Chapter 43: The World, Kingdoms
Leus began reading the last chapter of the Atlas ...
The first thing that caught his eyes was a note written in red on top of the page
(Please be advised that certain names in this chapter have been modified to align with the political considerations of your current location.)
' ... That's interesting'
Leus didn't understand exactly what the note meant, but he continued reading regardless
(The Kingdoms of the Middle Continent Are Two:
1- The Vice Kingdom: One of the World Powers, and rumored to have clandestine connections with The Echelon Dynasty. It has been under the rule of the Vice Family for more than 600 years.
In the field of Magic Research, The Vice Kingdom stands out with its prestigious Magic Academies that are known to be the best in the world.
It has a staggering population that exceeds 800 million Mortal and is still on the rise.
The relationship between the Vice Kingdom and the Western Edge Kingdom - The other Kingdom in the Middle Continent - is complicated, to say the least.
It is a relationship characterized by complexity and tension. But despite the difficulties, both Kingdoms have managed to maintain a peaceful coexistence, refraining from taking any hostile actions.
The Vice Kingdom borders The Crimson Castle Kingdom from the east, with a Strife Zone between them.
It also borders the Draconic Domain from the north, the Western Edge Kingdom from the west, and the Deep Sea from the south.
The most common affinity in the Vice Kingdom is the Wind Affinity, and they *REDACTED* The Hurricane Lord)
Leus tilted his head in confusion
'What's redacted? And who is the Hurricane Lord?'
' ... Maybe it has something to do with the Strife Zone?'
' ... It could also be related to the note I read earlier'
Leus continued reading, hoping that he would find answers to his questions later
(The current King is Vincent Vi Vice The First, Also referred to as King V.
King V's aspiration is very straightforward. He aims to conquer The Crimson Castle Kingdom and establish dominance over the global trade routes connecting the Eastern Continent with the rest of the world.
This would ultimately position The Vice Kingdom as the unrivaled economic powerhouse, on a global scale.
However, that's not the only reason.
The Vice Kingdom's official stand on this matter is as follows:
While such ambitions have the potential to spark a World War at some point, it's worth noting that for roughly 200 years, the conflicts between Kingdoms have been limited to minor skirmishes and have not escalated beyond a "Strife Zone".
Consequently, humans have grown complacent and dismissive of the possibility of it escalating into a full-blown war.)
' ... I see'
'As far as I can tell, looks like this Vice Kingdom is an evil Kingdom that wants to invade us'
' ... Or at least that's what the ones who edited the book want me to believe'
Not entirely sure what to think about this matter, Leus flipped the page and continued reading
(The Western Edge Kingdom: Ruled by King Wester Edge, a monarch with no known lineage.
King Edge's rise to power happened mysteriously around 220 years ago.
One of his first acts as ruler was the complete eradication of the previous King's lineage and the destruction of all remnants of his legacy.
At the beginning of King Edge's reign, the Western Edge Kingdom faced a significant challenge: a mass exodus of citizens to the neighboring Vice Kingdom.
However, through strategic measures such as lowering taxes and offering free land to farmers, King Edge effectively stopped the migration. Eventually, the population stabilized at approximately 300 million Mortals.
It has a diverse population with various affinities, predominantly leaning toward Water and Ice.
It borders the Vice Kingdom from the east, The Endless Ocean from the west, and the Draconic Domain from the north.
From the south, it borders The Echelon Dynasty, with a Strife Zone between them.)
Leus flipped the page
(The Kingdoms of The Eastern Continent:
The Crimson Castle Kingdom: Currently ruled by the Crimson Family.
The Crimsons have been ruling for more than 400 years, and they're famous for their unique Crimson Affinity. The Crimson Throne is presently held by King Jerald Crimson II.
Fire is the dominant affinity among the Kingdom's populace.
While the Crimson Castle Kingdom may not stand as a World Power on its own, its formidable alliances with the Stiletto Kingdom and the Bayonet Kingdom—its counterparts on the Eastern Continent—, make it a significant force to be reckoned with.
Apart from the turbulent Strife Zone with the Vice Kingdom in the northwest, the lands of the Crimson Castle Kingdom remain peaceful and prosperous.
Geographically, the kingdom occupies the western side of the Eastern Continent, with the Stiletto Kingdom to its east.
To the west, it is bordered by the Deep Sea and the Vice Kingdom, while the Draconic Domain lies to the north. The Endless Ocean marks its southern boundary.)
'Crimson Affinity huh ...'
' ... Interesting'
Leus took note of that and then continued reading
(The Stiletto Kingdom: A predominantly peaceful realm that is deeply entwined with the Bayonet Kingdom through both political and familial bonds.
It's known that the Stiletto Kingdom's relationship with the Bayonet Kingdom is not only political but also consanguineous.
The Stiletto Royal Family and the Bayonet Royal Family share a common ancestor, and numerous princes from both royal houses have intermarried, further strengthening their ties.
The kingdom's lands are both prosperous and tranquil, supporting a population that exceeds 600 million mortals.
For over 300 years, the Stiletto Family has ruled, with the citizens’ affinity leaning toward Earth.
Geographically, the Stiletto Kingdom is located at the center of the Eastern Continent.
To its east lies the Bayonet Kingdom, and to its north lies the Draconic Domain.
The Endless Ocean borders it from the south, and to the west, it shares a border with the Crimson Castle Kingdom.)
(The Bayonet Kingdom: A serene realm, the Bayonet Kingdom has been under the rule of the Bayonet Family for over 300 years.
Because it possesses less land compared to its continental counterparts, the Kingdom thrives through its robust mining industry and military endeavors instead of agriculture, which sustains its population of 600 million mortals.
Situated in the easternmost region of the Eastern Continent, the Bayonet Kingdom is regarded as the safest kingdom in the entire world.
The Endless Ocean encircles it on all sides, except to the west, where it shares a border with the Stiletto Kingdom.)
Leus now had a good idea about his exact location in the world ...
'Basically, I'm in the west of the Eastern Continent'
'All the Kingdoms in this continent are allies, so our east is pretty safe'
'However, we're getting attacked from the west'
' ... This means that I'm literally in the most dangerous location in the entire continent'
' ... How ironic'
With a chuckle, Leus flipped the page ...
(The Kingdoms of the Southern Continent:
The Echelon Dynasty: One of the World powers.
The Echelon Dynasty is renowned for its abundant natural treasures and opportunities.
However, because nearly half of its territory is covered by desert, the population mainly thrives in a few densely populated cities, except for the daredevils who go out to explore the Barren Lands.
The Dynasty's name is a testament to its enduring legacy; remarkably, it has been ruled by a single royal family for over 2,000 years!
The Dynasty boasts formidable military strength, with whispers of advanced weapons and devastating spells capable of mass destruction.
Additionally, it is rumored to possess the world's most extensive and powerful spy network, further solidifying its influence on the global stage.
Despite its relatively modest population of 350 million Mortals, the Echelon Dynasty commands the largest military force in the world.
This is due to its very unique policy of mandatory military service for males, which lasts "as long as needed."
This policy has enabled the Dynasty to maintain a formidable army capable of waging war on two fronts simultaneously.
The Echelon Dynasty is also the only kingdom in the world to maintain two separate Strife Zones, where it acts as the aggressor in both conflicts.
The affinities of its citizens vary greatly depending on their location, a reflection of the Kingdom’s diverse climates and living conditions.
And while all elemental affinities are present, there are persistent rumors that the upper class harbors a peculiar connection to the element of Darkness ...
The Echelon Dynasty shares its northern border with the Western Edge Kingdom, with a Strife Zone separating the two.
To the east lies the Deep Sea, while the Endless Ocean borders it to the west.
The southwest boundary meets The Abyss, and to the south, the Dynasty is bordered by the Dark Boulevard Kingdom, with another Strife Zone between them.)
(The Dark Boulevard Kingdom: Rich in resources, though not as wealthy as the Echelon Dynasty.
The Dark Boulevard Kingdom is renowned for hosting the most advanced Darkness Magic Academy.
The Dark Boulevard enjoys a close alliance with the Luminous Kingdom, a bond so strong that Light Mages from The Luminous Kingdom and Dark Mages from The Dark Boulevard often join forces in the Strife Zone between the Dark Boulevard Kingdom and the Echelon Dynasty.
With a population exceeding 400 million Mortals, the kingdom’s most prevalent affinity is, unsurprisingly, Darkness.
Geographically, the Dark Boulevard Kingdom borders the Echelon Dynasty to the north, The Abyss to the northwest, and is flanked by the Endless Ocean to the west and south.
To the east, it shares a peaceful border with the Luminous Kingdom.)
(The Luminous Kingdom: It has almost the same size and population as the Dark Boulevard Kingdom.
The Luminous Kingdom is celebrated for its cutting-edge Light Magic Academy and state-of-the-art healing techniques.
The Kingdom's advancements in healing were once so remarkable that rumors circulated all over the world about free limb restoration services.
However, these claims were swiftly debunked by various sources.
Its citizens' affinity leans almost always toward either Light or Water.
The Luminous Kingdom is bordered by the Deep Sea to the east and north, the Endless Ocean to the south, and the Dark Boulevard Kingdom to the west.
Its strategic location renders it both secure and rich, as it serves as a key trading hub.
Goods from the Dark Boulevard Kingdom, and occasionally from the Echelon Dynasty and the Middle Continent, pass through the Luminous Kingdom on their way to the Eastern Continent and vice versa.
This pivotal role makes the eastern part of the Luminous Kingdom a major trading nexus connecting two to three continents.)
Leus flipped the pages ... but alas
"It's already over!!!!!"
Interestingly, when the Atlas is closed it appears like it has a lot of content, but when you open it and flip the pages ...
"It's just a couple of pages ..."
'Hmmm, That's a weird way to use magic'
Leus sighed and looked at the window
'It's pretty late'
'Everyone is probably sleeping'
Leus put the Atlas aside
'I'm tired as well, time to sleep'
He learned a lot today, and he was very satisfied with it ...