The Artful Match

Chapter 36: 36 Protective Charm

Ketan caught the tear and looked at her tenderly. "I have no idea what you are dreaming about, but I will help you rest peacefully." Muttering under his breath, he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. "Rest well, my little hunter. I am leaving your side; keep the wine as a parting gift. It is too dangerous for me to be around you." He touched her cheek one last time, then patted Evaki after seeing how sad it was. "I understand how you feel, but there is nothing that I can do about this right now. Come, let's go, and I will still call you, Evaki. By the time you see her next, you will be able to communicate with her."

Evaki lets out a sad screech, looks at Brielle and sees that she is now sleeping peacefully. It looked at Ketan and sat on his hand obediently.

Ketan left the room using magic and went to the front desk. "I will be checking out now. I will only come here when the hunter is not her. So you know that she is coming, make sure to let me know, okay, Alexis?"

"Of course. Is it just the female that you need me to call you over, or is there anyone else?" Alexis held out her hand to touch his cheek.

"Just her. I don't care about the others." Ketan kissed her palm, nipped with his teeth, drawing a little blood, and then licked the bite marks shut. "Take care of yourself; if you need me, call my number." He pulled out a black card and slid it to her. Then kisses her hand before disappearing from her sight.

She took the card, placed it in her pocket and blushed, looking down at her hand that had been healed. "I can't believe that someone so hot is single still." She sighs as she stares at her computer.

Brielle woke up and looked around for Evaki. "Evaki? Where did you go, my friend?" She looked all over until she saw the note on her table.

Little Hunter,

As much as it has been a pleasure to meet you. I am leaving with my mark, and I will not darker your sight again. Evaki will be safe in my care, as she is mine, to begin with. Please protect the ones that deserve it. After watching, you last night, I know that is something that you will be able to do without me asking. There are not a lot of hunters that can earn respect from the creatures of the night, but you have mine.

May you be safe, and may we never meet again.


Brielle crumples the letter and thinks about the dream that she was having and how it shifted quickly to something better, which helped her sleep better. 'If he thinks that will be our last meeting, he is dead wrong. If he thinks this will be the last time we see each other, then I will just have to hunt down this asshole and give him a piece of my mind.' Brielle throws the paper in the trash and gets dressed for the work night. She pulls out a long whip and attaches that along with her scythe. Then leaves the room, going to the interrogation room. She sees a sleeping Will, sneaks up behind him, pulls out a small bag she brought with her, pulls out an ice cube, and sticks it down the back of his shirt.

"Ahh, Jesus, what the fuck Bree? That was fucking cold. Could you not wake me up normally?" Will turned and glared at Brielle. "You look well-rested."

"Thanks, tips. Surprisingly I did sleep better than normal. The ice is a cruel way to wake you up, but at the same time, it is soooo much fun. Why don't you go rest up in your room, and I will take over. I know that you did double duty last night to help me out." Brielle waved him to the door.

Will yawned and nodded his head. "Thanks, I will see you in the morning, and we'll switch again. We are here for three days or four this time around?"

"Four days because of the holiday that is happening in the night world. Unless something comes up." Brielle smiled and looked at the one report he had. "Not very eventful for you."

"Not at all. You had way more fun than I did." Will took the report and left the room.

Brielle sat down at the computer to see if there were any special guests this evening. Seeing none, she got out and walked around. Looking at the store, swap some things for the supernaturals. She walked around, saw the decorations that were being put up. She nodded her head. Brielle passed by Susan's store and saw Susan waving her down.

"Thank you for stopping. I was wondering if you wanted to know what we are celebrating? I know that the supernatural holidays are different, and today is an important day in our history." Susan was bouncing around, placing decorations all around.

Smiling, Brielle helped Susan. "I'll bite. Tell me. I was curious since it is a two-day celebration."

"Eeeeee, thank you." Today is the wedding anniversary of the oldest vampire couple alive that are in hiding. The Queen and King of the night world. We all felt the shift when they took their rightful place, or at least that is what was passed down in my line of witches. I believe because, on this day, you can feel the love that they share for each other even after three thousand years." Susan flutters her eyes while swooning.

"Three thousand years is a long time to live. I can't imagine what even two hundred years is like, let alone a thousand. So this is day one, what is day two?" Brielle was not completely uninterested and helped Susan add bats to the windows.

"Day two was after they bonded fully, becoming one soul. I should mention that they were crowned Queen and King during the wedding ceremony they had in secret. Day two is important because that was the beginning of a new era after two hundred or so years without a night monarch. So even if we the supernaturals don't see them, we celebrate when they came into power." Susan smiles at the windows. "I will probably leave these up until I feel that I have to take them down. Last year we left it up until Halloween. The humans are always confused by it."

"Thank you for telling me. If I am available next year, I will make sure that I can be the one on the night watch, so I can help you out again. It looked like all the stores had extra help except for you." Brielle turned and looked at Susan.

Looking sad at the ground, Susan's eyes fill with tears. "This was what my sister and I did together. This is my first year on my own. It is so strange without her. Our coven disbanded, and now I am all alone, so I would appreciate the help."

"If I don't get the placement, I can always take this weekend off and come to see you. I don't mind using my vacation time to be with you as a friend. You might be a witch, and I might be a hunter, but I do not see why we cannot be friends. That is if you are comfortable around me?" Brielle patted Susan on the shoulder.

Susan pounced into Brielle's arms, giving her a hug. "I agree. Please stay my friend and help me out next year. I know that would make my sister happy."

Carefully, Brielle hugged Susan back. "Thank you as well. I know that supernaturals would rather die than spill their secrets to the hunters. I hope that one day we will all work on the same team. Where we no longer need to hunt down supernaturals that did nothing wrong and for hunters to not die at the hands of a supernatural."

"That would be amazing!" Susan beams at Brielle, and the two giggle together. "You will want to be around the stage over the next two days. That is where the most issues happen. It is good that you have more weapons. Are you sure that you will be okay on your own?" she went to the counter and picked up a charm, and walked back to Brielle.

"If I have trouble, I will call for backup." Looking at the charm in her hands, Brielle smiled at the silver fox design. "So beautiful."

"This is a protection charm I made for you through my shift when it was slow. The silver fox is a sacred animal to the shifter world and symbolizes protection. I know how that this may seem strange, but the supernatural worlds are interlinked closely. There are some things that I am unable to talk about." Susan looks down, embarrassed.

Brielle took out her scythe and tied the charm to the end of her scythe, and she tested it out and watched to make sure the charm was securely tied on before she put it away. "I love that you told me what you could. I will not push you further than you are comfortable with or what you can tell me." Brielle looked at the doorway and saw that the guests were slowly coming and heading to the stage area.

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