The Boy That Can Foresee the Future

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 – The Chase

Third person pov

Then, Kichi went to a nearby agent and asked, "Um, sir, where is the dormitory? I just passed the entrance exam."

"Oh, you did?" the agent answered back. "Okay, that'll be at the southeastern part of this campus next to the library building."

"Oh, okay, where is it?"

The agent then pointed at a passageway through the building southeast from where they are standing.

Upon seeing that, Kichi responded, "Thanks, because someone might get me for being in the top."

"Okay, no problem, kid," the agent replied.

But then, Catalina, still furious at this, heard their short conversation, and turned around, before shouting at Kichi and the agent, "Hold it right there!"

Hearing that, Kichi, the agent, and the other kids looked at her in response, and Kichi was now even more scared than ever, responding, "Oh, no."

Walking towards Kichi with fury on her face, Catalina asked, "Are you that kid who took my spot?"

Scared of her, Kichi simply sprinted to the passageway through the building and to the dormitory.

"Come back here, you coward!" Catalina responded back as she chases after him.

Seeing this, Haru was stunned, and didn't know what to do or how to react to this scenario.

"What in the…?" he commented.

Meanwhile, Kichi ran through the passages while trying to calm Catalina's fury down.

"Come back here, you little runt!" Catalina responded back as she and Kichi dodged every obstacle along the way. "You think you would get away with it?"

"No! I just did what I needed to do, that's all," Kichi replied honestly back while kept on running for his life.

After turning to the right, Kichi stopped running to catch his breath.

"Man, why is had to be like this?" he asked in his mind while panting.

After a little more panting, Kichi managed to catch his breath, but Catalina catches him and said, "Come here, you brat."

Upon noticing that, Kichi resumed running for his life, before Catalina resuming chasing after him while hurling some insults on him.

The chases lasted for two more minutes before Kichi slip on a banana peel and fell down the stairs, breaking his right arm and partially breaking his jaw. That flight of stairs leads to the under of a bridge.

Upon seeing this, Catalina stopped pursuing and looked at Kichi, who was at the bottom of the stairs in pain.

"Oh, no," she commented in realization. "I went too far."

Then, Kichi yelled out in pain.

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