The Artful Match

Chapter 37: 37 Securitry for the Event

"Do not be surprised if some vampires offer their blood on the stage and just let it happen, but if the imbecile offers a human sacrifice, stop him. That will anger the Queen and King. I will be heading there just before midnight to place my offering." Susan looks at the basket on her counter, smiling.

Brielle nods, "I promise you I will not let it happen. I will see you there at midnight then." She left and blended in with the crowd and reached the stage area but hung out by the wall, and she noticed that there were supernatural security guards as well. She went up to one and acknowledged him.

"It is a pleasure to meet the hunter on shift this evening. My name is Casimir. I am the leader of the security team. I was hoping to brief you before the guest arrived. Do you mind if I give you the brief version?" Casimir looked at the human girl, somewhat interested but unsure how she would react.

Brielle listened at first, "Casimir, that will be adequate for me. I just want the event to go off without a hitch. I know that you are not used to talking to humans about these things, so tell me what you need me to do, and I will do it."

"Thank you. We have had other hunters that just did their own thing. Watch out for children and sacrifices. If you see a hostage, you can tell me or save them but take the individual into custody. I have to torture them for breaking the rules." Casimir's eyes glowed red at that thought of torturing someone.

"I understand what you are asking from me. If I get attacked, I might need to rough them up a little, but I will not kill them because that is not what is required of me. I also have a surplus of hunter cuffs, so I can cuff them, rendering them powerless." Brielle pulled out a pair and showed him. "When you need then off, I will gladly do that for you."

Casimir looked at the cuffs the hunter held out and shuddered a little. "Damn, I didn't think about that, but we will make a good team this evening." He looked at the stage and watched as some gifts were being placed.

Turning away, Brielle sneaks into the crowd and looks out for those that might be mind-controlled or brought as a sacrifice. So far, all was well until a fancy-dressed woman walked up and dragged a young human girl behind her. Brielle sneaks up and hits the vampire's wrist, making the lady let go of the girl's hand. Brielle grabs the girl and runs away with her.

Casimir watches and then apparates behind the lady and then takes her to the dungeon he had set up. He cuffs her to the chair and licks his arching fangs. "Do you know that we starve ourselves for three days before this event to make ourselves sharper on catching prey? Stay here and enjoy your time in the chair and the cell." He leaves her in the cell and goes to Brielle.

Brielle laid the girl on the bed and picked up a cloth, dipping it in the bowl of warm water, then started to wipe the girl's face down. She removed the makeup to find bruising. She continued cleaning; when she sensed Casimir behind her, Brielle grabbed her scythe and turned around to protect the girl. "Oh! Do not sneak up on me like that!"

Casimir holds his hands up, "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I wanted to see how the girl was doing since she was not responsive to the situation." He stepped forward and saw the bruising. "That cunt. I will kill her."

"I agree with you, but we are needed on the floor. I will call my partner to come and take care of the girl so that I can come and help out. He is just resting from the day shift." Brielle pulls out her phone and calls Will.

"He-llo," Will yawns into the phone. "Bree, I have been sleeping for the last four hours. What can I help you with?" he yawns again.

"We have a situation, and I need your assistance in the recovery room." Brielle heard him jump up. "I'll be right there. Give me five, no ten minutes max." The line gets cut.

"Will you be okay without me for ten minutes? I do not want her to come to all alone." Brielle looked at Casimir.

Casimir leaned forward and looked into her eyes. "Take all the time that you need. I will manage with my crew." He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles before apparating.

Brielle let her hand fall and blushed slightly. 'What the fuck is with all the male vampires? Do they have a thing with kissing female hands?' shaking her head, she looked at the girl who was still lying down but breathing.

Will came into the room to dress appropriately and watched as Brielle wiped the girl off. "Jesus, what happened to her?"

"Human sacrifice, or at least until I stepped in. Can you stay with her so that I can get back on the floor? She was with a woman, so I do not know what my presence might do to her." Brielle handed the cloth over and patted him on the shoulder.

Will took the cloth and sat where she had been sitting. "I've got this. You go and kick some supernatural ass. I promise to stay with the girl."

Smiling, Brielle walks to the door. "Thanks, Will." Leaving the two behind, she blends in; with the crowd and watches as many supernaturals offer different items. One vampire placed a cup down and cut his wrist, letting his blood fall into the cup. Before he backed away. She watched, fascinated while paying attention to her surroundings. "Yes, Casimir?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay with what you were seeing. It is not something that is normally seen by you hunters." He came to stand next to her.

Brielle looked at him from the corner of her eye. "I was told that this would happen and that I should let it happen. I do have friends that are supernaturals. They can't tell me a lot, and I respect that. When they told me that this could happen. I think that it is fascinating. How do you feel about celebrating the marriage of two beings that you may or may not have met before?"

"The Queen of Night is ancient, and I have never seen her or her King, but from what I have heard is that they love each other deeply. I know that they have two children; as a matter of fact, it is usually their son that collects the gifts and takes them to his parents. I wonder if he will ask someone else to do it this year. I only say this because I have not spotted him yet." Casimir smiles and looks at Brielle, who is a curious young soul.

"Do you mind me asking how old you are? I know that can be a sensitive subject for some vampires. You do not have to answer me if you do not want to." Brielle looks away, scanning the crowd.

When Brielle's eyes catch his eyes again, "I do not mind. I am five hundred and ninety-seven years old. I am an old being, but I love my life. This year I have a basket that I will be offering. If you don't mind letting go and place it, then we can get back to work." His eyes burn happily.

"Do what you need to. Casimir, you do not need my permission to do what must be done." Brielle walked away and looked around at all the supernatural beings running into the werewolves from the other night. "I hope that you two are going to behave tonight."

"Are you the sweet hunter that let these two morons go?' The pregnant female werewolf stepped out, smiling at the hunter.

"That would definitely be me. It is nice to meet you." Brielle beamed and looked at her belly in envy. "How far along are you?"

"Almost at the end, thank fuck. These pups are rowdy. I am Nicole, and I appreciate that you let them go. I will keep them both in line today, and if they act up. I will personally pack my bags and come and live with you!" Nicole glares at her mate and brother.

"No, Baby, Sweet Cake, the apple of my eye. I would be miserable without you in my life. I would not be able to survive without you by my side." Mark gets on his knees and hugs her around the waist.

"HMPH, after the scene you caused her, you need to be punished." Nicole looked at Brielle, winking.

Holding in her giggles, Brielle smiled at Nicole. "If you ever need a hideout, I welcome you to my place with open arms. I will not lie; I am envious of you. Having a baby was my dream, and now it is not possible for me anymore. So please come stop by with the pups, and I will spoil them." Brielle pulled out a business card, handing it to Nicole. "Excuse me." Brielle pulls out the scythe and presses the button, and quickly hooks it around a vampire's neck. "What the fuck do you think that you are doing??"

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