You're committing tax fraud!"
"Nah, it's not fraud, it's... creative accounting," Sora said as he waved his hand dismissively.
Uryu glared at him, exasperated. "That's still illegal, you idiot!"
Sora grinned again. Who was going to stop him? "Alright, alright, but think about it this way. If the cops come after me for tax fraud, what would you do?"
"What would I do? I'd make sure you got arrested for being a pain in the ass," Uryu added, with no shame in his voice whatsoever.
"I'm hurt, Uryu. Here I thought you'd have my back!" Sora acted quite hurt by Uryu's supposed betrayal.
"I'm your brother, not your accomplice. You're on your own with this one," Uryu added, crossing his arms.
Sora leaned back again, putting his hands behind his head. "You'd really just let me go down for tax fraud like that?"
"If you get caught, yes. You deserve whatever happens." Uryu's eyes narrowed as those words left his lips.
"What if I said I was the one who raised you, huh? Who gave you a place to live?" Sora exclaimed, feigning ignorance.
"Sora... you're such a pain in the ass," Uryu said, sighing heavily.
"Well, that's one way of putting it," Sora said, grinning.
Just then, as they were continuing this back-and-forth, they bumped into a tall man with long, flowing golden hair. The man had a calm, reserved attitude and an aura of quiet strength that immediately caught Sora's attention.
The man turned his head slowly, meeting Sora's gaze.
Sora froze. The man was definitely strong, and Sora knew that look. Quincy. He quickly ducked behind Uryu, peeking out just enough to see the stranger's face.
"Uryu! Protect me!" Sora hissed, clutching onto his brother's sleeve in a panic.
"What? He's just some guy. He's not going to—" Why was Sora making such a fuss? It was just one guy.
"The IRS!" Sora shouted, his eyes wide in horror. "It's the IRS, Uryu! They've come for me!"
Uryu blinked once, then twice... Did Sora forget they were in Japan?
"We're in Japan, Sora. There is no IRS here."
Sora's eyes darted around wildly. "No, no, no... this is it! He's a secret agent from the tax authorities! They've found me!"
The man's facial expression never changed.
"Hello... I would like to ask if this is Karakura Town," the man said calmly.
'He's faking it,' were the thoughts that both Uryu and Sora had.
A devious smile appeared on Sora's face.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind serving as your guide... I'll make sure you enjoy your stay in our wonderful city, devoid of any Echt Quincy... those stuck-up assholes are a pain in the ass."
For a split second, the man's brow furrowed. However, he had to keep up this act... this was all for His Majesty's sake.
He could not get mad.
"If I may ask, how did you know I was a Quinc—"
"Your spiritual presence," Sora added, cutting him off.
He then made the man a bracelet.
"It's good to find one of our own... Welcome to the anti-Quincy King side. Over here, we think Yhwach is a bitch and an overgrown manchild who got way too much power."
Sora noticed the way a vein seemed to bulge around the man's head anytime he mentioned Yhwach's name in a mocking manner...
This would be fun.
Uryu just sighed. He felt sorry for this Quincy... truly.
Time Skip
"If I may ask... why are we here?" Jugram asked, looking at Sora. They had visited every place in town... and he did mean every place.
"You are a visitor. I want you to fully see the city, the good and the bad," Sora added calmly.
"Why a brothel...?"
"Don't question it," Uryu said, sighing.
"You never know what goes on inside his brain," Uryu explained.
Three Quincy at a brothel... wasn't that fun?
Soft laughter and sultry music filled the air, and soon enough, a group of women entered the room, each carrying a tray of drinks.
Sora leaned back, grinning mischievously as one of the women handed Uryu a drink. "Hey, Uryu, shoot your shot. Maybe this time you might actually feel a woman's touch."
Uryu exhaled sharply through his nose, gripping the glass in his hand. "Sora, I swear to God—"
Sora was truly pushing his buttons.
"Oh, come on," Sora chuckled. "Live a little. You can't just dedicate your whole life to being an uptight nerd. You're at that age now, don't you wanna—"
"I am not discussing this with you," Uryu cut him off, his voice laced with irritation.
Sora just laughed, taking a sip of his drink before turning to Jugram, who was calmly nursing his own glass. The golden-haired Quincy had been uncharacteristically quiet, observing rather than engaging.
"So, Jugram," Sora began as the alcohol started pouring freely, his immune system making it difficult for him to get drunk, though he did feel a light buzz. "Where are you from?"
Jugram took a slow sip before answering, his voice as calm as ever. "Somewhere far from here."
"That's vague as hell."
Sora was blunt as heck, not even hiding the fact that he was calling this man out on his BS.
Jugram placed his glass down, his reserved demeanor unshaken. "A place where only the strong survive. A place that forged warriors, not just Quincy. You could call it... a boot camp of sorts."
Sora tilted his head, amused. "Boot camp, huh? Sounds like a tough upbringing. So, what? You got other Quincy running around from there?"
Jugram nodded. "A few of us survived."
"Huh. Y'know, I've been laying low, not exactly out here making headlines. So how'd you even hear about me? You a stalker or something?" Sora added as he tapped his hand on the table. He was a bit annoyed he couldn't get drunk... his adaptation had made sure any substance that could weaken him or lessen his effectiveness was practically ineffective. One of those things was alcohol. Another was any type of poison... Reishi poisoning was also on that list.
Jugram's expression didn't change. "I could sense it. The Reishi all around Karakura Town... it carries subtle hints of your Reiryoku. You may try to suppress it, but it lingers."
Sora's fingers froze for a fraction of a second before he took another sip of his drink, making a mental note—he needed to get better at hiding that.
Before Jugram could continue, Sora spoke up. "By the way, not joining."
Jugram exhaled through his nose, as if expecting that answer. "I understand." He studied Sora for a moment before asking, "What makes you so against it?"
Sora scoffed. "Easy. I don't like that whole pure-bloodline shit." He set his drink down, looking Jugram dead in the eyes. "I'm an impure Quincy. Which means if I joined, I'd be treated like garbage, right? I've been through that kind of thing before. Not interested in dealing with it again."
"I can assure you, you will not be treated like garbage," the man said in a rather calm voice.
A/N..this was fun
Anyway, in the middle of writing and realize hm, They might be a war arc, Gabriel force against Soul Society.
Be bloody, a lot of death, I have a valid reason for why the war started, roughly like 50 years before canon.
Gabriel had like an alliance with the fullbring because, to him, they still had hollow powers so they were welcome in his kingdom.
Found out fullbring were being targetted, found out by who.
Demand for soul society to hand over the bastard.
They don't.
The next day, he popped by.
And it's war.
Squad Zero probably gets involved.
Heavy damage to soul society.
I have the match-up in my head.
Like Unohana and Kenpachi vs Grimmjow(he is stronger, he can take them)
Aaroniero and his lesser sin vs. Mayuri squad( Nemu probably get captured)
Starrk starts off with Ukitake and Shunsui, and Gin.
Ulquiorra's face like Soifon, Isshin, Tousen. And like.
Belial fight Aizen along side other captains.
Gabriel fights Yamamoto.
Then Ichibe.
Plus there is like a special surprise and all.
Who knows maybe the Quincy join in when both forces are weak and third party.
I am iffy about it.
Also for anyone saying why I am sending it instead of waiting for the story to drop and asking it there.
Because I am 80 chapter ahead and by then I would have already decided and you guys wouldn't even have a choice, so yes.