The Alpha's Rejected Omega but Fated Sigma Mate

Chapter 10: 10- Why Reply?

Megan's POV 

Waking up with a smile is another first for me, so I send Jax a message, but he does not reply and by the next morning, I am in a depressed mood. My headache is so extreme from all my over-thinking. 

Am I being over dramatic again? Too clingy? 

Red is also now waking up and attempting to soothe my mood. 

 Then my thoughts go to Soren, the alpha, and our one night to the last night I saw him- between Beth's legs. Am I so starved for love that the first person to give me a bit of affection, I become a total psych and break into his house? 


 Ignoring Red, I continue with my irrational thoughts. 

 I'm so lucky that all the alpha did was look at me. Had he been triggered; I would have been in bloodied chunks on the spot that night. Maybe even in one of the cages in the dungeon at the back of his house. 

 Red agrees with me here and keeps mum. 

 Now, I am doing the same with Jax, aren't I? 

  But she does not say any more than that. Possibly because she is too weak and even talking too much can drain her. If she gets tired then so do I. 

 Agreeing with her, I press my fingertips lightly against my temple area, eyes closed, in an attempt to keep them from pulsing too much. This works from what I have read and seen in shows. 


 Grumpy because I have concluded that I might be unstable, I take painkillers and sleep away early at a crisis with myself, over my sentimental state. 

 Roused suddenly, I once again think I am back to the morning in the alpha's bed, so my reaction is to grab my sheet, cowering back with my head bowed for a few seconds until I figure out where I am. But the hurt of his rejection does not leave until my nose detects a familiar scent- Jax! 

 And I realised why I had awakened. It was his smell. 

Raising my head, I see it's him, in his usual wear; jeans- charcoal black today with a beige colour t-shirt and the same boots he usually wears. I leap out of my bed, wrapping my legs around his waist again, my eyes moist from the happiness that surges throughout my anatomy. I do not understand these tears, but I am too full of joy at the moment to think much about it. 

It didn't even enter my mind on how did he get here and who let him in. I was just that merry. 

 "Should I change your name to mopey-Sophie," he chuckles, his huge hands patting my back gently and when I bury my face against his neck, his pats turn into circular motion rubs. 

 "I missed you," I mumble, and his chest vibrates against mine when he laughs. 

 Red, breathes a sleepy sigh of relief, for she is the one that had me terrified when I just woke up. She is petrified of the alpha, disappears when he is around and often cautions me about my closeness to Jax. 

 My wolf adores Jax, especially his wolf but she dislikes how close I am with the man. Even Blue warned Jax about his closeness with me, but Jax said it was fine because we both didn't have mates. He told me that if he had a mate, she would have dug my eyes out already for even smiling with him too much. 

 That had me thinking about our alpha's claim to be my mate. Maybe Red was right and it was a pick-up line of his. 

 Even my headache seems to fade, and I conclude that my happiness depends on being in Jax's company. My one and only friend who is back and seems to have been God-sent, coming at a time when I needed someone. 

 It's a huge strain on him, however. 

 I am not even ashamed of the shabbiness of my room when compared to Jax's, this is how deep our friendship is. I feel no judgement coming from him. "Could you reply to a b*tch when she texts?" I say against him, my words slightly muffled but he hears me. 

 "Why reply when I can just show up? Which do you prefer?" he chuckles out and I make an agreeable sound against his neck. 

 "Brush up that funk," he makes a display of fanning his nose, putting me down and pushing me out into the narrow hallway, towards one of the two bathrooms that we eleven omegas all share. 

 I grin. "Meet you downstairs," he calls to me over his shoulder when he continues walking towards the stairs. "I'll make myself a sandwich in the meantime," he adds when he reaches the end of the narrow passageway to the stairs, boyishly, winking. 

 Nodding, I head in, sneaking a glance at the cheap plastic faded forest-green coloured clock in the bath, above the cabinet- 5 pm. Great, this means the others are not home- only I hear voices when I reopen the door ten minutes later. 

 Frowning, I twist my head to the side as Red listens in. It's Jeb again. Hurrying into my room that I used to share with another girl, but she died some years back, I quickly change into a scarlet crop top and black stressed jeans pants, with sandals on my feet. I do not have many options- I have two pairs of sneakers and one brown pair of sandals but this has not bothered me much because I am used to it. 

 Plus, you cannot miss what you never had to begin with, can you? 

 Brushing my hair, I put it in a messy bun, not caring much for make-up as I have none. I do however have a cheap perfume that I spray once on one of my wrists, rubbing them both together then passing them behind my ears which has me instantly running back inside the bathroom to wash off when my stomach threatens to empty itself. 

 What is up with this acid reflux of mine? 

 When I am halfway down the stairs, I sense something is off, but my wolf is too weak to get the full impact of it. Hearing both Jeb and Jax chatting away normally, I join them in the kitchen where Jeb is finishing a sandwich, nodding his normally droopy head as he takes the last bite. 

 "He likes my sandwich," Jax brags and I am not sure if it's something good because I don't think Jeb has any tastebuds. Whenever he cooks, the food is always salty or not containing salt at all. Sometimes it's burnt but we never talk about it or make a fuss because we are grateful for the food- not that we starve. 

But we have learned to value everything. If we run out of something, we would have to do without until the month's end when we get a fresh new supply of goods. Or if I munch off a bit sneakily, from the packhouse. I only do so if we run out of little things, like sugar or salt, oil this one time, butter a couple of times. 

"Let's get out of here then?" I say, grabbing Jax's forearm after giving Jeb a slight tilt of my head for this is how we communicate. We hardly speak to each other, and he nods back, head bent as he turns to wash up the mess they just created- none, besides the plates and one glass as Jax is having bottled water. 

But that is just Jeb. He hardly ventures out of it. Habits and all, I guess being as he is the oldest omega in our house, he is set in his ways. 

Both Jeb and Jax, turn to the door just as a calming scent reaches my nostrils. Calm but commanding- it's dominating. 

Jeb's wolf diffuses then. It did not talk but simply made its presence known. Never before had our alpha graced our dingy house so I never knew Jeb had a wolf as it never made itself known before. Too weak. It's also possible that my weak wolf couldn't pick up on it either. Jeb's wolf is still active and not non-existent as I thought previously and simultaneously, I recognised the new scent as our alpha's. 

Even before becoming a pompous arse, Alpha never visited our shabby home. His prestige upbringing couldn't be stained here, so it's safe to say, we are all astonished. 

Red goes into a state of shell shock and I do not process why I could sense Jeb's wolf now when I have never detected anyone else's, besides Jax, because our old but sturdy front door opens then. 

Get your butt out here now, I command Red because I need her sixth sense to figure out this dilemma. 

"Where are you heading off to?" our alpha deadpans and automatically my hand drops from Jax's when his massive frame fits our doorway. 

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