The Alpha's Rejected Omega but Fated Sigma Mate

Chapter 11: 11- Alpha (Be-belong?)

Megan's POV 

Red starts whining, her paws over her eyes as she tries to cower away- I mean I cannot see her, but I feel her movements. I am still reeling from the fact that the alpha's scent was soothing to me when he growls, "Answer me." 

And why now, out of all my life, did I suddenly sense wolves? I could have felt their powerful aura before but never their wolves. This is all new to me. 

Disgust is what I feel when I see the alpha because it brings back a memory of the last time I saw him. With Beth's legs around him. And him moaning and groaning out her name in sweet bliss. 

 Red senses my perception and I could feel her courageous stance. I beamed at her bravery and she did a happy puppy dance, at my praise. 

 Another first. 

 My nose twitches when I pick up another scent. It's as if my olfactory system is now being activated. My head twists a bit to the side, my eyes sort of dropping as well from the alpha as I dissect it. Same as the beta and alpha- woodsy, musky, sort of earthly but less. 

  Red wags her tail, proud of herself. 

 While my nose is playing detective, both Jeb and Jax slightly tilt their heads downward then- a sign of submission when our alpha walks further into the room. Jeb is still by the sink, a plate in his hand when the beta walks in behind the alpha. His nose and mouth go up on one side showing me his dislike; either of me or being in an omega house. 

 Possibly both. 

 Both men are built similarly to Jax. Tall, and lean- no fat anywhere. The only difference is, Will is a bit older and perhaps more muscled down and scarred than all. He was a great warrior. Alpha was maybe an inch or two taller than Jax, but it was not noticeable until now when they both stood so close to each other. 

 Even old Jeb is fit but he moves around life as if in a different zone. 

 Then Red reminds me that the alpha just asked a question and I focused once more on the seething man in front of me. "Are you talking to me?" 

 Even the breathing goes silent now when I calmly ask this because all are in utter disbelief that I dared speak back to the alpha. I never understood this. It's not as if anyone means to be disrespectful when they speak back- it's just a question. This makes for great conversation. And anyway, honestly, who is he addressing when no names were mentioned? 

 Will steps in my direction, his ruffled appearance showing his irritation. "You dare-" 

 The alpha growls low and the beta stops his words immediately. Beta Will then furrows his forehead, his eyes on the back of the alpha's head in what could be interpreted as a 'what the hell?' type of expression. 

 "Leave," the alpha commands, and my friend gives me a worried helpless stare before they all make their exit with Beta Will close behind them. 

 "See I," I fidget with my fingers in front of me as the chiselled-faced man stares me down. "You did not mention anyone by name, so I- I was making a query?" I finish lamely, my sudden bravado gone. 

Red's whining is done, and I sense she is concealing herself somewhere in the back of my mind as she usually does when he is near. But I recall her near fearlessness just now and I take a mental note to dive into it when I get out of this current situation. 

My wolf has always been weak because of me but I have had a taste of her capabilities and I want more. 

Radiating out of the man in front of me is his power. He's angry but not fully. More annoyed. Had he been angry to an extent, gone would be the six foot plus, dark hair-undercut faded, straight narrow nose, thick well-shaped eyebrows, thick eyelashes, cheekbones a model would die for, full-lipped, narrow-chinned man and the werewolf form would be in front of me. No not wolf but werewolf- as in the scary things you see on your TV screens. 

See, when our wolf is born, we become a werewolf by fusing the two- the human and the fluffy wolf-like Red, hence creating our true form- the werewolf. We can still shapeshift into our ordinary wolf form but that is only for the wolves within ourselves to mingle with each other from time to time. It really has nothing to do with us. 

Say like if I have the strength to shift then I let Red out to play and run around with er- let's just say Blue, we would be like wolves. Two wolves as far as anyone would see. 

Werewolf- different. It's like part wolf and part human features. Danger, danger, danger. The kill-kill-kill? That's it. And we can be over six feet tall in that form as our muscles and limbs stretch. 

A nightmare to mere humans. 

"Why were you touching him?" the alpha grates out, a snare on his full lips that has me running to place the old greying counter between us. 

My silly movement causes one of his eyebrows to rise, and I shrug my shoulders. This causes him to shake his head in a slight motion side to side, vertical lines between his eye space, as if to say, 'Okay what the hell was that?'. This has me also replying with another stupid motion- holding my hands out in front of me as if to say- 'I have no idea.' 

It's rather comical. It is. In earnest, while I am afraid of the alpha, I am not afraid of him at the same time. 

His head shifts to the side but his eyes are still on me. This time he folds his huge forearms and mutters, "Answer me, Meg." 

My head bends not because I want to but because I must. He is alpha and I must respect him. "I do not need to answer that any more than you need to explain Beth, do I?" Ashamed of my behaviour when the memory washes over me about how I fancied he loved me to the extent where I broke into his house- well technically I did not as he left it open for his pack- not the point! 

My cheeks heat up. Good- Goddess! I went up to his room and stared like a psycho as he screwed with another. Who does that? Crazy people that's who. I mean, the guy played with my head yes but that did not give me the right anyhow. 

And especially how he kicked me out of his bed when- ugh. So embarrassing that he knows this as well and- 

"You do!" he roars eyes wild, with a vertical frown and grabs me by the throat before I can even blink. "You do, you hear me? I have every right over you! You belong to me! Explain yourself, Meg!" 


My eyes widen at the demand behind his words, and I return his snare. "Get your filthy hand off me!" My hands covered his, on my neck, pulling them back. Despite his six, plus infinity height and my five, six difference, I do not back down and cower in fear when his alpha sheen radiates. 

But my strength is puny compared to his. He knows and I know this, but it's the bravado behind it for me and his eyes burn in wrath. 

Beta Will and Lana- a young gorgeous Gamma whose hair is forever in a single high ponytail- come rushing in then. Lana, the wolf I smelt, must have remained outside when the Alpha and Beta came in minutes earlier. r. 

"Get back!" the alpha without so much as a glance back at the door behind us, orders them and we are alone just as fast as the door busted open. What a shocking sight it must have been for them. An omega to dare touch the alpha? 

The stench of alcohol hits me then, emerging from his mouth when he bends his head towards mine, his hands still around my throat, tightening a bit more. 

My outside does not show it but I am frightened now. A drunk unhinged man is one thing, but an intoxicated alpha is another level. Red is trembling. She knows we are in trouble, and nobody will come to our aid. Our last hope was just sent out the door and will never enter unless they think Alpha is hurt. 

We all knew I had just f*cked up. Red, him, me and those outside. Even the alpha wolf I could not sense, knew it. 


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