The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Chapter 42: The World, Continents

Leus sat at his new desk and picked up the Atlas.

The Atlas was a book with a brown cover, its title was

(The Archivist's Atlas, Basic Knowledge About The World)

With excitement, Leus opened the book

On the first page, there was a note

(Important: This Atlas Magically updates all the dates. This means that the location and the time at which you are reading it are irrelevant, it's accurate regardless)

'Oh? Now that's a cool trick'

'I'm impressed'

Leus flipped the page

(This is the year 2110 of the Magic Era, and the geography of the world is as follows:

There are four Continents:

The Northern Continent

The Eastern Continent

The Middle Continent

The Southern Continent

But before we dive into the details of each Continent, some terms need to be understood first.

1- The Endless Ocean: Supposedly, The Endless Ocean is an Ocean that surrounds the entire world.

It is home to multiple sea routes that connect Continents, however, some of these routes have been shut for more than 400 Years for undisclosed reasons.

2- The Blue River: A River that splits the Eastern Continent into two halves, an upper half and a lower half.

It starts from the Endless Ocean in the east and drains into the Deep Sea in the west.

An interesting fact about the Blue River is that some areas in it have special water that grants unique buffs, such as Mana Refills and Stamina Increase, however, such areas are rare to find.

3- The Deep Sea: A sea that the Blue River drains into from the east, and is connected to the Endless Ocean from the south.

The Deep Sea is home to the most important trade routes in the world. And unlike The Endless Ocean, The Deep Sea's routes are always open and they are safe to navigate through all year round.

4- The Eternal Abyss: A mysterious zone located in the west of the Southern Continent.

Imagine a colossal crater, seemingly bottomless, that's The Eternal Abyss.

It holds countless secrets, guarded closely by the enigmatic Echelon Dynasty, making information about it scarce and elusive.

5- The Draconic Domain: Despite its name, not only Dragons live there, but all sorts of Beasts do. However, it's dominated by Dragons.

The Domain is heavily guarded by its denizens, making passing through it normally impossible ESPECIALLY for humans.

Over 800 years have passed since the last research expedition ventured into the Domain. And for the record, no one of that expedition ever returned, they also left no trace behind.

Today, The Draconic Domain is being closely monitored to make sure that Beasts don't come out of it. And officially, no one is allowed to enter it, all the Kingdoms have agreed on such.

The Domain is located between The Eastern, Middle, and Northern Continents, and it takes a vast portion of the world.

An interesting fact about the Draconic Domain is that among Beasts, it's known as The Turf of The Dragon Lord)

After Leus read all that, he was utterly blown away.

'Wow ... Eternal Abyss?! Dragons?!'

'SO MANY interesting things!!!!'

'Buying this book was definitely the correct decision!'

Quickly, he flipped the page wondering

'Which Continent am I in right now?'

But before he could continue reading, Viorica knocked on the door and called him

"Leus won't you eat something?"

"Oh? Mom? You're still awake?!"

'She was making this room for me and didn't sleep the whole last night ... why is she still awake'

Viorica replied

"Sleep? Silly you! And who will make food for Amethyst and Merlin? And you too? I also need to do the housework and continue teaching Amethyst, I can't sleep now!"

She waved her hand

"Now leave about all these troublesome things and eat something!"

" ... But ... Mom you didn't sleep at all"

"Don't worry, I'll sleep later. Now eat then continue with your studies, I don't want to disturb you"

Viorica kept the food on Leus' desk and left the room ...

Leus sighed

'Mom really exhausts herself ... I want to make her happy'

'Actually, no, I will make her happy'

'If learning some spells is what will make her feel good then I'll do it'

Thus, while eating food, Leus vowed to put more serious efforts into learning Arno's spell book ...

'But not now ... this book is pretty interesting'

After eating, Leus returned to the Atlas

'Time to learn about continents'

(The Northern Continent: The Northern Continent is known for its cold and harsh environment, but regardless of that, countless races live in it.

In the past, it was divided into 4 Zones, and humans could visit specific areas. However, humans can't access it now, and information regarding what's happening inside it is not available to the public.

It is also rumored that some areas have very accommodating living conditions due to natural phenomena.

Detailed info regarding this Continent is extremely scarce. But one thing is certain, various Demon Clans, Humanoids, and Beast races inhabit the Continent.

Many undiscovered natural treasures and legacies of past Eras exist beneath the Continent's ice, but the dangers are immense, preventing humans from scavenging the lands, or so Kingdoms claim ...

Note: No official reports have been released regarding the situation in the Northern Continent from any Kingdom since more than 400 years)

(The Eastern Continent: The Eastern Continent is the most prospering and flourishing Continent among all the human lands.

The Continent is bordered by the Endless Ocean from the east, and from the Endless Ocean spurts out the Blue River which passes through The Continent's three Kingdoms.

The entire Continent is currently at peace, except for the northwestern edge of it.

The Eastern Continent is connected by land to the Northern Continent, however, The Draconic Domain prevents anyone from using that route.)

(The Middle Continent: The Middle Continent is a relatively dangerous continent that, despite its great size, has only two Kingdoms.

It is connected by land to the Eastern Continent, however, that area is a Strife Zone, making it another unusable route.

The Middle Continent is also bordered by the Endless Ocean from the west, and it is connected by land to the Southern Continent, but once again, that area is a Strife Zone, thus, the only way to safely enter or exit the Middle Continent is by using a Sea Route.)

Leus wondered

'Why are there so many Strife Zones? What's all the fighting about?'

'Maybe Dad knows, I should ask him later'

He made a mental note of that and then he continued ...

Only one continent remained, Leus flipped the page and began reading about it

(The Southern Continent: In this land rich with resources, there are two Strife Zones and a large desert, greatly reducing the livable space for Mortals. Additionally, the presence of the Eternal Abyss further restricts habitable areas.

But despite these challenges, three Kingdoms have emerged, and the three of them are constantly fighting for power, resources, and more importantly, space)

Leus took a deep breath

'There really is a lot of fighting going on'

He flipped the page

'Anyway, time to read about Kingdoms.'

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