Chapter 195: Facing Darkness - Part One.
Now readied for battle, they had to find where their opponent should be. Learning about the Potara earrings and its fusion being performed by him and Kakarot, the transformation could last an hour, now they were ready to leave the Kai's planet. Kakarot, ever the social butterfly, was speaking to the Supreme Kai while he stood back, having had enough of listening to their talk. Enough talk, Vegeta wanted action.
"Get on with it, are we ready? Have you found where this dead man is supposed to be!" Vegeta called out, Kakarot waving him off with a smile before continuing his chat with the Supreme Kai, which somewhat irked him a bit.
Heading on over to him, two fingers held to his head, Kakarot called out to him, looking focused.
"Vegeta, will be heading back to Earth now, the Supreme Kai believes that is where the guy Darkness is going, from his flight path. We should head back home and await him; it would be good to see Chichi…" Vegeta grunted. It would be good to see Raven, she could cook for him when he gets back. Seeing as he could not train as to keep their power levels even for the alien fusion, he would have to wait, wait and train his kids now that he had time to do so properly.
"Alright Vegeta, hang on." Vegeta did so silently, placing a hand on his shoulder, not in the mood to argue. They reappeared on the lookout, the first thing he did was glance around, Goku calling out to Dende nearby, waving.
"Hey, Dende! We're back. King Kai or the Supreme Kai will keep in touch with you Dende, I'm off for dinner!" Goku then jumped forwards, free-falling down and flying off. Dende sighed aloud, turning to Vegeta.
"Your wife and children are currently living nearby Yang, Tien and Chiaotzu. Yang is now a mother." he grimaced in annoyance, having to deal with his loudmouth daughter in law, Tien and Chiaotzu after dealing with Kakarot. He replied.
"Make sure you keep an eye out for anything strange, we're expecting company, the kind that kills. And now I've got to wait, the nerve." He groaned, walking for the edge of the lookout, Dende called out.
"Ah, right then. I'll keep you informed-" Vegeta took off, the ramblings of the Namekian milk-drinker beginning to annoy him.
Upon arriving home, his spaceship-converted home, a more recent version, his ship was parked nearby to Tien's place up in the mountains, he flared his Ki and sensed Tien and Chiaotzu not here. He sensed his wife inside with a heavily pregnant Yang, though his brats weren't here, still at Capsule Corp no doubt. He headed inside and went straight for the shower, his wive was in Yang's house so he could shower and then eat with no worries nor interruptions at all.
Or so he thought, as Raven met him halfway there, a hint of lust there.
"Heh, Gohan, that feels like your old man is coming. I know his energy anywhere." Krillin looked in the direction, seeing the silhouette of Goku approaching from a distance. Krillin came to train with Gohan for a little while at first, though instead they practiced each others techniques, to get some variety in optimal moves they could use. Gohan was practicing with his 'Destructo Disk' on some logs for firewood when he canceled the technique. Gohan and Krillin approached where Goku landed, Goku waved at them.
"Hey guys, son, Krillin. Training guys? Well, Vegeta and I have returned home. We're getting ready for the battle that is coming." Gohan replied quickly, interested as Krillin looked a bit worried.
"When and where is this battle, you know I can help, the others are also training to help too. You, Vegeta and Kron shouldn't have to do this by yourselves. Has Kron returned too, Bulma rung up four hours ago, she, Blake, Weiss and Winter have all run. Mom has decided to stay at Capsule Corp, so that they would stop ringing, asking after him." Krillin added, a bit concerned for the tanned Saiyan.
"Yeah, Dende has been keeping up with King Kai, says that Kron has been fighting now for a few days now. His energy only kept at bay by the Senzu beans given to him. Even a Saiyan needs sleep, eh, don't they?" Krillin asked, Goku's faces became serious.
"Yeah, I've heard he's fighting an immortal Cell and Broly, the two of them are fighting together or it's a free-for all, the point is they are immortal, Kron isn't. King Kai said Kron is being watched though, plus he can flee at any time. Now, I'm tired guys, the Kai's kept on talking, I need to get some shut eye, guys." Goku waved, heading towards his house, Gohan looking towards Krillin, pointing in the direction behind him.
"I need to go get some fish for dinner, come help and will continue to learn our techniques further away from the house. Let dad get some sleep." Krillin nodded, looking at the time via his scroll.
"Yeah, I've got time to help, we do need to get dinner running. Marron is in your room sleeping though, should have told Goku that she was there. Well, I'll go warn him then, I'll meet you at the spot you're fishing." Gohan nodded, chucking the logs into the massive log pile nearby with nought any fatigue, now moving through the forest nearby.
My fighting with these two continued on, a considered making a clone, to find somewhere to sleep while keeping them occupied but I had to do so in a position where I'm not followed and then there was the fact that the clone could still be hit by those two, dispelling forcefully from a few of their blows.
'Goku and Vegeta are ready to fight the so-called dark God of Darkness, I believe they are ready but listen Kron. It looks like this foe is on his way to the planet Earth, I'll keep an eye out for this guy though I've been told that the Supreme Kai has an easier way to keep track of him, I'll keep you posted on it. How are you feeling Kron?" King Kai asked, I couldn't exactly reply now, Cell and Broly were becoming real threats to my power. I also felt a bit tired, wanting to lay down but couldn't now obviously.
I Decided to dupe them, before getting some much-needed rest while having a clone continue to fight, I replied to King Kai telepathically as he was still connected to my mind.
'King Kai, I'm going to need to get some rest here, before I fall asleep, make a mistake or die. I'll be a guest of your planet for… eighteen hours, I'll need your help to use my 'Instant Transmission' to your planet. Get ready now…, I've got to distract these two.' King Kai replied mentally, a quick answer.
'Right, be prepared, I'll assist you to reach the planet.' I dodged once more, continuing to focus on dodge during our mental conversation before now my focus on the fight, afterimaged around and sucker punched Cell in the face, flickering again when Broly went to hit me in the back and instead punched into Cell's stomach and his fist penetrated through Cell. Cell coughed up blood, snarling in annoyance at Broly though the lunatic only had eyes for me as his neck turned to face me, Cell and Broly's eyes in view of mine.
'...Eyes." my eyes widened, I quickly reacted, hands to my face hover over my cheeks. This planet had two suns, which had me smirking.
"'Solar Flare'!!" the blind blast hit the two of them directly, overwhelmingly blue blind light assault their eyes, their irritated grunts and I opened my eyes after the technique was used I further used my eyes and fingers, firing off 'King's Scepter' beams fired out of my eyes and from my hands index fingers, aiming for their eyes and limbs, to disable the two of them. Cell immediately flickered off, clawing at his eyes and seemed to be waiting for them to regenerate while Broly took my piercing blasts full on, I was able to disable him but for making sure he stayed down for a bit my mouth widened and I gulped out a large beam, overpowered with ninety percent of my energy.
The beam engulfed Broly full on whilst its expanding energy detonated further out in a domed explosion, taking out Cell though only knocking him further away from the overwhelming blast.
'Now! Concentrate and use 'Instant Transmission' King kai goaded in a hurry, seemingly now readied as I could sense his location, my sensing ability enhanced by his own. I quickly ate two of the remaining six Senzu beans and then quickly made my version of the 'Multi-form' technique, pushing more Ki into the clone to be abler to survive more damage before aiming for King Kai, teleporting in an instant.
"Ah! It worked, I see you've left a clone to distract those two, they are dangerous though I believe that their time of immortality should end soon, when Vegeta and Goku deal with the-"
"-Yeah yeah, wake me if my clone has been dispelled, I'll send another. Also-" I threw my capsule, revealing a capsule casing inside and removed two capsules for my fridges, also biffing them nearby the entrance to King Kais' house, throwing another one further out which made a small dome house to appear.
"-I'll eat my fair share now and then sleep it off King kai, remember to wake me if my clone dispels. I… need the rest to recover and to sharpen my mind." King kai nodded, his arms folded behind his back, he had no shoes on as he appeared to be rubbing his feet into the grass.
Sitting down, I ate more than my fill for half an hour, according to my Scroll within one of my other Capsules for my miscellaneous items and such and then headed inside to get some much-needed rest.
His arrival in the solar system where he sensed his brother, that fool had died to a mere mortal, the planets all arrayed around him disgusted him. They looked so perfect, nothing about them he abhorred places with life, to give destruction his ultimate pleasure. In sight, he spotted the planet Earth seeing it, his draconic form easily bringing him closer to the planet, he didn't need to hide now though and instead, made sure he was at full power and that those on the planet could sense him.
It was too late for them all, they were now mere playthings to him before he begins doing his most coveted past time. Blasting through towards the planet with blinding speeds, he came upon the world and slowed down, coming down like a comet. Aiming for a civilized location, his descent upon the world like a cataclysmic extinction event that shook the very foundations of the world, his landing in the middle of the city causing an overwhelming explosion, as millions died in an instant.
For an explosion, he made sure that the land he destroyed with ease was to his needs, flat and without splotches of defects or ruins that could ruin his appearance on this world. The harbinger of the end, these warriors upon this planet now a mere steppingstone he would remove for him to remain on top as a newly minted super, dragon god.
He powered up, gathering power in the likes of this who used Ki for he too, now had it in abundance, his own strength bolstered by the recreation of his own power, he was singling those here and quite instantly, hoping that Kron too would come here as well… so that he and his 'given' life would be ended. Though for a time he waited, his presence had not gone unnoticed, there were eyes upon his visage, from afar but his presence could not be viewed upon without him knowing. The other, a warrior with green skin, an alien warrior touched down with another, a tail and long hair, wearing what appeared to be armor and a scouter though much more different than what Recoome wore. The green warrior sharply turned to his ally or friend, shouting out a reply while part of his gaze lingered on him.
"Raditz, keep your cool… Why have you come, destroyed a city and killed its people. What is your purpose, what do you want with our world?" the green one went with a diplomatic approach, though it was relatively easy to decipher that by talking, this warrior hoped to stall him enough for his comrades to arrive, to possibly use their entire force to overwhelm him.
What a laughable display, they were nothing now. He had nothing to fear from mortals, he wasn't his foolish brother for sure he understood now where he now stood… on a pedestal above every and all of these-
-The other warrior, a snarl appeared on his face along with intense concentration when he fired two twinned beams from both hands, the purple beams engulfed his position, engulfing him in a domed explosion while now obscuring his position from the two warriors.
The obscuring screen cloud of dust and smoke soon left, dispersing with the wind and shown them that he was fine while where he immediately stood was not even damaged while a large crater now surrounded his position.
Forming an orb of his own, he launched it towards the Saiyan, it went ahead a very slow crawl, it hovered towards Raditz, who begun to laugh, he called out in amusement.
"Your technique is pathetic, too slow!" the green warrior called out in warning, a sharp yell.
"Raditz! Take this fight seriously! Don't underestimate him, his abilities are still unknown-" Raditz threw his own sphere towards the blast, hoping to destroy his own sphere. The detonation happened… though it wasn't how they expected.
Raditz blast exploded upon Darkness's own sphere, though the explosion appeared to be smaller than expected, Piccolo's eyes narrowed on the blast, blinded a bit but his eyes widened next when a sphere came out of the cloud and fire, unaffected by the explosion around it. The sphere, still slow continued to home in on Raditz position. The sphere also seemed to have gained some size, following Raditz without pause. Raditz flickered away, moving around and firing more smaller Ki-blasts from his hands in order to forcefully detonate the blast, each explosion detonating on Darkness energy sphere did not affect it apart from making it grow larger. Darkness chuckled, a sinister laugh as Piccolo narrowed his eyes on him.
"Like my 'Absorption Sphere' Namekian warrior? It will home in on the target, and is quite durable, absorbing any energy, adding to its overall inevitable detonation. Your much more impressive than the Namekian's I've met before, your power is impressive, now then… shall we see how much impressive you really are?" The being, a humanoid with dragon features… features that seemed familiar to Piccolo, he appeared to resemble the-
"-H-Hold on, your features, they resemble" the draconic godling cackled, interrupting, not bothering to hide anything about him for he boasted with fervor.
"-What, the Namekian Dragon? It was one of our first good ideas to attain power… devouring a dragon, well, my dragon features and abilities had grown after I ate my own kind, the magical wish dragon gained me many abilities I've yet to figure them all out as of yet. Your people too, their life energy, we'd drained for a meager boost-" gritting his teeth, Piccolo heaved in anger at his callous words, power erupting from within, his energy swirling around him, lighting bolts randomly wisping around him and the land underneath him parted to from a crater, his energy engulfing him in a large radius. Now floating, he continued to grunt and roar in absolute fury, bringing every ounce of his power to the forefront. Once he was ready, he threw off his magically enforced weighted cloak and turban, his Ki raising dramatically to his one hundred percent full power, his arms, body and legs bulked slightly from his power up. Now that all he had to do was, when ready, raise his power further by using his highest limit of 'Kaio-Ken', which he would do now!
Rushing forwards, hands poised to strike with deadly clawed fingers within his fighting style, halfway over towards Darkness, Piccolo enacted 'Kaio-Ken' times two hundred forty-five, a rapid increase in power and speed and the heightened reaction time allowed Piccolo to move much faster than before. In a split second, he crossed the distance between them, moving swift and attacking with crippling, lighting fast blows, The two of them reacted within melee combat, with Piccolo rapidly launching barrages of punches and kicks towards this genocidal maniac, though even with his increased speed and power, Darkness continued to outpaces him in speed and was rarely, if at all, hit by Piccolo.
Furrowing his brow in frustration, the only feature seen on Darkness's face was his red glowing eye sockets, his body resembling Porunga in regard to his upper body, his lower body more resembling that of a long-elongated snake or perhaps better said, his lower body resembled Shenron's snake-like body. Pure black and evil in appearance, if Darkness had a face, Piccolo would think he would be mocking him with a smirk or something, Piccolo could not decipher his features though as he had nothing to see through.
Continuing to assail with faster than lightning melee attacks, Piccolo wheezed in shock and intense pain when a clawed fist, upon a muscled arm had moved faster than his eyes could track, punching into his stomach and halting his attack. Blasted into the ground splitting the landscape whilst he continued to be forcefully pushed by that punch through the earth, ripping a trail of earth, rock and dirt behind him with his body, he came to a halt in a deeper part of the earth, punching through into a cave underground, painfully halting on a more tough granite deep in the underground. Piccolo wretched for a second, before angered, he growled loudly while hi Ki enraptured his form, a beam of purple-yellow energy came out from around his aura, the beam traveling forth and cutting through the earth easily, creating a larger pathway out whilst the beam travelled for Darkness location.
The speed of the beam halted when it come into contact with Darkness, who appeared to have halted it, Piccolo continued to flicker out of where he was forcefully punched to, now overlooking Darkness's position up above. He launched a barrage of yellow colored Ki-blasts an masse, the spheres rushed down below and pelted his beam that was halted from Darkness holding the beam which appeared to be with ease, his further barrage forcefully detonated the blast, exploding the beam.
Piccolo, begun to power up more while he had time, the blast exploding blinding his eyes though Piccolo continued to sense for the location of Darkness-
"-Hoh-" sharply turning to his right, Piccolo flickered in time when Darkness whipped his tail around upon him, with nought any effort Darkness kept up with him, using not his hands and instead continued to move with speed, flashing his tail to attempt to strike Piccolo. Each whip continued to inch closer to Piccolo, his speed while fast, was easily outpaced by Darkness, he appeared to have no effort at all in his speeding tail whips. Piccolo heard a blast detonate behind him, the blast that was chasing Raditz around now appeared to have found its mark, exploding around him. Raditz could still be sensed though his signature flickered. Piccolo, his eyes off Darkness was a mistake when in a flicker, Darkness caught him with his serpentine tail finally, the strike cracking across Piccolo's right eye and nose, he crashed towards the ground from the strike, holding his face in pain.
Raditz appeared, his outfit heavily damaged, the top of his appeal gone as he landed nearby, holding two spheres in his hands, they swirled with golden energy, 'Super Saiyan' energy and he thrust forward, the beams raced for Darkness.
"'Double Sunday' haaaaaaaaaaa!" Piccolo flickered out of the way in time when the two beams reached Darkness, engulfing him entirely.